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Online:Chief-of-Chiefs Cannear

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Chief-of-Chiefs Cannear
(lore page)
Location Hroldan Ring
Race Reachman Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) River-Elk Clan
Chief-of-Chiefs Cannear

Chief-of-Chiefs Cannear is a Reachman of the River-Elk Clan who can be found at Hroldan Ring.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Vows and Oaths[edit]

Blessing the Handfast[edit]

When you approach her before accepting related quest you can overhear her

Chief-of-Chiefs Cannear: "Come, Eagleseers, Six-Fords! Have you no words to share?"
Chief-of-Chiefs Cannear: "An outsider has better sense than the lot of you! Come, outsider, help me prove a point."

Speak to her.

"Your arrival at this moment is most fortuitous, outsider. Come, help me teach these wayward clans how to behave like proper warriors of the Reach."
What kind of help do you need?
"These two clan chiefs brought their children to participate in the rite of handfasting. Once they receive my blessing, they can announce their intention to marry and unite these clans in kinship.
I'd like you to help me give that blessing."
Why do you need my blessing?
"It's not so much a matter of need as of instruction. I want your example to teach these clans how to put aside their differences and get along.
Present yourself to the betrothed, Eslyn and Madearn, and wish them good will. That should suffice."
I'll offer my blessing to Eslyn and Madearn.

Once you've agreed to bless the handfasting, you can ask more about the situation:

"Eslyn and Madearn wait to the north, at the handfasting cave. We isolate them for a time so they can learn about one another. Hopefully, they haven't killed each other.
Go and offer your blessing. Then return to me and your task will be done."
What is a handfasting, exactly? / What's a handfasting?
"A betrothal announcement, in a sense. It is how we let the folk of the Reach know that a wedding nears. That two clans will be brought together.
As is custom, Eslyn and Madearn are isolated in the handfasting cave nearby, getting acquainted."
Getting acquainted? They're getting married and they don't know each other?
"You sound surprised. Is that not how marriages are arranged where you come from?
They belong to different clans. Clans that do not get along. I have brought them to this place of meeting to work out a marriage that will benefit both clans."
Chief-of-chiefs? Does that mean you're in charge of all the clans? / So you're in charge of all the clans? / Are you in charge of all the Reach clans?
"All clans? No. But a number of the smaller clans recognize my experience and authority. They pledge fealty and rely on me to help them settle differences when they arise.
And should an emergency present itself, they would turn to me to lead them."
An emergency?
"Even an outsider must know that there is strength in numbers. But clan chiefs have a hard time cooperating. In extreme circumstances, they temporarily cede their authority to a chief-of-chiefs.
With this marriage, I hope to end an ancient feud."
I get the sense that these clans don't really like each other. / Why don't these clans like each other? / These clans are involved in a feud?
"You picked up on that, did you? All you need to know at the moment is that the Eagleseer and Six-Ford clans have been at odds for generations. I hope to dampen those tensions by joining the clans in marriage."

Go to the handfasting cave and return only to find her even more frustrated:

Chief-of-Chiefs Cannear: "Chiefs, please—ah! The outsider. I'll speak to you over here."
"Is it done, outsider? Did you offer your blessing to the intended couple?"
Eslyn and Madearn weren't inside the cave. I found this note.
"I can't read those infernal scratchings! Only Chief Eagleseer and his daughter bother with such things.
What does the note say, outsider?"
It's addressed to you. It says "We're sorry. We can't go through with this."
"No, this is unacceptable. This handfasting must take place. I need you to find them and bring them back, outsider."
Why is this handfasting so important to you?
"You see the animosity between these clans. They have fought and spilled each other's blood for generations. I finally got them to agree to a compromise. A bond of peace predicated on the marriage of Eslyn and Madearn.
Please, you must find them."
I'll find Eslyn and Madearn.
"They must have gone north. Otherwise, they would have had to pass us and we would have seen them.
Search the area to the north of the Ring and track them down. I'll keep the chiefs distracted. Thank you for helping with this."
What if I can't convince them to come back to Hroldan Ring?
"Remind Eslyn and Madearn what's at stake here. They both understand what this feud has cost both clans. What peace would mean for us all.
They are young. Their blood will cool and they will see that coming home is the only wise action."

The Lover's Coil[edit]

Return to the gathering at the ring and Vateshran Barth will be retelling the tale of the Lover's Coil:

Vateshran Barth: "And so, the hatred between your two clans was born of a twist of fate, the shattered Lover's Coil."
Vateshran Barth: "But today, Madearn and Eslyn have restored the Lover's Coil. Let their efforts show that you need not continue this quarrel."
Chief-of-Chiefs Cannear: "Thank you for the tale, honored vateshran. We will discuss this. Eslyn, Madearn, wait in the handfasting cave."
Chief-of-Chiefs Cannear: "Outsider. I bid you stay."
Vateshran Barth: "I'll just rest my haunches a while, if it's all the same to you."

Speak to her;

"Where in Namira's hide have you been, outsider? You were supposed to fetch Eslyn and Madearn and bring them back quickly, not entertain this wild endeavor! The chiefs are about to come to blows as it is.
What's the meaning of the vateshran's tale?"
Eslyn and Madearn found a way to end the feud without the handfasting.
"With what, this … Lover's Coil? They are fools to think that all the problems of the Six-Ford and Eagleseer clans can be solved by restoring some dusty relic."
But they proved there was no need for the feud in the first place.
"Maybe not, but these clans have spilled each other's blood for generations. No relic from some bygone age will stay their weapons.
The handfasting can end this violence, today. Now go give Eslyn and Madearn your blessing so we can get on with this."
There's more I need to discuss before I make a decision.
"Spirits take me, this is what I get for involving an outsider.
Fine. But be quick about it."
Madearn can't marry Eslyn. He's already secretly promised to wed Drisene.
"The fool! That's a strange match. I knew they were childhood friends, but marriage?
What else did he tell you about it?"
He said it was out of obligation to her brother, who he gave his word to.
"I see. I'm sure Drisene believes it's real, regardless.
Still, without the chief's blessing, it's not binding. Madearn may not like going back on his word, but perhaps doing so will give Drisene an opportunity to find someone who truly loves her."
Do you really think Eslyn and Madearn's wedding is the only way to end the feud?
"I do. Try to understand, outsider. The hatred that runs between these clans is more than just habit. They cannot simply douse their anger after hearing some story.
If the wedding doesn't take place, they may never trust enough to try again."
I'm ready to make a decision.
"There's no choice to be made, outsider. The handfasting needs to happen. It's the only way.
The sooner you, Eslyn, and Madearn understand that, the better."

At this point you have to decide to convince Eslyn and Madearn to go along with the handfasting or help the couple find another way.

Go through with the handfasting[edit]

Fine, I'll convince Eslyn and Madearn to go along with the handfasting.
"Good. You had me worried for a moment there, outsider.
Now go. It's time we present the couple to their chiefs. Then we can put this whole business behind us."
What happens after I bring Eslyn and Madearn here?
"I'll say a few words to conclude the handfasting ceremony, and then the Six-Fords and Eagleseers will depart for their holdings to plan the marriage.
It will take place before the season ends, I'll see to that."

Once you've spoken to Eslyn and Madearn, return to the circle to watch the rite:

Chief-of-Chiefs Cannear: "Ah, here they come. Let us complete the rite."
Chief-of-Chiefs Cannear: "Eslyn of the Eagleseer, Madearn of the Six-Ford, will you take up the vow of marriage?"
Eslyn: "Aye."
Chief-of-Chiefs Cannear: "And you, Madearn Six-Ford?"
Madearn: "Aye."
Chief-of-Chiefs Cannear: "Then the handfasting rite is complete! Now, we've a wedding to plan!"
Drisene: "Madearn, what becomes of us now?"
<Drisene will run past Madearn and leave>

Speak to her:

"It was a near thing, but the handfasting is done. Now there can be peace between the Eagleseers and Six-Fords.
Thank you, outsider for your part in delivering this."

Madearn changes his mind[edit]

If you told Madearn that you can't force him to make a decision, he'll have a surprising response at the ceremony:

Chief-of-Chiefs Cannear: "Ah, here they come. Let us complete the rite."
Chief Eagleseer: "Finally. Let's get on with it already."
Chief-of-Chiefs Cannear: "Eslyn of the Eagleseer, Madearn of the Six-Ford, will you take up the vow of marriage?"
Madearn: "No. I can't do this. I am promised to Drisene, of Clan Six-Ford!"
Drisene: "Madearn!"
Chief Eagleseer: "This insult won't stand, Six-Fords! You'll see your treachery matched with our flint."
Chief Six-Ford: "This was not my doing, Eagleseer, but if it's a fight you want, a fight you'll get."
Chief-of-Chiefs Cannear: "This can't be happening."

Speak to the chief of chiefs and she'll fume:

"That fool. We nearly had peace between the Six-Ford and the Eagleseer clans. Now it's lost, all because of some foolish vow.
The blood that follows will be on his hands."

Find another way[edit]

No. I won't make Eslyn and Madearn perform the handfasting.
"After everything I did to bring these clans here today, to help them end their bloodshed, you're just going to toss it aside?
Spirits take me, this story of yours won't work! But now … it's all we have left. You've doomed these clans, outsider."
What happens now?
"This is your plan, outsider, not mine.
The fate of these clans rests with Eslyn and Madearn now. If they won't go through with the wedding, then they must find another way."

Once you've spoken to Eslyn and Madearn, return to the circle:

Chief-of-Chiefs Cannear: "Here it comes."
Chief Eagleseer: "What of the handfasting?"
Eslyn: "There will be no handfasting, father. We don't need it. This feud is foolish."
Madearn: "She's right, father. We don't need a handfasting to make us lower our swords. Heed the vateshran's tale."
Chief Six-Ford: "The Eagleseer waif has poisoned your mind, boy. You shame me!"
Chief Eagleseer: "You lay this at my daughter's feet, Six-Ford? My warriors and I will make you regret those words."
<The two chiefs and Evroch walk away>
Chief-of-Chiefs Cannear: "Our chance for peace is gone."
Eslyn: "Gone for today, perhaps. But not forever. Madearn and I will make sure of it."
Madearn: "Aye. We will spread the vateshran's tale to our clans until enough heed it."

Speak to her one last time and she will not be happy:

"I expected better of you, outsider. This is what I get for involving you in the business of the clans.
Damn you. You've doomed these clans."
