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Oblivion talk:People

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Archive 1: Sep 2006 - Nov 2006
Archive 2: Mar 2007 - Aug 2007

NPC vs. People categories[edit]

I'd like to propose a minor change to the categorization of the NPC pages. I think that all single-NPC pages should be in the Category:Namespace-NPCs category, while the Category:Namespace-People category would be reserved for pages giving lists of people, such as Oblivion:Anvil People, or pages about generic NPCs, such as Oblivion:Bandit. Since this is all now included in the NPC Summary template, it would be a fairly simple change to make, but with site-wide consequences, so I don't want to do this without some consensus. (I plan to do the same for Morrowind.) Any opinions on the matter? --TheRealLurlock Talk 10:55, 27 March 2007 (EDT)

I noticed there's also discussion about this at User_talk:TheRealLurlock#NPCs_vs_People so now I'm confused about what the status is of this proposal. And what's the plan now for Template:NPC Summary? Should it automatically put both Oblivion and Morrowind people (and then also Tribunal, Bloodmoon, etc people) into the NPCs category? --Nephele 01:54, 30 March 2007 (EDT)

well if you think about it alot of people who come here don't know what a NPC is but they know what people are so i say leave it as people.--GUM!!! 18:22, 20 March 2010 (UTC)

Shivering Isles People[edit]

Could a more experienced/talented editor tweak the Shivering Isles People section for me? I put the info in, but I'm not sure how to make it prettier. --GuildKnight (Talk) contribs 22:34, 12 April 2007 (EDT)

Do we really want a listing here of all the Shivering Isles people? It seems somewhat redundant with Shivering:People, and I'm not sure how much use it would be. I could see listing any Shivering Isles people who are added within Tamriel (i.e., Belmyne Breleth, Gaius Prentus, and S'fara) to this page, just so that you can find the name here of anyone you're likely to encounter in Tamriel. But once you've gone through the portal, I'd say that readers should just check Shivering:People to find anyone they're looking for. --NepheleTalk 23:18, 12 April 2007 (EDT)
Makes sense... That's why I love the wiki - I'll revert it and add a note to check Shivering:People for people added.

Voice Actors[edit]

I was looking at imdb the other day, and I was wondering if it was worth making a subsection somewhere for the voice actors. I mean, the Uriel Septim page tells us that Patrick Stewart voiced him. Maybe we could just have a catch-all page with the actors listed along with the characters they play. Something similar to I, for one, had no idea that Orc females were played by Wonder Woman. Chump 01:40, 23 April 2007 (EDT)

Jer Lee[edit]

So I was grabbing screenshots of various NPCs as part of my private project to get images of everything, and I grabbed one of an Argonian character called Jer Lee. I can't find any reference to him anywhere in here. I snapped him in the Imperial City but of course now I can't find him again. Has anybody else seen this guy? BTW - I have a couple of mods installed but none of the official addins at the moment (won't install on 64-bit Windows, grrr). Rpeh 02:57, 31 May 2007 (EDT)

UPDATE: Workaround for 64-bit Windows found: see here. Rpeh 11:44, 31 May 2007 (EDT)
I think he must being coming from one of your mods. There definitely isn't anyone with the name "Jer Lee" in the Oblivion.esm file. There isn't even anyone named "Jer" or "Lee". BTW, thanks for all the new screenshots! --NepheleTalk 10:13, 31 May 2007 (EDT)
My bad. After reading your post I had a little look - it comes from the Verona House mod. Err... and it's not a cheat, honest! Rpeh 11:32, 31 May 2007 (EDT)

Avita Vesina[edit]

This is a question about gameplay and I dont know where else to post. After completing Knights of the Nine quest I spoke with Avita Vesina and asked her to "follow me" the only problem is now every time I talk to her the topic of "go away" is not there. I've tried to get creatures to take care of her but they just knock her unconcious and she gets back up. I've even tried killing her but she will not die or leave me alone, I also tried slipping her a poisoned apple which she won't eat and is still her her pocket, does anyone have any suggestions?? Please tell me there is a way to get rid of her.

See here.--LordDagon 06:20, 2 March 2008 (EST)

Not in game npcs[edit]

I found npcs like prince humperdink and shows-his-arrow-quickly in the hall of combat in the testinghall. — Unsigned comment by (talk)

Those areas are not considered to be part of the game, therefore the NPCs are labeled as not being in the game. Testing areas that are only accessbible by cheats such as the coc Console command are not supposed to ever be accessed by players. --NepheleTalk 03:16, 18 November 2007 (EST)

Dewey decimal[edit]

Where in the test area can you find him? (i.e. in one of the houses, in the Cloud Ruler Temple up the hill,...) Is there anything special about him? (like dialogue, appearance,...)--LordDagon 06:20, 2 March 2008 (EST)

I believe he is in Hawkhaven ('coc testinghall' and go through the door). I don't think he has any unique dialogue. --Gaebrial 05:23, 3 March 2008 (EST)
Allright, but I don't see what the Testinghall (playing on the Xbox - never been there, so forgive me if i'm wrong) has to do with the Frostcrag Spire glitch area, like the article states.
Go East from the Bruma Test Area. Eventually, you'll find an area with scorch marks. Dewey's right in the middle of it. 02:23, 12 January 2012 (UTC)

Mehrunes'razor people[edit]

What about adding the Morag Tong Assasssin? And the Forgemaster? And the Drothmeri Commander?--LordDagon 12:42, 28 March 2008 (EDT)

those are listed on the plug-in people page(i think)--GUM!!! 17:26, 20 March 2010 (UTC)

RefID Redundancy[edit]

I've just noticed that the RefID now displays twice on all Oblivion NPCs, once in the parentheses on the top of the table, and again in the "RefID" field in the table. While this parentheses ID makes sense for Morrowind NPCs (which only have one ID), it seems redundant on Oblivion NPCs when the same information is given on the same infobox just a few cells down. (And in much easier-to-read format, too.) I have three possible suggestions for dealing with this. A.) Replace the parentheses ID on the top with the NPC's EditorID. Sure, this ID is useless outside of the Construction Set, but knowing it can make NPCs easier to find there if you're looking for them. And it would make the pages more consistant in appearance with the Morrowind pages, at the very least. B.) We could replace it with the pronunciation guide for the character, though I'm not really sure how necessary that is, especially on the more minor characters whose names are never actually pronounced in-game, so it might be hard to know what's the correct pronunciation. Or C.) We could just kill the parentheses entirely on Oblivion pages, and have the top bar display the name only. Any of these solutions would solve the problem of redundancy on Oblivion NPC infoboxes. Option C.) is by far the easiest, since it only requires a single well-aimed template-change. Options A.) and B.) would require somebody to enter in the info on all the pages, and given that neither the EditorID nor the pronunciation is all that useful, might just be a lot of work for not much benefit. What do people think about this? --TheRealLurlock Talk 00:39, 30 April 2008 (EDT)

Bringing back dead NPCs[edit]

I have the 360 version of oblivion and when I first got it, I had no idea which NPC was useful for what. So, I accidentaly killed the guy who sells Rosethorn Mannor to you. When I finally realized what he was used for, It was too long ago to re-load a save! I was just wondering if there was any way to bring him back. — Unsigned comment by A piece of cheese (talkcontribs) on 25 June 2008

Killing people tends to have consequences, and tends to be irreversible (in real life, and on the Xbox 360 and PS3 at least). --NepheleTalk 13:05, 25 June 2008 (EDT)

Different realms[edit]

Discussion moved from Oblivion talk:Places).

If I have Shivering Isles and I'm currently in Cyrodiil, Does everything keep up with me (like NPCs kill each other, NPCs follow their schedules, ect.) or pause/stop their activities until I enter the other realm?No-Name 22:36, 22 July 2008 (EDT)

im pretty sure they keep up with you because i did the miscellaneous quest imperial corruption and i went into the Shivering Isles when Audens Avidius was in jail. when i came out, he had broken out of jail and was at the gate ready to kill me(although he was the one who ended up dead:)) Goldbrand43 21:37, 24 August 2008 (EDT)

The schedules will still run. The NPCs will just go about their daily activities, but they will ignore each other. This means that the interaction you witness when you are around NPCs do not occur, so no NPC will steal from another (or being detected doing so) and no killings. Entering a different realm has no effect on this. --Timenn < talk > 03:54, 25 August 2008 (EDT)

People with Best Leveled Armor/Weapons[edit]

There should be a page listing people with the best available armor/weapons for your level such as Mazoga the Orc or Seridur's bodyguard, it would be REALLY helpful. 20:44, 18 August 2009 (UTC)

There already are such lists; at Oblivion:Armor and Oblivion:Weapons. --Timenn-<talk> 10:08, 19 August 2009 (UTC)

Caged NPC's[edit]

Can someone tell me the names of some NPC's in Oblivion that are trapped in a cage or just trapped somewhere, thanks ^_^Mor'tar'iit 00:06, 8 April 2010 (UTC)

Like, Menien Goneld? He's the only one I can think of.--Arch-Mage MattTalk 00:18, 8 April 2010 (UTC)
Or do you mean trapped as in you can save? Like Dar-Ma or Farwil Indarys or Amusei (during the Lost Histories quest)?
There are multiple prisoners in the castle prisons, Valen Dreth, who you meet at the beginning of the game, and Jeelius, who is trapped in the hidden shrine to Mehrunes Dagon. If you have SI installed, there are also various Victims in Xaselm, who are all in cells. -DevotedInsanity 00:24, 8 April 2010 (UTC)

Thank you guys, this is perfect ^_^Mor'tar'iit 00:43, 8 April 2010 (UTC)

Count Tyrone Rugen[edit]

Could this NPC have been leftover from when the city of Sutch was intended to be featured in the game? It seems likely to me. Bauglir100 00:28, 11 March 2012 (UTC)

Possibly he could be, since Sutch was intended to be a whole settlement/town, and each relative town in Tamriel has their own respective count/countess. Since he doesn't appear in game, his details must still remain in the CS despite being removed from the final game. Helenaannevalentine 00:53, 11 March 2012 (UTC)
OP here, posting this way since I'm not able to access my account. In the years that passed since I posted this, I've discovered that the Count Tyrone Rugen NPC has nothing to do with Sutch or being an actual count. In fact, his name is simply a reference to the movie The Princess Bride, just like how several other Test NPCs are named after characters from movies. 13:27, 27 November 2020 (UTC)

Strange Breton[edit]

While I was heading toward Bravil, I saw a weird male Breton with white hair and wearing a green and blue outfit chasing deer. His name was John-Pierre Leonard or something like that, since I couldn't keep up with him to activate dialogue. Has anyone ever encountered this? — Unsigned comment by Awsomedawg (talkcontribs) at 17:26 on 21 May 2013

Jean-Pierre Lemonds and Daenlin hunt together on Sundas. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 18:08, 21 May 2013 (GMT)
Oh, I got his name wrong, but thanks for the info! — Unsigned comment by Awsomedawg (talkcontribs) at 12:04 on 23 May 2013

Marus Antonius and Nelos Seleno[edit]

Recently discovered these 2 NPCs ,1 Imperial and the other Dark Elf, on the making of video. They have unique voices and dialogue not heard in the final game and I was curious as to whether or not there was anything left of them. My previous searches in the CS found nothing, but I may have missed something. Can somebody please confirm if they're in the game or not and if they are, can they be placed back? Xbox99 13:46, 16 February 2015

M'aiq the Liar[edit]

Is there any reason (besides an oversight) that M'aiq the Liar isn't listed on this page? — Wolfborn(Howl) 11:05, 3 January 2021 (UTC)

Since no one has responded, I've gone ahead and added M'aiq to the Other category. — Wolfborn(Howl) 12:15, 8 March 2021 (UTC)
Nice catch, thanks for adding it. —⁠Legoless (talk) 14:09, 8 March 2021 (UTC)

Dynari Amnis in wrong section[edit]

Dynari Amnis is listed in Temple District, but should be Talos Plaza district.```` — Unsigned comment by Bamspeedy (talkcontribs) at 14:39 on 12 March 2021 (UTC)

Moved, thanks! --Oriwa Talk 00:21, 13 March 2021 (UTC)