Online:A Friend in Mead
This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project. The page is being both written and checked. All users are welcome to make changes to the page. If you make a change that is relevant to the project, please update this template accordingly, and make sure you have observed the project guidelines. Detail
Quick Summary: not written
Quest Stages: not written |
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to Haraldar Snowpeak.
- Find the recipe book and herbs inside the meadery.
- Get spices from the storeroom.
- Return to Haraldar.
- Talk to Roruld Snowpeak.
- Defeat the giant who is agitating the bees.
- Collect appleblossom honey from the barn, and search for Bjoruld.
- Return to Roruld.
- Talk to Haraldar.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
The quest can be started from Fens Snowpeak or his brother Haraldar outside the Voljar Meadery farmhouse. Either way, you'll be directed to Haraldar to find out what the problem is.
- "You picked a bad time to visit Voljar's Meadery, friend. It used to make the sweetest mead you ever tasted. But that was before the Orcthane's thugs showed up demanding free mead.
Their leader got angry and lost control. He killed the Voljar family." - That's terrible.
- "More than you know. They killed my wife, Inga. She was Old Man Voljar's daughter. I plan to reopen the meadery. My brothers came to help.
We need to get rid of the Stormfists and gather the ingredients Roruld needs to start fermenting mead again." - I'll lend a hand.
- "I'm a farmer, not a fighter, and the place is still crawling with Fildgor's thugs. Maybe you could get into the meadery and make sure it's safe.
Once inside, grab the recipe book and some fragrant herbs and rare spices. We'll follow behind you."
Go up the path into the meadery tavern, killing the Stormfists along the way. Follow the quest markers inside to collect the Voljar's Meadery Recipes, Fragrant Herbs, and Rare Spices. Haraldar will be waiting for you once you have everything.
- "We followed you and Yraldar dealt with the remaining Stormfists before heading back out. The meadery is completely secure now.
Roruld is already at work downstairs. We want to start filling orders as quickly as we can." - I collected the recipe book, herbs, and spices.
- "Thank you! This has been difficult, but I'm grateful.
Roruld muttered something about honey and giants. If you're up to it, I'm sure he could use your help to get his first batch of mead started." - I'll see what he needs.
Roruld is waiting downstairs near the still and asks you for help to start making mead again. He first needs help getting the bees under control.
- "Those Stormfist ruffians chased a giant across the road, right into my beehives. It's scaring the bees! And frightened bees make bitter honey.
You need to get rid of that giant before anything else goes wrong." - I can deal with the giant.
- "Wait, it's coming. Another one of my brilliant ideas—there! And that is why Haraldar made me the master mead maker!
Use the bees against the giant! Just kick a beehive. The bees will go after the biggest target out there, the giant!" - That seems a little dangerous.
- "Well, it was just an idea. And a rather good one, too. Oh, I know! Let me splash you with this. It smells like smoke and ashes. The bees hate it. Now you shouldn't have any bee problems."
Smash-Skull the Giant is waiting in the apiary east of Voljar's Meadery. Head over there, being careful of the Stormfists around the meadery, and kill the giant. You can activate one of the beehives to agitate the bees to get help taking down the giant as well. Once it's dead, loot the giant for Smash-Skull's Toe.
Return to Roruld and give him the giant's toe (just don't ask why he needs it...). He's still got more work for you before he can make the mead.
- "I started organizing things here. I don't suppose you ran into my brother Bjoruld, did you? He looks like me, but he's not as smart."
- I haven't seen Bjoruld.
- "I sent Bjoruld to get a barrel of appleblossom honey from the barn. He probably got lost, but I need that honey to make more mead.
Could you get the honey? And if you see Bjoruld, send him this way. He needs to deliver these casks to Windhelm."
Follow your quest marker back out to the barn, where you'll find Bjoruld sleeping in a haystack. You can also pick up the Appleblossom Honey while you're here, but watch out for Honeyripper the Bear guarding the barrel. Once you have the honey, return to Roruld, who will finally be able to make the mead. He offers to let you taste the first batch.
Activate the keg on the counter to drink a mug of mead, and you'll very quickly black out and find yourself waking up next to the fire upstairs. Return to Haraldar who will make a crack about your inability to handle your mead and reward you for saving the meadery.
Quest Stages[edit]
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.