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Oblivion talk:Hircine

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Finishing Quest Early?[edit]

However, this can be used to your advantage, if you slay the Unicorn before you are level 17 and take the horn you can return to the Shrine and start Hircine's quest and instantly finish it.

I can't find any confirmation of this information. Checking the scripts, I don't see any loopholes that start the quest if you kill the unicorn. And checking in-game, my level 12 character got the Unicorn Horn, went to Hircine's shrine and... nothing. Can anyone provide any extra details, or is this just fiction? --NepheleTalk 03:39, 26 February 2008 (EST)

I assume he meant return to the Shrine when you ARE level 17 19:10, 1 February 2010 (UTC)

Killing the Unicorn with fall damage[edit]

It's safe and easy, and takes almost no skill -- but will it work for someone with really low Acrobatics? Or, perhaps a better question: is it possible to take fall damage while on horseback?

Yes, for the horse. 06:41, 1 September 2008 (EDT)

Glitches in game?[edit]

Is this the guy who gives you the stone dog thing? I heard there was a glitch for one of them, it was him or Clavicus Vile. Please let me know so I can avoid the crash! — Unsigned comment by (talk)

No, this is Hircine. You are refering to Barbas, Clavicus Vile's dog. Try checking out his page. --SerCenKing 04:53, 7 March 2009 (EST)


(moved from the article)

Rode the unicorn early in the game and placed him in the corral at Cheydinhal. Later found the Shrine of Hircine and started the quest. The map shows a green arrow in the forest near the road just southwest of Cheydinhal, but the unicorn is not there. He is also no longer in the corral or in Harcane Grove. The green arrow never moves. My advice....either wait to mess with the unicorn until after starting this quest or have your fun with him and them kill him and take his horn for later.

Unicorn Killed by Random Oblivion Gate?[edit]

I have a question about the unicorn being killed by a random oblivion gate. I was completing Hircine's quest and went to Harcane Grove only to discover that the unicorn was already dead. It had apparently been killed when a random Oblivion gate spawned directly on top of Harcane Grove, or perhaps it was killed by a daedric creature near the Oblivion gate. I was wondering if anyone else had experienced this turn of events, or if it was something specific to my own game. Vaheidra 03:13, 17 July 2010 (UTC)

That may have happened, are you sure you didn't kill it already? (good indicator would be if you have already found the area on your map)--Corevette789 04:33, 17 July 2010 (UTC)
I had already found the location, and I remember being attacked and chased by the unicorn the first time I went through the Grove. I wasn't prepared to fight, so I ran away from it. I think I went inside an inn or something and it stopped chasing me. So I know I didn't already kill it (I was really low-level at the time I ran into it. I tried to attack it, but wasn't doing any real damage, which is why I ran). I was just surprised when I went back and it was dead next to an Oblivion Gate.Vaheidra 17:51, 17 July 2010 (UTC)
My bet is it was the gate then. It has been known to happen, I have heard of it about 3 times on IRC.--Corevette789 18:33, 17 July 2010 (UTC)

I found the unicorn dead in the grove, with no Oblivion gates nearby, no idea what killed it.

Invincible worshippers.[edit]

"The three invincible worshippers will kill the minotaurs for you." Do you mean they are all essential? If it is so, you are wrong. The only essential worshippers on almost all Daedric shrines except The Peryite's Shrine are the quest-givers(one per shrine). After the completion of corresponding quest they lose the "essential" status. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 1 jun 2011

"Invincible" means they cannot be killed. According to the NPC pages, they are essential until the quest is over. --Brf 21:29, 1 June 2011 (UTC)

I'm sorry, but you don't get it. There is only one invincible worshipper at Hircine's shrine. The one that explains you what to do in order to summon Hircine. Check for yourself. Unless you have heavily modded game, I'm right. I just checked. Only Vajhira is essential. Boroneth and Hunting Tail are not.

You're right - only one of them (Vajhira) is essential. I've replaced the tip with a general one about essential followers. rpeh •TCE 22:49, 1 June 2011 (UTC)


"If you approach the minotaurs without drawing a weapon, the Unicorn will attack them as soon as they start attacking you; the Unicorn is likely to defeat the minotaurs."
I'm sorry for being rude but the smart-ass theoreticians who are too lazy to test their ideas are annoying. Yesterday and today I did three tests that proved the quoted statement wrong. All tests were done at character level 17.
Test #1:
I approached the Unicorn without drawing a weapon(I had it equipped). The minotaurs started swinging their warhammers at me and Unicorn stood still doing nothing.
Test #2:
I reloaded the same saved game(out of minotaurs sight in Harcane Grove). It was the same as previous, but I mounted Unicorn, rode away and dismounted it. Unicorn started to attack something that turned out to be brown bear. The Brown Bear defeated previously unharmed Unicorn and had about 30% of its health left. So we can add that a brown bear can do the job of killing a Unicorn for you.
Test #3:
Similar as previous ones but unicorn was dismounted far away from brown bear. Unicorn stood still despite minotaurs swinging warhammers at me.
And finally:
"Unicorn is likely to defeat the minotaurs."
Oh, really? Even if this smart-ass theory works, don't forget that unicorn and minotaurs are present at any level and at lower levels minotaurs can all have silver warhammers. In this case, if all of them start fighting Unicorn the latter will most likely get staggered and killed without any loss on minotaur's side.
The quote must be removed and replaced by statement about brown bear after more opinions appear.
MTS 17:14, 6 June 2011 (UTC)
If there's no answer, I'm removing "If you approach the minotaurs without drawing a weapon, the Unicorn will attack them as soon as they start attacking you; the Unicorn is likely to defeat the minotaurs." The reason is because the statement has been proven false.
MTS 17:59, 8 June 2011 (UTC)

Time of day?[edit]

Can you only activate the shrine at a certain time of day? I can't seem to activate it. 04:22, 16 September 2011 (UTC)Selias

are you level 17 and have a bear/wolf pelt? (Eddie The Head 11:10, 23 September 2011 (UTC))

Where's my unicorn?[edit]

I remember running into the grove and finding the unicorn and the three minotuars. I was about level two so I ran away and continued on with the game. Then later I try to do Hircine's little quest, but when I went back to the grove the minotuars were there and not the unicorn. The green arrow just leads me into the center of the grove and the unicorn's not there. I searched around but it's nowhere. Does anyone know what happened? Is there a code to get the unicorn back? Help!!! — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 23 September 2011

Try this:
prid 0001EC59
moveto player
OngoingwhyTalk 11:08, 23 September 2011 (UTC)

Glitched the Quest.[edit]

Hey whatsup guys well I got a big issue I was recently doing the hircines quest and well I didn't no u had to get pthe unicorn horn .. well anyway I was walking threw harcane grove and I had my weapon out the unicorn attacks me so I run all the way to this ruin calld nenyond twyll so I go inside with the unicorn behind me I go in nenyoond twyll for a bit I go back out the unicorn is missing so my point is...while I am doing the quest for hircine the map marker for the unicorn is at nenyond twyll so I go there no unicorn insite but the map marker is green on nenyond twyll but still no unicorn .. I got inside to see if it gliched and maybe ended up inside nope .. can't find the unicorn so I need some help ... o and he didn't return back to harcane grove so this is a issue .?? Help plzz. — Unsigned comment by Sheldon91 (talkcontribs)

Moved this here since it wasn't on the right talk page. Lord Eydvar Talk|Contribs
If you're on a PC, open the Console and type in player.moveto 1EC59. That should take you right to wherever the unicorn is. If you get there and there's no unicorn, it's dead. If that's the case, you'll have to do the following:
prid 1EC59
resurrect 1
and then kill it again. (Not 100% sure if that's all necessary, but better safe than sorry.)
If you're not on a PC, it's entirely possible that the unicorn has fallen through the map or gotten into some hard-to-find place. In that case, you're better off loading an earlier game. Robin Hood  (talk) 19:28, 22 February 2013 (GMT)
Don't have a save point .... that goes back that far
And I have the ps3 version
--Sheldon91 (talk) 20:11, 22 February 2013 (GMT)
In that case, you're probably out of luck. With a game like Oblivion, where there are so many bugs, and even non-bugs that can nevertheless cause things to go awry, it's a good idea to always keep some older games around. The habit I got into was to make a permanent save at the end of the day, or after an important event, then just use auto-saves/quick-saves most of the rest of the time. Robin Hood  (talk) 21:26, 22 February 2013 (GMT)