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Oblivion talk:Fort Sutch

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City of Sutch[edit]

*There was originally going to be another town called Sutch but was scrapped in the main game. However the gate, fort, and soldiers remained. No references or factual substantiation was provided with this claim. I thought it would be best to move this here until someone can confirm the veracity of the above note. --Saruuk 01:31, 19 August 2007 (EDT)

If you watch the credits, the map that loops behind them has a city called Sutch. It looks like it had some sort of causeway or canal or something. Can't figure out what it is. IWon'tFightUndead 04:54, 15 October 2007 (EDT)
I just took a picture for you. =) Clicky --> [1] IWon'tFightUndead 02:11, 17 October 2007 (EDT)
Thanks for the picture ;) You can also make out that there was a "County Sutch". For that matter, most of the other details are different (the layout of Kvatch, its position relative to the road, the path of the road leading to Skingrad, etc.) It would be interesting to see if that map image can be dug up somehow without the superimposed picture... or if it's only in the video, piece it together from a few screenshots. It would be a good addition to the site. --NepheleTalk 20:24, 20 October 2007 (EDT)
I just tried to dig that up myself, and couldn't figure out where you got it from. If I watch the credits (using the "Credits" option on the main menu), the image in the background is just the standard game map, on both Xbox 360 and PC. Could you provide more details on what you need to do to make that image appear? --NepheleTalk 20:42, 20 October 2007 (EDT)
In the Oblivion folder on your hard drive, open "Data," then "Video," and then the file "CreditsMenu.bik". I think you have to have the Bink player to watch it, so I'll link you to the download site: It's free to download and use, with an option to donate to them. Download the "RAD Video Tools." IWon'tFightUndead 18:20, 21 October 2007 (EDT)
Well it's definitely there (and good spot for finding it) but that map must be an ancient one. If you look at the road between, say, Kvatch and Skingrad, you'll see that it follows a completely different route, coming out of the North East of Kvatch. It's possible this explains why one of the Black Horse Couriers travels between Anvil and the Brina Cross Inn (which would be at the junction between the Anvil and Sutch roads). It's your discovery so I'll let you write it up - but it ought to go on the Fort Sutch page rather than this one. --RpehTCE 02:51, 22 October 2007 (EDT)
If you look at the final journal entry on the Mystery at Harlun's Watch page it reads "Burz gro-Khash has paid me the balance of the contract. He tells me that he has no further contracts to offer, but I should speak with Azzan in Sutch (Mistake: It should say Anvil), if I have not already"- another reference to this mysterious 'Sutch' town. This is worth looking into...--Willyhead 11:09, 22 October 2007 (EDT)
Good one! And The Wandering Scholar mentions Sutch in the first quest stage too, although it makes more sense in that instance. --RpehTCE 13:30, 22 October 2007 (EDT)
Alrighty, I re-added the note into the Fort Sutch article; I would have done it earlier, but I didn't catch Rpeh's comment about letting me add it until just now. I didn't add any image because 1) I don't know to add images; 2) I wasn't sure what format the image should be in; 3) I don't know to upload images to the site, if that's what needs to be done; 4) Should I just upload the image without cropping, just the part that shows Sutch and County Sutch, the whole thing with Sutch/County Sutch circled? --IWon'tFightUndead

Previous discussion was moved here from Oblivion Talk:Attack on Fort Sutch now that the comment has been incorporated into this page

See Help:Images for information about image formats, how to upload images to the site, and how to add images to articles. I think it would be best to edit the image to make it as relevant as possible to the article. Probably as much of the image as necessary to show where Sutch and County Sutch were located, but not much more. --NepheleTalk 15:20, 8 November 2007 (EST)

Welp, I did it; I hope I didn't screw anything else up in the process. IWon'tFightUndead 14:55, 9 November 2007 (EST)
A few days late to the party here, but I guess that's going to be the case for a while... could you adjust the image to show the position relative to - say - Kvatch? As Nephele said, showing the location would be good. It might also be a good idea to tell people how to see the video for themselves, but I'm not so sure that should go on here. Easter Eggs, perhaps? --RpehTCE 17:28, 15 November 2007 (EST)
I'll be glad to edit and re-upload, but it probably won't be tonight. I've got more pressing issues with school. It would be a fine Easter Egg, I think.IWon'tFightUndead 18:12, 15 November 2007 (EST)
I went ahead and uploaded a new one. Hopefully the bottom parts of those letters don't bother anybody. Anybody else got opinions on adding this to the Easter Egg page? IWon'tFightUndead 21:57, 15 November 2007 (EST)
It is my personal belief that fort sutch DEFINATELY was going to be a city, and that it was going to be a military base city related more to the Imperial City rather than Kevatch, Cheydenol, Bravil, Bruma, Etc. Reasons for my theorys: 1) upon entering fort sutch you find the unit Mercinarys, not muraders though they clearly resemble them, 2) After finishing the Daedric Shrine quest on the main quest you find soldiers fighting off daedra in a gate near sutch 3) You meet an "Imperial Captian", this is the only one with that name i have ever met and finally 4) The city is named FORT Sutch, not just Sutch . Now seeing as there are imperial soldiers fighting the daedra off it proves 1st that the city was NOT a county like any of the other citys, that it was infact a military base used for some reason with the imperial city (Hence the gaurds being imperial soldiers rather than say "Sutch Guards" with chainmail) The further evidence of the Fighters guild quest journal mistake to "Go see Azzn in sutch" makes me believe that sutch would have been an overall Main HQ for the fighters guild. Finally the Mecrinarys, a mercinary is a hired soldier or guardian, what better city to hire a soldier or guardian than a MILITARY CITY like Fort Sutch. Now unless someone was to say, Email the Bethesda staff from Elder scrolls and ask for a full DETAILED report on what was there, what would have been different, and WHY IT WAS SCRAPPED we would probably have a more definate answer, maybe someone should try it? P.S. to IWon'tFightUndead if you compare the credits map showing sutch to a regular map of cyrodill you can see that the words "County Kvatch" are directly over where Sutch would have been, and that it is also over where the actual building Fort Sutch is. I would also like to Quote the PRIMA GAMES "The Elder Scrolls IV OBLIVION Official Game Guide, "10. Fort Sutch: Ruined Imperial fort used as a mercenary stronghold. One level with numerous mercenaries. Loot: so-so. Objective for Dark Brotherhood quest "Bad Medicine." After you complete the "Dagon Shrine" segment of the Main Quest, you'll find on the surface northeast of the tower some Imperial troops who serve as the source for the Miscellaneous quest "Attack on Fort Sutch."" (Prima Game Guide 384-385)Jew of Gold 17:45, 10 June 2008 (EDT)
How are you so sure that the mercenaries have anything to do with anything other than the DB mission, and that the in-game Fort Sutch mission was created before the Scrapping of Sutch and they just left it in? Personally, I believe they made the mission as an Easter Egg for those who saw the map in the previews, as well as to commemorate the missing city. --CRACK-A-BACK 20:18, 10 June 2008 (EDT)
I don't see what the deal is here. Why does it matter what Sutch was "supposed" to be? Am I missing the point? =/ IWon'tFightUndead 16:17, 11 June 2008 (EDT)
It looks like this is an old conversation, but I'm thinking the "lost" city of Sutch deserves its own page. The quest references to Sutch noted elsewhere on the talk page, the Black Horse Courier rider, the special Oblivion Gate quest, the "dungeon" music near Fort Sutch, the blank highway signs...there's plenty of evidence left behind that Sutch was originally intended to be part of the game. I've also recently gotten back into Oblivion after a 6-month hiatus and have been surprised to see how much interest there is in Sutch in the modding community. If I get much feedback about interest in a new page, I'll try my hand at building one. BFG 04:51, 16 October 2009 (UTC)
If there are indeed plenty of references to Sutch, I think it warrants its own article. It seems interesting enough. If you think you can start something then you're welcome. I'd recommend creating a personal sandbox first, so we can see first whether an article works for "Sutch" before having to create one. --Timenn-<talk> 10:11, 16 October 2009 (UTC)
I'm pretty sure Sutch was a city in Arena. Avagoth 22:00, 6 November 2009 (UTC)
Sutch was also part of the lore in TES Adventures: Redguard, as can be seen here. It's barely decipherable, but you can see the name "Sutch" near Kvatch and Anvil. Nuppiz 22:55, 12 January 2011 (UTC)
This is pretty interesting. Personally, I've always wondered why there wasn't a Chapel of Kynareth. The "Lost City of Sutch" may have very well been the location of the, in my opinion, missing chapel. (And before someone says it, yes, I am aware of the "Nature is Kynareth's chapel" explanation from KotN). It's kind of disappointing that Bethesda scraped it, but I'm sure the reason was a valid one. The Fort Sutch that we see in Oblivion is probably just a throwback to the original city and not necessarily an easter egg. I think it would be nice to have it mentioned, probably as a Lore article. The difficulty will just be gathering as much information as possible about it. Peterpeterohsofeeter 05:59, 12 September 2011 (UTC)
A lore article has already been created. As an interesting side note, if you look at the wiki's online Oblivion map you will notice that the area around Fort Sutch is very flat and barren, which makes sense knowing that there was a city there during development. --Legoless 19:17, 12 September 2011 (UTC)

URL problem?[edit]

I typed "" into my browser, and I came to this, the Fort Sutch page. When I tried "" The page suppsedly didn't exist. Could someone else please try and see if it's my browser, or if the page is linked to the wrong URL? Chunk of Ham 23:26, 21 January 2009 (EST)

I left out the underscore and it worked fine. So did 'mercenary' as you said. IWon'tFightUndead 01:15, 22 January 2009 (EST)
Works fine with the underscore for me. Mercenary redirects here because Fort Sutch is the only place where Mercenaries appear - although eventually it should become an NPC page with the usual statistics and equipment details. –RpehTCE 02:41, 22 January 2009 (EST)

Dungeon music[edit]

I don't know if this is mentioned before, but has anyone ever noticed that the exterior and the area just to the northeast of Fort Sutch sparkles the dungeon music, instead of the usual (I believe it was called) travel/wander music. Perhaps it has something to do with the Oblivion Gate opening up at that place, even though it hasn't appeared in my savefile yet. Perhaps it's just a mistake, just like the travel music in the Cheydinhal Fighters Guild. Perhaps it's worth adding to the Fort Sutch page! — Unsigned comment by Wolok gro-Barok (talkcontribs) on 10 March 2009

Yes i have noticed this as well the music cuts just before you get near the fort--Benoede 17:11, 31 August 2009 (UTC)


Does the Medicine Cabinet Respawn its contents? or any other container in fort Sutch?.--VergilSparda 18:17, 1 January 2010 (UTC)

Hey,when you look at fort sutch on the Oblivion map,I somehow see a little city outline like the city,Sutch.And I also see a road outline.... Do anyone else notice this??