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Oblivion talk:The Assassinated Man

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Client Control[edit]

Like any game with escort missions, the hardest part is keeping the dumb bastards from getting themselves killed. Despite telling him to wait, Francois kept chasing after turned zombies and blocking my bow shot. Guess I'm not too surprised that a man that doesn't pay his debts and gives up his mother's life to save his own would have a problem following orders. I recommend you bring some manner of healing others and focus on those zombies closest to the jackass.--OGRastamon 14:59, 20 November 2006 (EST)


I failed the quest... do i get another shot? please respond here — Unsigned comment by (talk)

Nope, you don't get a second shot (unless you want to reload an old saved game or try it again if you start a new character). --Nephele 03:24, 16 February 2007 (EST)

Potential problem for the greedy[edit]

I 'killed' Motierre and ran away no problem. Went outside the city gates turned right around and came back in again. Went straight to his house and robbed it of everything I could - including the clothes off his 'dead' body. When I then waited and went to visit him in the chapel he was already awake but I was unable to interact with him in any way other than to kill him - even hitting him once and then yielding did nothing. The only way round was to load a previous save and redo the mission :-( I play with Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul and the unofficial patch if that makes any difference. Second time around I waited outside the city and woke him up etc and THEN went back to his house and robbed it blind ;-)

I too looted his "corpse" after leaving the city along with the rest of his house. But in the undercroft I had no troubles with waking him up. I took out my Sufferthorn and dispatched the first zombie that arose behind me then weilded my bow and one shotted the remaining zombies after asking Francois to wait. I play with OOO, but not the unofficial patch.--Briareus 09:28, 23 March 2007 (EDT)
You can rob him, you just have to wait long enough afterwards before you go into the chapel undercroft. @#1: You probably didnt wait long enough ;) --Nemini 22:10, 18 May 2007 (EDT)

From Hides-His-Heart's Page[edit]

I moved these notes here from his page as they are relevant to the quest, not the person. If anyone cares to check them against what's already on the page and incorporate any new information, feel free.

  • If you allow Hides-His-Heart to kill Motierre before faking Motierre's death, it obviously means Motierre's contract will the Dark Brotherhood will be a failure; the mission will be automatically over and you will lose your rewards. If this happens, after killing Motierre the enforcer attacks you anyway, simply for being there. When this happens you will get the bounty Hides-His-Heart should have had for murdering Motierre.
  • The mission can fail if you slice Motierre too early, before Hides-His-Heart has entered Motierre's house to witness the act.
  • Once you help fake Motierre's death, Hides-His-Heart will feel cheated that you got there first and will attack you instead of Motierre. This is unavoidable whatever you do. Do not fight back, or you will strangely end up with a bounty on your head -- even if you don't kill Hides-His-Heart. This would suggest Hides-His-Heart's organisation has influence with the authourites and guards.
  • If you do decide to fight Hides-His-Heart anyway and you kill him, certain criteria of the mission will not be met. This is because the enforcer does not return to his masters and inform them Motierre is dead, therefore believing Motierre still alive they will persistantly send enforcers after him. You will also forfeit the reward for completing all the criteria, which is the very useful Cruelty's Heart Amulet.
  • The only real method to completing the mission is to fake Motierre's death in the prescence of Hides-His-Heart, then simply run from the building and out of the city. However, sometimes when following you Hides-His-Heart will fancy his chances with the Chorrol guards. If the guards kill him the mission will be forfeit. To get out of the city as fast as possible, go for the northern gate of the city.

Motierre standing up[edit]

In the bugs section of the page it is mentioned that sometimes motierre is standing up and it is impossible to interract with him except to kill him, would it be possible to fix this by using the console command setstage Dark05Assassinated 45 to advance to the point where you talk to him? Volanaro 11:28, 21 January 2008 (EST)

100% Chameleon[edit]

While amusing, I don't see that this really adds anything to the main article, so I'll just post it here. After Motierre and Hides-His-Heart go through their dialogue, if you have 100% Chameleon, Hides-His-Heart will just randomly wander around Motierre's house, both of them ignoring the other. --Robin Hood (TalkE-mailContribs) 23:20, 23 June 2008 (EDT)

Actually what happened with me - I used invisibility. Hides-His-Heart ran around the rooms looking for me inside the house. I picked the locks to the basement and he came down there running around, looking for me - he couldn't find me but he kept to the same area I was in - upstairs, downstairs, basement, outside. I finally tried running out of town and 2 guards jumped him and killed him before I got out and he just kept saying "but he was just right here!" type stuff. Thus I'm on this site looking to see how to get around his dieing like that and my inability to just use hiding methods to avoid him. So I have to restore a "good" version and do it again. The last non-auto save is the previous sewers quest so I get to run back and get this one again and do it over. "Run out of town faster" is the only solution. grrr... -- 13:17, 12 November 2010 (UTC)


how do i open the door to the undercroft please respond — Unsigned comment by Poleio (talkcontribs) on 10 August 2008

With a lockpick, the same as any other door. Is there something else you mean? This page has tips on picking locks, if you need them. –RpehTCE 02:26, 10 August 2008 (EDT)
The article has this note: The undercroft is unlocked from 9am to 9pm, make sure you turn up then. If you turn up at another time, the door requires a key. You can pickpocket that key off the Orc in the chapel, but it still won't open the undercroft for some reason.
I couldn't verify that, but I found out that if you are a Pilgrim in the Nine Divines the undercroft is accessible 24hrs/day. It should perhaps be added to the article. --Mankar CamoranTalk 07:12, 10 August 2008 (EDT)

I have a big problem, for some reason Motterie won't follow me and just stands at at the top of the stairs in the church. I think it's because i talked to him or because i accidently hit him with sufferthorn. can someone help?

Languorwine Blade[edit]

since the blade does 0 damage, would it be a good way to level up your blade skill or does it count as hitting with "nothing"? — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 25 October 2008

The blade has a damage of 2, not 0. See this link for full details. –RpehTCE 03:34, 25 October 2008 (EDT)
Since the Langourwine Blade is unenchanted, can you "kill" Motierre with any other weapons and have the same effect? --Darkheart 21:36, 3 April 2009 (EDT)
No, you must use the Languorwine Blade to advance the quest. The quest scripts are specifically triggered by this blade -- it's the scripts that matter, not whether or not it's enchanted. --NepheleTalk 22:06, 3 April 2009 (EDT)


What happens to Mortierre after you finish the Contract? --Debatra 21:44, 10 December 2008 (EST)

Disappears. He tells you that's he's leaving Cyrodiil, after all. —Dark Spark 22:20, 10 December 2008 (EST)
How long does it take? Until you leave the cell or after a period of time? SwedishBerzerker at 04:25, 17 May 2009 (EDT)
He is disabled at either stage 100 or 110 of the quest - so basically when you report back to Vincente. –RpehTCE 04:58, 17 May 2009 (EDT)

Motierre's House[edit]

I really want to use his house, because it's close to Arborwatch. The article says most of the containers in his house respawn, but it never says which ones are safe. Any help? 10:08, 23 June 2009 (EDT)

It basically comes down to that only all of the sacks and all of the initially locked chests are safe. Almost everything else respawns. --Timenn < talk > 14:31, 23 June 2009 (EDT)

Reward bug[edit]

I ended this quest at level 5, but I got the Cruelty's Heart with only +3 Willpower and Strength. These are the statistics for the level 1-4 version. All other DB rewards are normal for my level. Any thoughts?

It's a bug, the 5-9 level version is missing from the leveled list, meaning that in levels 5-9 you get the same amulet that you get in levels 1-4. --Rigas Papadopoulos • TalkDeeds 13:27, 12 November 2010 (UTC)

Detect Life[edit]

Unlike normal dead NPCs, Motierre will be "detected" if you have a Detect Life effect active. That's on the undercroft, before you activate him. I didn't check if that is also true back in his home after the "assassination". 19:56, 26 February 2010 (UTC)

No he isn't. After the quest has been completed he will be disabled. In other words he will be removed from the game. --ModderElGrande 20:00, 26 February 2010 (UTC)
That's because he isn't really dead. He is still very much alive, albeit under the effect of Lagourwine; therefore he will still come up if you use Detect Life spells. --SerCenKing Talk 21:55, 26 February 2010 (UTC)

Killing Motierre[edit]

Is it possible to kill Motierre once I have led him to the Grey Mare and the mission has been completed? I reverse pickpocketed a poisoned apple on him, but so far he's just standing around. 03:08, 26 February 2011 (UTC)

Notes Cleanup[edit]

I removed the following notes from the article. The first one suggest that gamers are stupid, the 2nd is covered on the NPC page, so is the 3rd, the 4th doesn't matter when we have the wait feature, the 5th are common knowledge, the 6th and 7th are covered on the NPC page.

  • If you save whilst inside Motierre's house and load the game, Hides-His-Heart will simply walk in and stand around harmlessly (thus halting the quest). This can be rectified by simply talking to him.
  • If you break into Motierre's house before joining the Dark Brotherhood, Motierre will exclaim that you're not the one that Lachance said would come. He'll tell you that you are free to loot his home without fear of the guards. You can even sleep in his bed, as it is unowned.
    • You can use Motierre's house as your own for this reason. However, most of the containers are not safe and will reset.
  • It's not actually necessary to wait a full day. Motierre's body will be moved directly to the undercroft at midnight.
  • If you run from the zombies after they have noticed you, they will follow you outside where guards and townsfolk will attack them.
  • Motierre's "corpse", affected by the Languorwine poison, is not the same as that of the NPC in the undercroft. If you store any items on his corpse, hoping he will wake up wearing/wielding them, you will lose them forever.
  • After "assassinating" Motierre and escaping Chorrol, you can hear civilians in Chorrol talking about Motierre being assassinated by the Dark Brotherhood.

--Krusty 13:06, 27 March 2011 (UTC)

Vicente Valtieri and Darkness Eternal[edit]

Should it be noted that should you fail this quest Vicente will not offer his Dark Gift to the player? I failled this quest on purpose to see what would happen and Vicente Valtieri never offered vampirism and none of his dialogue options prompt him to give you the gift. Sn0L3prd 01:20, 5 September 2011 (UTC)

I added a note reflecting this fact. I tried it many times to see if it was a one-off and Vicente still won't offer the quest. If it turns out to be incorrect and just an error on my part then feel free to just remove the note. Sn0L3prd 01:36, 5 September 2011 (UTC)

You have to wait a day or two till he calms down about you failing the quest and then he'll offer you vampirism. Kitkat1749 TalkContribE-mail 06:35, 5 September 2011 (UTC)
It's disposition related. The odd drop of 71 disposition points means that you can't receive the quest until you've talked to Valtieri and got him to like you again. rpeh •TCE 09:05, 5 September 2011 (UTC)
Hmmmm... Well I did bribery and everything and even at his death bed when i stood over him during The Purification in his room he would never mention it. I guess I'll try it again... Sn0L3prd 22:10, 5 September 2011 (UTC)

Oblivion: The Assassinated Man: Lock pick problem[edit]

I'm stuck on this quest because I cannot break into the house. I have no lockpicks, is there any other way I can complete this quest?

Stuck in church[edit]

I can't get this guy to leave the church help — Unsigned comment by ‎ (talk) at 19:03 on 23 February 2014

I would recommend doing what the bugs section of the article suggests and attack Motierre such that it will make him aggressive. Once you have done this, he should follow you in pursuit and you can then yield to him once you are out of the church and at/outside of The Grey Mare. Forfeit (talk) 22:23, 23 February 2014 (GMT)