Online:Bonohild Windtorn

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Bonohild Windtorn
Home City Riften
House Windtorn House
Race Nord Gender Female
Health 11356
Reaction Friendly
Bonohild Windtorn

Bonohild Windtorn is a Nord citizen of Riften who can be found in her family home.

Related Quests[edit]

  • ON-qico-Zone Story.pngPulled Under: Investigate rumors of a suspicious disappearance.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Before the quest, she will be watching over Yiri and asks you to leave the girl alone:

"Please, let the poor girl be. She just lost her father."

After speaking to Captain Viveka about some mysterious disappearances, you can go to the Windtorn House to question Yiri. However, when you enter you'll hear Bonohild yelling:

Bonohild Windtorn: "Yiri! Look out!"

Run upstairs and you'll find Bonohild standing over a dead Worm Cult Assassin and Yiri sitting on the bed.

Bonohild has defended her niece from a Worm Cultist and she doesn't understand why the cult would be interested in her. You will have to check the assassin's body to find clues:

"Who in the nine holds are you, and what are you doing in my house?"
Captain Viveka sent me. I'm here to help.
"Shor's bones, I was ready to murder you. Some bastard just tried to kill my niece. That's him. Gutted like a fish."
He's a Worm Cultist.
"He's a damned skeever, coming after a young girl with a knife. Yiri just lost her father, and now this man tries to kill her? What would the Worms want with Yiri?"
Mind if I look at the body?
"Go ahead. But avoid the entrails. No telling what he's been eating."

Speaking to her again before examining the body:

"Search him all you like. I'm not stopping you."

Find and read the note Or Else on the body:

"What kind of an idiot carries a note around implicating himself? This kind, I assume."

After reading the note, you can speak to Bonohild to see how to coax Yiri to answer questions comfortably. She suggests getting White Moon tea from J'darzi which might get her niece to be more responsive:

"Poor thing. When my brother was killed, her mind just snapped. Keeps babbling about the water."
Do you know of a way to calm her down?
"Densorr used to make her this foul-smelling tea. Never had a taste for it, but Yiri loves it. She brewed the last of our leaves just the other day."
Can I find any more in town?
"There might be someone. A Baandari peddler named J'darzi showed up just after the attack."
What's the tea called?
"Moon. Something? White Moon. That's what it's called. Just know, it won't be cheap. He's been gouging anyone looking for a little luxury."
I'll talk to the Khajiit.

Speaking to her again before you get Yiri to answer questions:

"If you can get Yiri to come back to me…well, you'll be my hero today."

If you used the White Moon tea to get the answer out of Yiri. She will appreciate your gentle approach:

"You're a gentle sort. Thank you. I'll see Yiri's taken care of.
You deal with those Worm Cult bastards."

If you instead use intimidation to get the answer out of Yiri, she'll won't be impressed by it but will view it necessary:

"You're a right bastard, you know that? Still … maybe she needed less coddling. Get out of here, and make the Worm Cult pay for what they did to my brother."

After finishing the quest, she'll say:

"I heard about what you did on the docks. Thank you. I'd gut every Worm Cultist in Skyrim, if I could. But I need to take care of my niece first."