Online:A Gulf of Time
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I met a spirit named Jocien Rane along the coast of Galen. After realizing I could see him, he asked me a favor. To take the ring from his body and deliver it to his wife in Vastyr.
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to Jocien Rane.
- Retrieve Jocien Rane's Ring.
- Find Frelene Rane
- Talk to Frelene Rane
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
You can find the spirit of Jocien Rane northwest of Vastyr. He will request your help.
- "You can see me! And you're not running scared either.
Apologies … so many walk these beaches without ever noticing me. This is an unexpected gift. Perhaps this is fate, and you can help." - What do you need help with?
- "You see that sad sap, there in the sand? Bleached by the sun, not yet claimed by the ocean—that's what's left of me. My ring remains upon my finger by some act of love or chance.
I want my wife, Frelene, to have it. Will you return it to her?" - Where's your wife?
- "We had a house together in Vastyr. If I know Frelene, she'll still be waiting at the docks night and day for my return. She has the loveliest brown hair and eyes like sea glass. You can't miss her.
Bring her the ring, and tell her I'm at peace." - I'll retrieve your ring and give it to your wife.
- "My heart feels lighter knowing Frelene will know my fate. I know her heart will ache, but I hope having my ring will help.
I appreciate you doing this, my friend. A peace is settling over me, knowing that this is in your capable hands now."- So who exactly are you?
- "I don't think I'm anybody, now. Once, I was known as Jocien Rane. I was a sailor in Duke Mornard's shipping fleet. We went from Vastyr, to Gonfalon, to Daggerfall, to Wayrest, and back again.
It was a safe enough route. Until this damn war." - The Three Banners War?
- "Three Banners War? I've heard of no such thing. I'm talking about Ranser's War, of course. Emeric seemed a decent sort, but his sleight can't be so easily forgotten.
His privateers sank us off our very own shores." - Ranser's War ended almost two decades ago.
- "Heh, a good jest, stranger. Next you'll tell me a Daedric Prince sits in the White-Gold Tower. No, my friend. As bitter as it is fighting our kin, this war will end only one way.
With Ranser on the throne and House Mornard properly elevated."
- "I don't think I'm anybody, now. Once, I was known as Jocien Rane. I was a sailor in Duke Mornard's shipping fleet. We went from Vastyr, to Gonfalon, to Daggerfall, to Wayrest, and back again.
- Why can't you travel to Vastyr and see your wife yourself? Are you trapped here?
- "I … I do not rightly know, stranger. In life, I had saltwater in my veins. Perhaps I need to be near it in death.
The sea has some claim over me. Watching the tides go in and out brings me a sort of peace, melancholy as it is." - So you haven't tried to leave this beach?
- "I can't recall … no, wait, I'm certain I haven't. I've only just arrived here, after all. I don't feel ready.
Perhaps when my bones turn to salt and sand, I'll take a walk. Perhaps then."
- "I … I do not rightly know, stranger. In life, I had saltwater in my veins. Perhaps I need to be near it in death.
- So who exactly are you?
After talking with Jocien Rane you should examine the nearby skeleton in search of the ring. Jocien's spirit requests you to find his wife in Vastyr.
You can talk to him before the travel:
- "You have the ring? Good. Please bring it to Frelene. I'm sure you'll find her in Vastyr. Tell her of my fate, but don't worry her overmuch. I want her to know that I'm not suffering.
Thank you, my friend. You can't know how much this means."
After arriving to Vastyr you should find Jocien's wife Frelene. She can be found looking at the sea:
- "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't notice you there. I get lost sometimes, looking out toward the sea ….
Where are my manners? Is there something I can help you with?" - Are you Frelene Rane? I'm sorry, your husband is dead, but he wanted you to have his ring.
- "Jocien? Oh, by the Eight. He went missing so long ago, I feared the worst. I didn't want to believe it.
But how did you happen upon his ring? And … how did you know where to find me?" - I spoke with Jocien's spirit. I found his ghost while traveling the southwest coast.
- "His ghost! Oh, my poor Jocien.
I can scarcely believe it, but there's no denying this is his ring. And I know my Jocien, he would have wanted me to have it. Even in death." - Here, take it. It's yours now.
- "Thank you so much. You can't know how much this means to me. Having a piece of him back is more than I could have dreamed. It's as if his heart has been reunited with mine.
I can't thank you enough, kind stranger. Please, take this." - "To get a piece of Jocien back after nearly twenty years … it's like seeing his face again. It's almost as if he's here with me.
I never understood his pull to the sea. But perhaps this is what he meant by its endless mysteries and surprises."- Jocien wanted me to tell you that he's at peace.
- "What a relief. I can't bear to think of him trapped in such a state for all these years, suffering. I'm glad to know he's all right.
I've heard stories of those who die upon the sea and remain in agony forever. Did he say anything else?" - Just that you don't need to worry about him.
- "I can rest easy tonight knowing he feels peace. I can only hope that your selfless deed will let him rest as well."
- "What a relief. I can't bear to think of him trapped in such a state for all these years, suffering. I'm glad to know he's all right.
- What was Jocien like when he was alive?
- "He was always full of adventure, that was what made me fall in love with him. Everything was exciting to him. He greeted each day like that specific one had the possibility to make all his dreams come true.
I loved his laugh more than anything." - Do you think you'll move on now that you know he's passed?
- "I'm sure that's what Jocien would want for me, but … I don't know. I miss him, of course, but I don't feel lonely.
All these years, I've felt him in the sea air, seen him in the sun on the waves. And now, having his ring, I'm content. Truly."
- "He was always full of adventure, that was what made me fall in love with him. Everything was exciting to him. He greeted each day like that specific one had the possibility to make all his dreams come true.
- Jocien wanted me to tell you that he's at peace.
Talking to her concludes the quest.
Quest Stages[edit]
A Gulf of Time | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
I need to retrieve Jocien's ring from his skeleton that washed up on shore.
Objective: Retrieve Jocien Rane's Ring
I need to travel to Vastyr and find Jocien's wife, Frelene.
Objective: Find Frelene Rane
I found Frelene Rane. I should speak with her.
Objective: Talk To Frelene Rane
I should speak to Frelene Rane and deliver her husband's ring to her.
Objective: Talk To Frelene Rane
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g.,
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.