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Oblivion talk:Glitches/Archive 3

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This is an archive of past Oblivion talk:Glitches discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

Complete Rewrite

After attempting to purge the main article from evil, I finally snapped and vandalised the whole page. Thank you and have a nice day.

Just kidding! We have had a problem with this main article since before I became an editor here around seven months ago, and many people, including myself, have made several valiant attempts to clean up the page and make it a useful part of our guide without success. People have some sort of overwhelming desire to tell the world that they saw two guards fighting each other in the Imperial City, and it appears that vanity has won out over quality on several occasions. I have come to the conclusion that the main article will never be fixed in its current condition and that it will be no use to anyone until it can be fixed. This is why I blanked the page.

Now we can have a fresh start to build the page on the right foundation. New editors will be forced to submit glitches to apre-approval page, which should cut down on people who submit stuff in the wrong faith. People who are monitoring this page can remove glitches by citing one of the guidelines on that page, or they can fix the wording and add the glitch to our main article. People can use glitches from past versions if they want to. I'm sure that if we build this in a thoughtful, organized manner, that we will be able to rebuild the article and make it something that everyone will one day benefit from. --Aristeo | Talk 09:40, 25 November 2006 (EST)


Um, stolen items duplicate. --Sir Newb de Mathenay 23:25, 26 November 2006 (EST)

I don't understand your concern. --Aristeo | Talk 23:48, 26 November 2006 (EST)
Let me get the actual text-
"This will not work with stolen items"

Stolen items duplicate just fine (at least on the 360) --Sir Newb de Mathenay 23:29, 27 November 2006 (EST)

I just made the change. Thanks! --Aristeo | Talk 00:51, 28 November 2006 (EST)


In the 'False Information about Recharging Items' section in the Inconsistencies section there is a typo in the line "However, this down not work in Oblivion." --Z-95 00:45, 6 January 2007 (EST)

Thanks for pointing that out; I'll go ahead and fix it. I'm guessing perhaps your account is too new for you to be able to edit the page yourself (the glitches page is one of a small number of pages that's semiprotected because of frequent vandalism; after your account has been active for three days you should be able to edit it like any other page). But in general, feel free to jump in and just fix any typos you come across... the help is always welcome :) --Nephele 01:09, 6 January 2007 (EST)
Yeah I've been on the IRC chan but I just signed up for an account and noticed that typo. --Z-95 01:33, 6 January 2007 (EST)

the arena glitch. when u complete the arena their are to gates each side of u the left one takes you into a wall. when u get to that wall walk backwards into it and that will allow u to jump as high as u want and fly aswell. when your up in the sky u can pickpocket people without being noticed from sergio abbatiello games score 9590 rep 5 stars

Infinite Daedric Hearts

I agree that the entry describing Infinite Daedric Hearts really isn't a glitch, but just an interesting game feature. I'd suggest moving this to the notes on the Confront the King page. Ideally it should belong in the notes for the Staff of Worms itself, but that staff only has an entry in a table right now (at Oblivion:Staff of Worms). It's on the list of items to be added to the Artifacts page, but I'm not sure when that's likely to happen (did I say something about already having a long todo list? :). --Nephele 19:36, 6 January 2007 (EST)

Horse Dismounting

When dismounting a horse (in the Xbox version) the A key seems not to work immediately. The rider is frozen on the horse while the enemy creatures and friendly NPC's go about their business. Is this a well known short coming or likely due to a bad controller? Is there a work-around? --Kalevala 01:21, 10 January 2007 (EST)

-Bad controller, Hit A harder. ^.^ ~Resix

Approaching City Freezes

When approaching a major city and other complex views (in the Xbox version) the action freezes while the game draws in the various layers. Is this a well known short coming or is the Xbox just overwhelmed? The work-around seems to be to use fast travel the minute things get complex. Is there a better way? --Kalevala 01:22, 10 January 2007 (EST)

Well, I've done some more research and experimentation. One: the Bethesda Soft site suggested holding down the A key during boot up of the game in order to clear the cache on the hard drive. Two: I moved the Xbox into the next room outside of the cabinet it was in and set it in the vertical position. While these don't completely solve stuttering frame rates, they helped a lot (I'd say 90% better!) --Kalevala 14:57, 08 March 2007 (EST)

Knights of the nine, Strange Glitch...

I had a very strange glitch with the knights of the nine the gauntlets quest

your supposed to go to the altar and pray for the curse then go talk to kellen

but when i go talk to kellen after this he wont respond with anything other that the standard rumors and what he had said before, anyone got a clue why this might be happening?

it wont let me continue with my quest... if you know how to fix it my aim is rep061190 — Unsigned comment by (talk)

Did you get the spell "Lay Hands" added to your spell list? Have you cast the spell on Kellen? Until you cast the spell on Kellen absolutely nothing will happen. Check the quest walkthrough at Stendarr's_Mercy. --Nephele 22:15, 23 January 2007 (EST)

Loading Crashes

When entering city gates from the surrounding country-side (in the Xbox version) the game will occasionally crash repeatedly. The work around is again to use fast travel to cover the last three feet that the character needs to get inside. Is there a better way? --Kalevala 01:23, 10 January 2007 (EST)

I haven't hit this problem or the "Approaching City Freezes" problem that you describe, and I've spent many too many hours playing Oblivion on Xbox (and covering all configurations: first without the patch, then with the patch, and slowly adding plugins). You might want to try clearing your cache and see if that helps. --Nephele 01:54, 10 January 2007 (EST)
I have (very) randomly encountered this glitch on the PC. It has maybe happened 6-8 times, however I'm not a "fast traveler" so it becomes very frustrating when I have walked around Cyrodiil for an hour or more because there is no autosave unless you have entered/exited a location. Meaning all that had been done since the last auto/save is lost or has to be repeated. So it has prompted me to manually save every time before entering a city. The bug is concurrent in that it always freezes at around 97% of the city loaded, and I can tell when it's going to happen because it will only play the "door opening" noise but not closing. It is frustrating and quite annoying and usually ends my session for the day unless I saved prior. --AlbinoMudcrab 23:39, 3 February 2007 (EST)

Alchemy Glitch

I think the Alchemy "glitch" is actually intended to be like this to prevent people getting infinitely high stats using potions as it was possible in Morrowind.

Infinite money glitch-Dorian: version 2

Originally, Bethesda were supposed to patch up the Dorian glitch(infinite money cheat). What they missed, i have discovered. Usually, if the cheat hadn't been patched, you would have had to kill him to activate the unlimited money glitch. Since that has been patched over, i decided to try it myself. Failing after killing him, i messed about for a while, and soon discovered that this glitch was still active. The only difference is, instead of killing him, you PICKPOCKET him(it is much more helpful if you have a good sneak level. I am a master of sneak, but i mostly get caught after the second or third try of pickpocketing)and you will see he starts off with about 500 gold in his inventory. Click once, and it should lower down to about 400. Keep clicking to discover that it will not run out. If you get his disposition up, the money hes got on him will rise, but will still be infinite. You will get caught a lot while trying this, but your bounty will only be something like 25 gold. I have tried this loads of times, and it has not let me down. Enjoy!

Notes: 1.This glitch was originally found on Xbox 360.

      2.If you didn't all ready know, Dorian is in the Imperial City Talos Plaza District. To get to 
        his place, go straight forward up to the statue. Then take a right down the street. Dorians
        house should be the first on the left.
What you're describing isn't really a glitch. The specifications for Dorian's character in the construction set state that Dorian's gold will automatically replenish (just like some merchants never run of arrows to sell you, for example). Dorian happens to be the only NPC whose gold replenishes, but given that the developers chose not to change that specification when they released the patch, it seems that it was an intentional design decision, not a mistake. --Nephele 14:16, 24 January 2007 (EST)

- Try paralysing Dorian, then pickpocket him.

Serpent's Wake

The entry in question is:

There are two living NPCs that both claim to be the Captain of the Serpent's Wake, docked in Anvil. One is Captain Heinrich Oaken-Hull, who can be found staying in the city and occasionally dining at the castle; he claims that he is the captain, and the ship is just docked in Anvil for refitting. The second is Varulae, on board the Serpents Wake itself, who claims she is the Captain and that she hired a crew to sail the ship to Summerset Isle to retrieve her family heirloom. The entire crew died on that voyage, and their spirits now haunt the ship. (The death of the crew is also referenced in the penultimate Dark brother hood quest Following a Lead. This would itself seem to be a contradiction, considering that you can meet numerous members of the crew around town, mostly staying at The Fo'c's'le, and they're all very much alive.) Finally the Ship contains a "Dead Captain" from whom Varulae apparently looted the sword Redwave (see above), adding a third unnamed captain to the mix.

I know this was an entry that was previously on this page [1], before most of the page was blanked. But in following through on Jadrax' suggestion that the facts should be checked in the CS, I'm less certain that there really is an inconsistency. Heinrich says:

Heinrich Oaken-Hull, captain and shipmaster. My ship, the Serpent's Wake, is in for refitting, so I'm high and dry for a while.

So he definitely claims to be a captain. However, Varulae only says:

This is my ship, you see. The Serpent's Wake. I hired the crew to sail to Summerset Isle to retrieve a family heirloom, my mother's crystal ball.

She does not claim to be a captain. I would instead interpret her remarks to mean that she is the owner of the ship; the ship's owner was very frequently a different person than the captain, in which case the owner was a person who stayed on shore, covered the expenses of the ship, paid the crew (including the captain) their wages, and collected the profits from the ship's operation. And the third captain is just the dead one, but he presumably was the former captain, and has since been replaced by Heinrich.

OK, there's still a bit of an oddity with the living crew just claiming that the ship is being refitted, when the ship is clearly haunted. But that's not necessarily a glaring inconsistency: they may just not know the truth of what's happening on board. And once the quest is completed, their stories make perfect sense; the ship is no longer haunted, but is now being refitted for its next journey. So all in all, I'm not sure that this should remain labelled as an inconsistency or glitch. --Nephele 13:38, 10 February 2007 (EST)

yeah, I thought when I read it that may be the case, my main motivation in returning it was around 5 or six pages seem to link back to here. At some point when I have more time, (I am supposed to be doing coursework right now,) I will go and alter all of them if someone doesn't beat me to it.

Permanently Bound Items Bug

If you like to place items you are not using in a chest in one of your houses do not place them while holding a permanently bound item or while a permanently bound item is in the chest. There is a chance that the item will disappear the second you place the items in the chest. This bug is only true for the Xbox 360 version of Oblivion, at least. Saving game, then reloading will make items reappear in the chest

Mechanics of the Duplication Glitch

I have experimented a lot (in the PC version of the game) with the Duplication Glitch described on the Glitches page and have found out a few things.

First of all, contrary to the description on the Glitches page, it is not necessary for an arrow to be fired into the object to be duplicated. It is not even necessary for one to be cocked on a bow. All that is needed is for a quiver of arrows to be equipped and for the player to be in the middle of an attack action (throwing a punch, striking with a weapon, casting a spell or, yes, cocking an arrow) when the journal is entered. If these conditions are met, the arrows cannot be unequipped - but attempting to do so will nevertheless set the "number of items to be transferred" value in the game engine. This causes the game to skip determining the amount on the next transfer (i.e. dropping items), because it thinks it already has the number. That's the glitch.

If you drop an item of which you have more than the number of arrows, the game will immediately drop the set amount from the stack in your inventory, without pausing to ask "how many"; it thinks it already asked. If you drop an item of which you have less than the set amount of arrows, things get interesting. The game will drop as many of the item into the world as was set through the glitch, grouped in stacks of the amount you really had in your inventory. Unless the amount of arrows was an exact multiple of the amount of items you really had, the last stack will be smaller than the others, containing the remainder - and that is the amount of items that will actually be removed from your inventory.

The amount of items in the last stack will be removed from the inventory immediately - even if one of them is currently equipped and should be unequipped first. If the latter happens, the item will remain marked as equipped; it can never be equipped again, because the game thinks it already is, and any magical effects it had will remain in effect.


Amount of arrows equipped: 50
Items in Inventory: 60 Daedra hearts
Items dropped: 1 × 50 Daedra hearts
Left in Inventory: 10 Daedra hearts (=60-50)

Arrows: 50
Items: 1 Ring of Perfection
Dropped: 50 × 1 Ring of Perfection
Left: nothing (=1-1)

Arrows: 50
Items: 10 potions
Dropped: 5 × 10 potions
Left: nothing (=10-10)

Arrows: 50
Items: 6 Hammers
Dropped: 8 × 6 Hammers + 1 × 2 Hammers (=50)
Left: 4 Hammers (=6-2)

JustTheBast 14:06, 12 February 2007 (EST)

Could someone with an Xbox verify whether this works the same there or whether you can only use this glitch on single items, as the current description on the page claims. I'd like to write a cleaned-up version of that description without extraneous steps, and it would be great, if the 360 version and PC version could be unified at the same time. --JustTheBast 05:37, 14 February 2007 (EST)
Okay, in the absence of any verification that the Xbox version is different and given that the current description of the glitch for the Xbox is virtually identical to what I found out about the PC version, I'm going ahead with the rewrite. --JustTheBast 08:28, 22 February 2007 (EST)
Thanks for all your detailed tests to make sense of this popular glitch. And I think your decision to go ahead and post the info is great. I think it's pretty likely that it works the same way on Xbox; as you said, the basics are pretty similar to what was already stated. I am planning to check it out at some point on Xbox just to let you know for sure, but we've been repainting our living room so getting access to the Xbox hasn't been too easy lately ;) --Nephele 16:23, 22 February 2007 (EST)
Thank you. I left some of the notes from the previous version unchanged, because I haven't personally checked them yet. Also, it suddenly occurs to me that I can't remember if I tested my second example with an actual Ring of Perfection or the Ring of Khajiiti. Would be a bit embarrassing, if the RoP turned out to be non-clonable. I'll also do a new writeup of the "Permanent enchantment effects" glitch sometime soon, since one of the methods to achieve it is an application of this glitch. --JustTheBast 18:44, 22 February 2007 (EST)
OK, I've done some Xbox tests. Yes, unequipping arrows during any type of action (punching, spellcasting, dagger-slashing, bow-drawing, staff-firing) works. As for duplicating stacks of items, the numbers all worked out just as you said:
  • With 19 arrows, I tried dropping a stack of 8: 5 were left in my inventory, 2 stacks of 8 were on the ground, and one stack of 3
  • With 19 arrows, I tried dropping a stack of 6: 5 were left, 3x6 + 1x1 were on the ground
  • With 20 arrows, dropping a stack of 5: 0 left, 4x5 were on the ground
  • With 20 arrows, dropping a stack of 5 (with a 6th one equipped): 4 left (none equipped), 3x6 + 1x2 were on the ground
I couldn't test the ring of perfection for you, though... I don't happen to own one ;) --Nephele 03:05, 27 February 2007 (EST)
Oh, I tested the RoP a day later, and it worked just fine, so no need to adjust my examples. ^_^
OK, I couldn't leave well enough alone and decided to look into one other thing: mixtures of stolen and non-stolen items (inspired by Oblivion_Talk:Expelled_from_the_Fighters_Guild#Bear_Pelts). The numbers definitely come out strangely, but I'm not up to figuring out what exactly is going on tonight. Instead I'll dump the numbers here:
  • Test 1: 20 arrows, have 3 non-stolen and 1 stolen lesser soul gem (all empty), drop the non-stolen stack: left with 1 non-stolen in my inventory, on the floor are 4 individual soul gems and 8 stacks of 2 soul gems (all non-stolen). So there were indeed 20 on the floor, but I have no idea how the grouping got determined.
  • Test 2: 20 arrows, have 4 non-stolen and 3 stolen cheese wedges, drop the non-stolen stack: 2 in inventory, on the floor 5 individual and 5 stacks of 3 (all non-stolen)
Just in case anyone else wants to take a stab at this next mystery ;) --Nephele 03:19, 27 February 2007 (EST)
Hmmm, I hadn't even thought of that, since my current main character is a non-thief and rarely has items with the stolen flag in the inventory.
I've been testing what items are non-clonable, and which of them can be made clonable by selling and re-buying. One tentative pattern (with not enough data to back it up yet) seems to be that weapons and armor, which change from their original state by being damaged and repaired, may become unclonable and can be reset to normal by selling and re-buying them. The items I found to remain unclonable, even after trying this trick, all happened to be foodstuffs that I picked up directly from the worldspace (i.e. tables, etc.), not from containers or harvesting plants.
Hasn't the arrow/duplication bug been fixed in 1.1 Final? --Edwin Herdman 20:55, 10 March 2007 (EST)
Nope. I did all my tests on a patched (version 1.1.511) Xbox 360 (and I'd bet that JustTheBast did his tests on a PC with same patch), and I had no problems duplicating items. --Nephele 21:01, 10 March 2007 (EST)
  • However it appears that version 1.2.1 did succeed in disabling this method. Let's hope they don't disable the scroll method.
I'm running Oblivion on the PC, and I've noticed that if you don't drop the item you're attempting to duplicate before the "You cannot unequip that item" error message disappears, the item will not dupe. With a large number of items in your inventory, this can make it difficult to dupe the correct item. Anyone else notice the same thing?

I'm not sure if this counts as a glitch

but one of the argonians in the dark brotherhood sent me on a quest to kill some other argonian but before i did that quest i ended up having to purify the brotherhood so now my quest remains incomplete with nothing i can do about it.

Not a glitch. Just a lack of common sense on your part. If you kill the person who gives the quest, you cannot expect to get any sort of completion/reward. --Raffaelhookel 19:03, 27 February 2007 (EST)

Amulet of Kings glitch not working?

The article makes mention of a glitch to wear the Amulet of Kings. It does not work. It may be because the explanation is to vague or because it was fixed by the patch. Be it either of these, I'd recommend you change that section of the article. --Raffaelhookel 18:57, 27 February 2007 (EST)

I couldn't get it to work either, so I've deleted the following entry. --Nephele 23:20, 5 March 2007 (EST)
Normally it is not possible to equip the Amulet of Kings. However, there is a glitch that happens if you first hotkey the Amulet of Kings and then press which ever hotkey you chose. The game will tell you it has been unequipped but it will be visible by taking off your cuirass and looking at your character.
This does nothing to your character except look good; there are no enchantments associated with the amulet. It is also impossible to subsequently remove the Amulet of Kings from your character. If you equip another necklace or amulet you will receive the enchantments from that necklace or amulet but your character will still be displayed wearing the Amulet of Kings.

Loading Game Screen - Oblivion planes

In Oblivion, the loading screen you receive depends upon your progress in the game. Whenever entering a plane of Oblivion, you will receive a screen giving you advice, i.e. 'Save often, the Planes of Oblivion are a dangerous realm'. These screens are also acivated when 'leaving' Cyrodil in certain quests. One example is during the Bravil quest 'Through A Nightmare, Darkly', when entering Henantier's Dreamworld, the loading screen is prompted as if you are entering a plane of Oblivion, even though you aren't entering an oblivion gate. This also happens when entering 'The Painted World' in the quest 'A Brush With Death'. It would seem this happens because the game designers made one world, Cyrodil, for general playing, and another world which can be used to create new areas which are not accessible except during certain quests. The first use for this 'second world' would have presumably been for the planes of Oblivion. 14:27, 2 March 2007 (EST)

I found this glitch to be consistent. I am sure there are other instances where this happens, but I do not remember them. Could someone confirm this occurs on the PC and other 360s?

Not quite. There are, in fact, many separate "world spaces" in Oblivion - among other things, each city is a world unto its own - and each of the 278 defined loading screens can be attached to a whole group of these worlds. When one such world is loaded, the game chooses a screen from those that are attached to it. It's quite possible that some of the screens are attached inappropriately; it woudn't be first error left in the oblivion.esm data file.
For example, I just looked at the loading screen "InGameOblivionGate01", which says "Save often. The planes of Oblivion are a dangerous realm." Apart from several of the typical oblivion gate worlds, it is also attached to "MS37World", which belongs, as the name suggests, to the quest MS37, "Tears of the Savior". I haven't played that one yet, but in the editor the cells from that world don't look at all like Mehrunes Dagon's oblivion planes, to which the loading screen obviously refers. Could be an error, or maybe I'm missing something about that world from glancing at it in the editor. Could be chock full of daedra or something that would make the loading screen make sense. --JustTheBast 10:40, 24 February 2007 (EST)
Well, there is one Frost Atronach in MS37World, a.k.a. Frostfire Glade. But it's definitely not an Oblivion-like world; it's supposed to just be a difficult-to-access valley in Tamriel. (In fact, Frost Atronachs don't exist in planes of Oblivion, so even its presence isn't really consistent with Oblivion load screens).
It seems clear that there are several discrepancies in those load screens, but I think it would be more useful if someone was able to better document which load screens and which worlds before adding this information to the article. --Nephele 14:38, 24 February 2007 (EST)
Also, is this really useful information at all, if it has no impact on the gameplay whatsoever, either as a hindrance or an exploit? --JustTheBast 14:43, 24 February 2007 (EST)
One thing these locations have in common is that they all lead to exterior cells which are not connected to the main map. My bet is that Pale Pass, Camoran's Paradise, and the Bravil Wizard's Grotto probably have the same issue. Possibly Arkved's Retreat, though that at least looks like an Oblivion world (complete with lava). It's also possible that all these locations have disabled Fast Travel, a factor which DOES impact gameplay, as it means there's no easy way to cut and run. --TheRealLurlock Talk 14:53, 24 February 2007 (EST)
Okay thanks I understand now. I don't know much, anything, about game programming so... yes. I can confirm the Pale Pass does initiate such a loading screen, and the grotto, which I think I mentioned, also. If I find any more I will write them here, unless you wish to delete this from the page due to it being 'non-problematic'. I am being optimistic in assuming anyone will read this. -first dude ;)

Permanent Bound Armour Development

There is more to the 'repair and drop' bug. If you autosave by waiting after dropping, and then load the autosave, the items you dropped will be one the floor, and equipped on you. My guess is this is because it re-activates the spell when you reload. I think this can be done infinite times, because after dropping the items a second time, just autosave and load again. This may also work for manual saves/quicksaves (I don't know what a quicksave is :S). I'm on the 360, so maybe a patch fixed this, though I did update in January. 14:27, 2 March 2007 (EST)

Two items visible

After killing a dremora, I took the stupidly heavy mace it was carrying, which over-encumbered me. After placing it back in the corpse, I noted there was one equipped mace (on the churl) and one un-equipped. Taking either removes the other. This seems to work with all items, but I'm not sure if it works with all corpses.

Is there a limit to how many glitches I can submit? I have found one more, regarding what I think are referred to as 'polygons'. 14:29, 2 March 2007 (EST)

Hmm? Polygons? They're everywhere! Please explain this glitch (if you're still waiting to tell)! --Edwin Herdman 23:43, 17 March 2007 (EDT)

Okay the 'polygon' glitch occurs if you stand on a daedric shrine while a horse is attempting to attack you. Eventually it passes through the outside of the shrine and gets stuck in the nothingness inside.

Few issues, anyone else have these?

Merchants do not lose gold for buying items off me. The total of the individual sale must be less than their current gold, but their count will not go down after the sale, though I recieve the gold for the sale. The Thieves guild, despite strongly warning to avoid murder, doesn't care that I've so far killed three guards, a jewel merchant, and countless Cultists. I pay my fine at the waterfront for the bounty, and that's that. Nobody cares that I'm a vampire. They don't bat an eye at all.

I haven't installed any mods that effect would effect these things. All I have is the latest Oblivion patch, the unofficial fanmade patch, and a number of graphical plugins. 21:06, 16 March 2007 (EDT)

I was thinking of removing this, but I might as well put an explanation in instead. As for the first, that's not a glitch, that's just how buying and selling works in Oblivion. The Thieves Guild only cares if you kill someone in the course of completing a TG quest. As for the vampire, I think that if you stay well fed, people don't notice, but I haven't become a vampire, so I may be wrong on that point. Th232 21:39, 16 March 2007 (EDT)

All of the things you mentioned were normal. The amount of money a merchant has is their max amount of money for one sale, the TG only cares about killing on a quest or killing a member, and people only notice vampirism if you let it get too high. -- 21:50, 16 March 2007 (EDT)

Training a skill with a trainer prevents normal levelling?

When training a skill with a trainer, it takes a lot of time to increase that skill again as if you had to gain the points for the trainer helped level before starting a new one. Is that a known glitch? 02:41, 25 March 2007 (EDT)Icareane

Only if you don't have the patch installed. That was fixed with the original (v 1.1.511) patch. --Nephele 02:52, 25 March 2007 (EDT)

Lockpicking Bug

I'm experiencing an especially strange bug on the Xbox 360, but I wasn't sure if it is wide-spread enough to make it worthwhile posting it on the main page. Recently, whenever I break a lockpick, I hear a male voice saying 'Stay, go, what do I care?'. Is this intentional for some reason, or has anyone else experienced it enough for it to make the main page? --Madgreatgrandpa 20:30, 30 March 2007 (EDT)

What you're hearing is one of the possible "TrespassNoCrime" dialogues, i.e., one of the things that NPCs will say if you're caught trespassing but they're not calling the guards yet. Why you're hearing it when you break a lockpick, though, I don't know. I've never noticed that happen to me. But before posting it as a glitch, it would be better to have some idea of what triggered this happening. If it's something random and non-reproducible, then it doesn't really qualify (i.e., it could just be that your save file became corrupted or something else external to the game is responsible). --Nephele 21:54, 30 March 2007 (EDT)
I think this could possibly be the product of another strange event, here's what I was doing at the time - I'd just installed Shivering Isles before-hand, and returned to Cyrodiil for the first time. I was going for the quest with collecting Tongs and Calipers, which seem pretty plentiful around the Market District of the Imperial City. When I fast-travelled to the city, I was joined by a Dark Brotherhood Murderer in tow - I'd employed a Mages Apprentice and Murderer to go to 'The Strannge Door' with, but both died on the way (I saw (and looted) their corpses, so they were definitely dead)- so I don't know how the Murderer managed to find me in the Imperial City.

I think it might be something to do with him being in the vicinity (since he's still following my character) - but even when he's been told to wait and isn't looking in my direction, the voice still comes. It's re-producable 70-80% of the time when I'm using a lockpick - it can be heard multiple times in just one session of the mini-game.

Is it to be counted as intentional? --Madgreatgrandpa 04:43, 31 March 2007 (EDT)

Part of me wants to say this seems similar to slaves/cattle in Morrowind complaining when you steal, or the Bleak Mine guards following you around and getting into fights with city guards...I wonder if a Dark Brotherhood member will report you for theft of non-guild property. It seems to make a bit more sense for a Mage's Guild member to do that, however. --Edwin Herdman 18:39, 31 March 2007 (EDT)

To my knowledge, the Murderer has never reported anything I've done to the city's guards. The Mage Apprentice who I had with me was female, and the voice that comes when I break lockpicks is male. --Madgreatgrandpa 06:10, 1 April 2007 (EDT)

New Duplication glitch

There is a report of a new 360 duplication glitch regarding using spell scrolls. Using any scroll that you have two or more of, equip the scroll twice, then drop whatever item you wish to duplicate. The amount duplicated is equal to the number of the scrolls that you originally had (two or more). I can not confirm this, however, since I am unpatched on my 360; me verifying it would still leave the question of whether it works or not on completely patched 360's.

I checked, this does work with the new patch. :) :D :) 11:38, 3 April 2007 (EDT)

I will conferm this on PS3 also.

dose this only work after you install all patches? Can't equip scrolls unpatched

You must tape the "A" button twice. to "Equip" then drop the item

Huge glitch. I think I am the first to find this.

I wasn't sure which area to put this in so, feel free to move it if it's in the wrong one. Anyway, hi. I haven't been here before, but I just thought you all would like to know about a fairly large glitch that I THINK I am the first to find.

I would appreciate if anyone could test this glitch for themselves and tell me the results, because it may just be my game afflicted by this glitch.

Anyway, I posted this on Xbox forums a few hours ago and I thought it might be a good idea to let a few other people know about it, to see if they can make anything of it. Anyway, on with the glitch.

Using this technique, you may also be able to dupe any pieces of apparel you like.

Here's what you'll need: Staff of Worms Skull of Corruption

Anyway, here's what I did.

This shows how to do the "Permanent Corrupted Clone glitch"

1. First I went to Rockmilk cave. Any bandit or marauder infested cave or ruin will probably do. Make sure you're near the entrance.

2. I made sure the area was empty. (Kill all the enemies in the area)

3. Use the Staff of Worms on a dead bandit.

4. Once it was alive, I used the skull of corruption.

5. They will begin fighting. Run out of the cave as fast as you can.

6. Fast travel anywhere (In my case, it was Fisherman's Rock)

7. Fast travel back to the cave entrance and enter the cave.

8. You will find the Corrupted Clone is now permanently alive, and it is standing over the original bandit, which is dead

9. The Corrupted Clone will not attack you, and seemed to say fairly friendly things to me.

Now I'll explain how to dupe apparel (armour) using this method.

1. Once you kill a bandit, place the clothing item on the body of the bandit.

2. Do the previous glitch (to make a permanent Corrupted Clone) and then check the body of the bandit you killed.

3. The clothing item in question should now be equipped to it, despite it being dead. Take it.

4. Kill the corrupted clone. Here's where it gets tricky. You will not be able to interact with the dead Corrupted Clone, so cannot steal the other of the clothing item.

5. With the Corrupted Clone now dead, do the permanent Corrupted Clone glitch again, so you have two corrupted clones, one dead and one alive. Kill this one as well. You can interact with either, for now.

6. Find the body of another dead bandit and place the original clothing item on it, and do the permanent Corrupted Clone glitch on it.

7. Finally, find one of your old dead Corrupted Clones and you can now loot from it. You will not only find a second version of the clothing item you seek, but a bunch of glitch items known as <Missing Name> or something. I would strongly advise you not to take them, unless you're very curious. They may freeze the game or worse.

I would be appreciative if someone could try these out and tell them if it works for them. If not, perhaps it's only me.

If something here doesn't work, I'll try retracing my steps and seeing why. 11:03, 7 April 2007 (EDT)

Inivisibility + Loading Screens

(Moved from Shivering:Glitches)

- Guys, I've never edited a wiki before so I know nothing about format. I just wanted to let you know that this glitch "If you cast an invisibility spell just before you open a loading screen door, say so your invisible once it's finished loading, you can get stuck in place, the invisible timer will stop, and all you can do is access menus, and look around. It is undetermined if you can fast travel when this happens." happened to me on the xbox version of the game and I've never bought any downloadable content, so this is not a Shivering Isles-specific glitch. Yes, you can fast travel, but you can't do anything else, and the only option is to reload an earlier save. --— Unsigned comment by (talk)

- I have the same problem every once in awhile. I suggest just saving alot because there is obliviously no way to fix this on a xbox 360. If it starts to happen too often then just cast a chameleon spell, go through the door, and then cast invisibility. You could also just get your sneak up and go through the door in sneak mode :).

-yea hey I've been having an annoying problem with goblins twitching after I kill them Just today I was doing the "Sins of a Father" quest and I went to the cave where i was supposed to go to kill the ogres and there's two goblins outside for some reason killing my horse, and me being me killed them and I go to loot one of their bodies and i start hearing this thumping so i go to look and i see this goblin having the biggest seizure Iv'e ever seen I tried everything to stop it, I grabbed it I hit it w/ my sword I cast spells at it I even saved and re-loaded and it was still going on i also went and fininshed the rest of my TG quests and came back and it was still there. Is there a reason Why this happens? I have also had this problem with mountain lions. My character is a level 39 going on 40 mage if that changes anything.

Can't Grab the Sigil Stone

Sometimes you are unable to activate the Sigil Stone and destroy the gate. This has happened to me twice: One northwest of Anvil and another around Skingrad. I have tried killing all the enemies in the gate and restarting. Nothing works...Anybody know how to fix this?

I have had this happen and it's a nasty little glitch.The only way to correct the problem is to load a previous save before you entered that particular gate.Any saves within the Oblivion Realm will also be glitched.Once I reloaded a save before entering the gate I went in and took the Sigil Stone without a problem. In the future be sure and save just outside any Oblivion Gate before you enter it and keep that save available until after you have the Sigil Stone.

Yep i have just discovered this nasty glitch after 300+ hours of gameplay and I dont have any saves outside of the gate so basically im screwed! I will never ever buy another Bethesda game again after suffering problems in ES3 also!! Bad programming and not enough full length game testing! Bring on The Darkness.

Skill Book Glitch

I'm playing on the 360 and am level 42 and have all mods except SI installed. I recently discovered that skill books no longer raise any of my skills. I'm sure I've never read them before because my Statistics page raises the number of books read stat but not the skill book stat. This was tested on The Biography of the Wolf Queen from Armand Christophe's chest, The Wolf Queen v5 from Hastrel Ottus's house, and The Refugees from the First Edition bookstore in the market district. Has anyone else run into this problem? Or know how to fix it? — Unsigned comment by (talk)

Any chance your skills are already at 100? Skill books have no effect if your skill is already at 100. --NepheleTalk 20:12, 22 April 2007 (EDT)
No none of the skills involved with these books was 100, my speechcraft skill was 96 and my hand-to-hand skill was 26.— Unsigned comment by (talk)

You can read the same book over and over again and it will register each time as a book you've read so the list can say you read one hundred books when you actually read one book one hundred times.My guess is you already read the books your referring to and forgot.

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