Online:Conclave of Fate
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Quick Walkthrough[edit]
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Having failed to stop Blightcrown and Torvesard in the Infinite Panopticon, you will change your focus from Apocrypha back to the efforts of your enemies at the Telvanni Peninsula. Continuing the conversation you were having with Leramil the Wise in A Hidden Fate, she will say:
- "What you described. How could Torvesard change a memory of Hermaeus Mora? How could he alter what happened so long ago? Such a power should not exist.
This sensation. Bafflement. I do not care for it." - Hermaeus Mora said we can still save reality if we work together, Leramil.
- "Torvesard has allies as well. Master Shelreni. Vaermina and Peryite. Blightcrown and the Hidden Kindred cultists. They seek to restore memories stolen from them by Hermaeus Mora. And, from what you saw, Torvesard has started the restoration process."
- Apocrypha seems intent on even keeping us from learning too much about all this.
- "Yes, most puzzling.
Torvesard's next step must involve the rite Master Shelreni seeks to draw from Meln's Black Book. Return to Necrom and find Curate Gadayn. See what Shelreni is up to. Meanwhile, I have other inquiries I wish to explore." - All right. I'll return to Necrom and rendevous with Curate Gadayn.
- "Torvesard and Blightcrown could be anywhere, but Master Shelreni has roots in the Telvanni Peninsula. If anyone can help you navigate the complexities of the Dunmer Great Houses, it is Curate Gadayn.
Investigating Shelreni is our best option." - Isn't there some way to find Torvesard or Blightcrown?
- "Perhaps. That is one of the possibilities I plan to explore. However, Torvesard demonstrated powers unheard of for a typical Dremora. He may have other abilities. I need to proceed with caution.
And Blightcrown serves Peryite. Another obstacle." - What about the Hidden Kindred?
- "A cult composed of followers of Vaermina and Peryite, Princes that usually work against each other, may be easier to uncover. I shall see what I can learn from my contacts among Hermaeus Mora's faithful.
We will succeed, proxy. We have to." - What about the corruption Blightcrown used int he Panopticon?
- "Blightcrown and Shelreni concocted the dream affliction with the help of Vaermina and Peryite. It allowed them to avoid detection by shifting into alternate layers of reality. It even affected Mora's guardians.
And we know they plan to improve it." - To what purpose?
- "If they can perfect their formula, what better way to steal the most dangerous secret in Apocrypha than from under the gaze of the One Who Knows?
But if we can stop Master Shelreni and they cannot find the secret they seek, it shall not matter."
Leramil will also simplify your journey back to the Necrom Bindery by opening a portal directly there:
- Leramil the Wise: "This portal will return you to Necrom, proxy."
- Meln the Mouthless: "Master Shelreni murdered me to avoid the scrutiny of the Assembly of Masters. What else might she do to further her ambitions?"
Back at the mortal world, Curate Gadayn will be waiting for you with Scruut:
- Scruut: "The mortal returns. I thought I recognized that wrinkle in the fabric of fate."
- Curate Gadayn: "Hmm, I hoped Leramil would be with you. We have news!"
Although you are supposed to talk with Gadayn, you can check in with Scruut first. Although all she will tell you is to speak to Gadayn:
- "The corpse-keeper is eager to tell you what he discovered. Oblivion forbid that I ruin his surprise. You should speak with him."
Converse with Gadayn to learn what he has learned:
- "Scruut and I uncovered the most interesting news. The Assembly of Masters learned of Master Shelreni's recent activities and has called for a conclave. They plan to strip her of her rank and expel her from the house!"
- What's the difference between an assembly and a conclave?
- "It's complicated. The Assembly of Masters consists of just their mouths. The actual masters rarely leave their towers, and never to meet with their rivals. A conclave, however, is a different story. The masters themselves are compelled to attend."
- And how does that help us locate Master Shelreni and recover Meln's Black Book?
- "Don't you see? When they convene the Masters Conclave, Shelreni must be on hand to contest the charges. So, we know where we can find her and when!"
- So where is this conclave going to take place?
- "At Tel Huulen, the tower hall in Ald Isra. As a curate, I think I can get us into the conclave by claiming official Necrom business. House Telvanni prefers to stay on our good side, so they rarely ask too many questions of the Keepers of the Dead."
- All right, I'll meet you in Ald Isra.
Meln the Mouthless, a member of House Telvanni in life, will have formed a plan for how to get in.
- Meln the Mouthless: "Curate or not, he'll never get into the conclave bearing the mark of a Daedric Prince. Not without my help."
- Scruut: "Oh, the heights I have fallen from! Forced to work alongside mortals and the spirits of mortals! As for the curate's plan, I can't see if this course of action will untangle the threads of fate or not. So my professional advice is … sure, whatever."
- Curate Gadayn: "I defer to Meln regarding the inner workings of House Telvanni. See what he has to say on the matter."
Meln will emerge from his soul gem, giving you a chance to converse:
- "Underestimate Shelreni at your own peril. And do not think to just walk into a Telvanni stronghold reeking of Hermaeus Mora. Either Shelreni's Daedric allies or the conclave's own protections will spot you the moment you step across the threshold."
- And you can help us avoid detection?
- "Of course! Wasn't I the greatest magister of my time? If not for my desire for solitude, I would have been the archmagister!
Unfortunately, my spectral body isn't good for anything these days. You'll need to serve as my hands for this to work." - All right. What do I need to do?
- "Return to Tel Rendys. Around my tower, you'll find the components necessary to assemble a passable cloak of omission. Look for dried hoax-wort, a lamia-scale shawl, and an illusion tincture of my own creation.
I'll tell you more when we get there."
Head back to Meln's tower, and he will appear again at the exterior.
- "I should have made a map …."
- "Curse this incorporeal existence! I can see why most ancestors move on instead of haunting their descendants. My mortal memories are much harder to recall than I anticipated. I don't remember where to find those components. Not exactly …."
- So we came here for nothing?
- "Of course not! I buried the components we need in separate caches on the tower grounds. I just can't remember exactly where I put them.
No matter. With your assistance, I'm sure we can find the right spots." - What do you need me to do?
- "I placed sigils at the spots, but on a different layer of reality. Use my ghost sight and you should be able to see them. The caches are buried beneath those locations.
When you get close to a spot I recognize, I'll tell you to activate my sight."
Once more, Meln's ghost sight is the solution. Begin walking around the sight, activate ghost sight whenever Meln indicates, and a green pillar of light will appear at the locations you must dig. In total you will find Meln's Illusion Tincture, an Old Lamia-Scale Shawl, and Dried Hoax-Wort:
- "You should be able to see my sigils through my ghost sight. Look around."
- "There! See my sigil? I always liked this layer of reality. Dig here!"
- "That's my illusion tincture! The other components are buried elsewhere."
- "This looks familiar? Activate my ghost sight!"
- "We can work with this. Head toward my tower and let's find a workbench to assemble the spell."
Follow Meln's instructions and go to the workbench. Meln will assemble the magical item you need, you just need to assist him by physically placing them on the table:
- "I remember this old workbench. We can prepare the cloak of omission here."
- "Place the components, one at a time, onto the enchanting workbench."
- "Good work. Now place the shawl."
- "Almost done. Now sprinkle the tincture."
- "Excellent! Now take the cloak of omission."
- "Don't just stand there with your solid arms dangling uselessly. Pick up the cloak of omission!"
Take the cloak, and Meln will ask you to put it on:
- "Go ahead and try it on! The cloak will mask your presence and hide your connection to the Prince of Fate."
- "Put on the cloak, my flesh-covered companion! Despite the condition of the components, it should work perfectly well … for a time.
It will mask your connection to Hermaeus Mora from anyone who attempts to scry or magically identify you."
Once you have done as he asked, speak to him to learn more of his plan:
- "You look amazing! Barely a hint of a Daedric connection. I should explain the particulars though."
- "Not a bad bit of work. You follow directions well. And the cloak looks perfectly dashing. Dashing, I say!
Now let's head to Ald Isra and meet up with Curate Gadayn. He should have gotten you access to the conclave by now." - Wait a moment. You said something about the particulars?
- "Did I? I don't recall. But if you're asking about the cloak of omission, it can only shield you from so many scrying attempts. Eventually, someone will notice you. But the enchantment should last long enough for us to get our hands on Shelreni."
- Anything else you want to tell me?
- "Now that you mention it, yes. Gadayn can get you on the access list, but you must play your part. Dunmer laws are labyrinthine, Telvanni especially. You need to invoke the proper statute to avoid suspicion."
- The proper statute?
- "Just say the following to the sentry at the door. "I hereby invoke the twenty-sixth statute of the Necrom Agreement," and then demand entry to the conclave. Can you remember that?
Once we get inside, we can meet up with Curate Gadayn." - All right, let's go to Ald Isra.
- "What could Shelreni be thinking? She's obviously counting on the support of two Daedric Princes, but does she really expect them to magically elevate her to the rank of magister?
Let's get to Tel Huulen in Ald Isra and see if the cloak works." - Why is the statute you want me to invoke so important?
- "Because you're not a Telvanni. That particular statute relates to the agreement between House Telvanni and the Keepers of the Dead. If you present it with authority, the sentry will probably grant you access."
- Once inside, why don't I just tell the conclave what Master Shelreni is really up to?
- "And tell them what? If you even imply that any Telvanni would require the help of an outsider, you'd insult them at best or get arrested, if not immediately challenged to a duel of spells.
Believe me, any of those would be counterproductive." - What could they arrest me for?
- "Do you honestly think my people need a legitimate reason? Well, how about impersonating a Necrom official? Or infiltrating a meeting of the Masters Conclave? Not to mention acting in the service of a Daedric Prince?
We can't risk it."
Once you reach Ald Isra, you will run into a familiar face in Tel Huulen, Mouth Vabdru:
- Meln the Mouthless: "Tel Huulen, the tower of halls. Home to the Assembly of Masters. Remember to invoke the statute when you demand entry. And put on the cloak!"
- Sentry Valyne: "No, Vabdru. As Master Shelreni's mouth, you are prohibited from entering the conclave."
- Mouth Vabdru: "But, but … I must warn the masters!"
- Sentry Valyne: "Don't worry, your treacherous master will be dealt with soon enough."
Vabdru will recognize you and ask you to pass on the warning he was going to:
- "You! You must warn the other masters! I can no longer stand by and do nothing while Master Shelreni continues along this dark path.
Her actions threaten the entire peninsula!" - You're Master Shelreni's mouth. Why should I trust anything you tell me?
- "You probably shouldn't, but that doesn't mean I'm lying.
I admired Shelreni for her skill and power. Thought she would help me rise in the ranks. But her ambition and contempt for her fellow Telvanni will doom us all." - What do you mean?
- "Master Shelreni made a deal with not one but two Daedric Princes! She plans to use their help to eliminate all who oppose her so she can become archmagister.
The masters won't listen to me. They don't understand the danger." - What danger are you talking about?
- "I'm not sure. Master Shelreni stopped confiding in me. But I know how she thinks. She has no respect for the masters or this conclave. When they move to reprimand her, she's going to show them just how powerful she's become.
It will be a bloodbath!"
Next talk to sentry at the door to gain entry:
- "The Masters Conclave is in session. All other business is on hold. Come back later."
- Check your list. I hereby invoke the twenty-sixth statute of the Necrom Agreement and demand entry.
- "Necrom, hmm? Let me see … ah, yes. You're listed as Curate Gadayn's attending clerk. Very good. You may go inside.
I expect you'll find the curate in the assembly antechamber as the attending magister declared the conclave for masters only." - I'll head inside.
Go in, and you will find the other Mouths, Curate Gadayn, and an attendant waiting outside of the main chamber:
- Meln the Mouthless: "There's Curate Gadayn."
- Mouth Saruse: "Master Marena seemed exhausted. Is she well?"
- Curate Gadayn: "Really, I must …."
- Mouth Elanyu: "The healers recommended she stay in bed, but she insisted we attend the conclave. They call them so rarely, you know."
- Mouth Elar: "I insist, curate. You do realize I wield considerable influence as Master Norvora's mouth?"
- Mouth Saruse: "Understandable. As much as our masters despise public appearances, they hate the thought of others gathering without them more."
- Curate Gadayn: Of course, but ….
- Mouth Elar: "I could do much for you and the keepers. Now, tell me. What you think of my book?"
- Meln the Mouthless: "That's Master Norvora's mouth. We need to extract Gadayn this instant."
- Mouth Elanyu: "Too bad we're not allowed inside. I was hoping to see what punishment they devise for Master Shelreni."
You can speak to the assembled individuals:
- Attendant Metayer: "Only Telvanni masters may proceed into the assembly hall. Until the conclave concludes its business, you're welcome to wait out here."
- Attendant Rochelle: "All the masters are accounted for. And Magister Gothren arrived from Sadrith Mora to personally oversee the conclave. I expect they'll get started inside shortly."
- Mouth Gavos: "Did you see Vabdru out there? Pathetic creature. No doubt hoping to save face in light of his master's transgressions. Even if he wasn't involved, he should have chosen a better master."
- Mouth Elanyu: "I can't imagine what they're discussing in there. We all knew Master Shelreni couldn't be trusted. Better to strip her of her rank and cast her out before she can do any real damage."
- Mouth Saruse: "This is taking forever! Do you think they'll put out some real food soon? Canapes and wine will only keep me going for so long.
We always have a full banquet when the Assembly of Masters meets. I assumed the conclave would be more … opulent." - Mouth Omayu: "This is an outrage! I deserve to be in there, at my master's side, listening to the debate and watching them tear Shelreni Baro apart. I'm much too important to be left out here with this rabble."
- Server Kal-Lar: "Have a drink and relax. I expect the masters to remain locked in discussion for some time."
Once you get tired of mingling, save Gadayn from Mouth Elar. You can attempt to deceive him, or simply intimidate him:
- "The curate and I are busy, outsider. I am eager to hear what he thinks of my book, Ancestors of a Humble Mouth. It's a work in progress, but at least two booksellers have expressed interest.
Come back later." - Master Norvora sent me to find you. She requires your immediate assistance.
- "How strange. As no one but masters are allowed inside, Master Norvora explicitly told me to wait out here until after the conclave concluded its business."
- All right. Do whatever you think is right.
- (?)
- [Lie] Well, she was quite insistent that I locate you and tell you to get her spell book.
- "Well, obviously Master Norvora needs her spell book. No master should ever meet her peers without being totally prepared. I'll go and fetch it at once."
- [Intimidate] I don't think you understand. Leave us. Now!
- "How rude! The Ald Isra Committee of Social Decorum will hear about this insult. Of that, you can be sure."
Gadayn, now free from Elar's verbal assault, will pull you to the side:
- "Thank you, my friend. Follow me. I know a place where we can talk privately. We can speak freely here."
- "You arrived not a moment too soon, my friend. Before they decided to seal the hall and I was trapped in that dreadful conversation with Mouth Elar, I found what we needed. Master Shelreni is here and being held under guard until the conclave begins."
- Shelreni's here? I saw her mouth outside. He said the masters are in danger. Let's go get Shelreni!
- "Ah, and now we come to the problem. Magister Gothren arrived from Sadrith Mora to oversee the Masters Conclave. He immediately expelled all but the Telvanni masters and placed a ward on the door. There's no way to get into the assembly hall."
- There must be some way to get inside.
- "Sadly, disabling a ward placed by a magister is beyond my capabilities. If you have any ideas, please share them. Otherwise, I fear the masters are on their own in there."
- Meln is a magister. Maybe he can help us get past the ward.
Your late ally will approve of your recommendation to rely on him. His solution will once again rely on ghost sight to destroy the anchors warding the chamber:
- "A magister to counter magister magic, eh? Good idea! Let's go disable the ward."
- "A ward needs anchors. Use my ghost sight to spot them."
- "See them? One on either side of the door? I'll lend you my power to disable them."
- "Magister Gothren is good, but I'm better! Let's enter the assembly hall."
Once you successfully break in, you will immediately draw the attention of Telvanni's leadership. Meln will once again save the day, by pointing out he is technically allowed access:
- Magister Gothren: "This is a closed session! What is the meaning of this intrusion?"
- Meln the Mouthless: "Now, Gothren, surely such restrictions don't apply to a magister and his proxy."
- Magister Gothren: "Meln the Mouthless, a spirit? No matter, I will not tolerate your antics …."
- Meln the Mouthless: "Nothing in our statutes precludes a dead magister from participating in a conclave. Now, hear what my proxy has to say."
- Magister Gothren: "Very well. Step forward."
Just as you could speak to the Mouths, you can speak with the assembled Masters. Your past interactions, like during Tracing Shadows, will change their responses:
- Master Norvora: "Meln is dead? I knew it! Master Foves owes me two hundred gold!"
- Master Foves: "I have nothing to say to you, outsider. Not only did you cost me the life of a valued servant, you set back my plans in the assembly. I will not soon forget such insults." (Post Tracing Shadows)
- Master Thilse: First Magister Gothren arrives to take the reins of our conclave, and now the spirit of Magister Meln? I knew gathering the local masters all in one place was a bad idea …."
- Master Sulis: "The Morag Tong's assistant? You certainly get around. While I appreciate what you did for the assembly … for me … this is a matter for the masters and magister. You really shouldn't be in here." (Post Tracing Shadows)
- Curate Gadayn: "Go ahead, my friend. Talk to the magister and warn him of the danger they face."
- Meln the Mouthless: "Magister Gothren and I go way back. He was a pompous arse then and it seems nothing much has changed. Still, he is in charge here.
When you talk to him, remember that you represent me. It will add power to your words."
Converse with Gothren to warn him about Shelreni's plot to kill them all:
- "You stand on shaky ground, mouth for the mouthless. What's so important that Magister Meln dares interrupt this closed session of the Masters Conclave?"
- You're all in danger. Master Shelreni plans to eliminate all of her rivals.
- "And Magister Meln thought us so ineffective that he had to swoop in and save the day? How presumptuous of him.
Do you really think one rogue master is a match for this assembly?" - It's not just Master Shelreni. She has the support of two Daedric Princes.
- "So I heard. Hence the reason I decided to leave my comfortable tower and come all this way to personally take charge of this conclave. The masters will hear the charges, question the subject, and render swift judgment."
- She's going to kill you all, just like she killed Meln the Mouthless.
- "Is that why you're here? To add another charge to Shelreni's list of crimes? Then so noted.
Perhaps that's why she turned herself over without any fuss or bother. So that she can plead for mercy. Perhaps I'll be lenient. Perhaps not." - You're making a mistake. Magister Meln say you can't underestimate Master Shelreni.
- "Enough of this nonsense! I listened to the concerns of your magister and heard his allegation. Now we are finished.
Meln may stay if he wishes. That is his right. But you and the curate should go and leave us to our work."
Master Norvora will call you over to her, but you can once again speak to the other people present:
- Master Sulis: "I wouldn't suggest disobeying the order of Magister Gothren. I've seen him turn a retainer into a mudcrab for a lesser infraction."
- Master Thilse: "If you're intent on flouting Magister Gothren's authority, then I suggest you speak to Masters Foves and Norvora. Neither of them could keep a confidence if their lives depended upon it.
But if anyone asks, you heard nothing from me." - Magister Gothren: "Didn't I make myself clear? Remove yourself from this chamber or I will have you removed, mouth of the mouthless."
- Meln the Mouthless: "What are you waiting for? Do what all good mouths do and converse with the masters in my stead!
Masters Norvora or Foves like to talk. Get one of them to tell you where they stashed Shelreni."
You can also converse with Foves, as Thilse suggested:
- "I don't understand this necessity for debate. If it were up to me, we'd get right to the vote. Nothing anyone has to say will change my mind about Shelreni.
Now then, is Magister Meln really dead?" - Magister Meln was murdered by Master Shelreni. He needs to see her right away.
- "Meln may have confused Magister Gothren, but there's no provision for a dead Telvanni participating in a conclave. It's just not done!"
- Look, if we don't find Shelreni, there's no telling what may happen to you and the other masters.
- "Is that a threat? Master Marena led Shelreni through the east door for making similar pronouncements only a few moments ago. If that can happen to a master, imagine what's in store for a lowly mouth like you."
Talk with Master Norvora when you want to proceed:
- "Psst, over here!"
- "I forgot how boring my so-called peers can be. Pity Shelreni didn't eliminate a few more of my rivals before we noticed.
But your master, Meln. I have fond memories of his many antics. That's why I wanted a word with you." - What did you want to talk to me about?
- "Your master has delayed these proceedings long enough. Master Shelreni reached above her station and must be dealt with. Anything that postpones that and increases the time I must spend in the company of my so-called peers will not be tolerated."
- Master Shelreni murdered Magister Meln. He has the right to confront her.
- "Murder, you say. That is serious. I suppose anything can be expected from a master who makes pacts with Daedra. We really need to strip her of her rank and exile her.
Well, if you must see her, she's being held in a meeting room down the east hall."
Now with the knowledge of Shelreni's location, head the meeting room she is being held in. Curate will assure you he will keep the coast clear for you:
- "Go on and take a look. I'll stand watch out here in case Magister Gothren sends someone to expel us. There's a meeting room just to the right."
Unsurprisingly, Shelreni is not here. In her place you will find a vial releasing a purple mist. Meln will use his magic to figure out what happened, revealing a scene of Shelreni:
- Meln the Mouthless: Shelreni's gone, but what's that tipped over bottle over there? That's pure essence of dream. Let me cast a spell to see what happened here."
- Master Marena: "What … what was that?"
- Master Shelreni: "Just a little gift from the Prince of Dreams. Soon you will do exactly as I say."
- Master Marena: "You … you won't get away with this."
- Master Shelreni: "I already have. And with your help, I'll get away with so much more. Now let's go attend the conclave. My ascension requires participants—willing or otherwise."
- Meln the Mouthless: "We must get to the conclave! It's held in the masters' private hall to the north."
Gadayn will alert you to the current state of the conclave. Inform him of your discovery:
- "Something's going on to the north. I think the conclave is starting. It sounds like the conclave has started. Did you find Master Shelreni?"
- Master Shelreni did something to Master Marena. We think she headed to the conclave.
- "That can't be good. We better hurry to the masters private hall. It's through the north corridor."
You will come into the conclave's private hall above in an elevated position. Master Shelreni will be in the center of the room, in front of a lectern. Magister Gothren will be across from her, on an raised platform. Shelreni will make her move mid-trial, and use her magic to trap Master Marena. Once more, you will need ghost sight to find something invisible:
- Magister Gothren: "Master Shelreni, you stand accused of conspiring against your fellow Telvanni, murdering Meln the Mouthless, and consorting with Daedric Princes. How do you plead?"
- Master Shelreni: "A Telvanni doesn't plead. But I will kill you all before I take my sacrifice and depart."
- Master Marena: "Help me, magister!"
- Magister Gothren: "Shelreni! Cease your actions this instant!"
- Meln the Mouthless: "Use my ghost sight to disable the wards and get down there!"
You will manage to make it down there, but Shelreni will quickly render you unconscious. You will wake up in the company of Gadayn and Gothren:
- Master Shelreni: "You again? If these fools can't stop me, what hope do you have?"
- Meln the Mouthless: "Come on, get up. I am not ready to die a second time."
- Curate Gadayn: "You're finally awake! Thank the ancestors! I thought Shelreni killed you!"
- Magister Gothren: "We should talk, mouth of Meln."
- Curate Gadayn: "I was still in the access corridor when Master Shelreni unleashed her attack. By the time I reached you, you were unconscious and Shelreni was gone.
I think Magister Gothren can explain all this better. He wants to talk to you."
Gothren will fill in the details you missed while unconscious:
- "The mouth of the mouthless. I suppose you want me to say that you and Meln were right. That I should have taken Shelreni's threat more seriously.
Well, let's pretend I said that and move on to what needs to happen next." - I remember rushing toward Shelreni when suddenly everything went black.
- "Yes, quite a display. She used the conclave to formally announce her intentions. Her spell would have killed everyone and positioned her to challenge the archmagister for rulership of the house. Luckily, I was on hand to save the local masters."
- What did you do?
- "Shelreni may be a powerful master, but I am a magister of the Telvanni Council. It was a simple matter to deflect her attack while the conclave dispersed. Then I stabilized the portal she fled through, assuming you would want to follow her."
- Why do you assume that we want to follow Master Shelreni?
- "Really now, who do you think Meln consulted when he first invented his cloak of omission? I see the mark of Mora upon you. House Telvanni wants no part in the machinations of Daedric Princes.
Just make sure to kill Shelreni when you find her." - What about Master Marena?
- "Master Marena revealed her inadequacies when she allowed herself to be captured. The other masters survived. In both cases, House Telvanni won.
If you plan to chase Shelreni, I suggest you leave now. I'm not going to hold that portal open forever." - So you don't care what happens to Master Marena?
- "In all honesty, no. In case you haven't noticed, we of House Telvanni are a superior lot. Sentiment and mercy rarely factor into our actions.
Now, step lively. That portal will close as soon as my attention wavers, and I feel a yawn coming on …."
With Shelreni's attack against Telvanni a failure, pursue her through the portal. Gadayn will accompany you, and note that you have appeared in a ruin that was dedicated to Vaermina:
- "This ancient ruin … those markings … this place is dedicated to Vaermina!"
- "Look, see those markings? They indicate that this ancient ruin was dedicated to Vaermina, the Daedric Prince of Dreams and Nightmares. We should proceed with caution."
He will also call out an area you should search for information about what is going on here:
- "This chamber appears promising. We should look around."
You can find a note from Master Shelreni revealing she is restoring a statue to Vaermina, and another one about how she met Torvesard. Talk with Gadayn about the notes:
- "Anything relevant in those papers?"
- "Was there anything in those papers about Master Shelreni or where we might find her?"
- These pages talk about master Shelreni's arrangement with Torvesard.
- "Hmm. She writes about how Torvesard came to her, indoctrinated her into Vaermina's service. How he was consumed with restoring something that was either stolen or lost. And how he insisted they find this ancient shrine. Interesting."
- And here she writes about the work they did to restore a Vaermina statue.
- "So they sent the malachite mined from the Alavelis quarry here. And she discusses how the Hidden Kindred were formed to provide the workers needed to accomplish the restoration.
Somehow, rebuilding a Vaermina statue is the key to Torvesard's goal." - In the Panopticon, Torvesard altered Mora's memory by restoring a Vaermina statue.
- "This must be where that original memory took place. Where Vaermina and Peryite think Hermaeus Mora wronged them and stole whatever it is they now seek.
Let's keep going. That restored statue and Master Shelreni must be somewhere in this old ruin."
Meln will interject as you continue:
- "We must hurry to find Shelreni and stop her from completing this rite."
Proceed deeper into the ruin, where you will find a space that matches Hermaeus Mora's memory. Blightcrown, Torvesard, Master Shelreni, and Master Marena will be next to the restored statue of Vaermina. Your adversaries will be standing on the base of the statue, while Marena is in a magic circle, with a beam emitted from the statue passing through the Black Book and hitting Marena:
- Curate Gadayn: "There's Shelreni! And Master Marena! We need to free her!"
- Blightcrown: "Ingenious, Torvesard! Using the restored memory to open a path to Apocrypha. All we need now is for Shelreni to finish the rite and perform the sacrifice."
- Meln the Mouthless: "Shelreni's using the restored statue as a focus for her rite."
- Master Shelreni: "Mora's minions! You will not interfere!"
An Aspect of Vaermina will appear, taking the form of Marena. She will attempt to stop you from interfering with the ritual, but Meln's ghost sight will once again save the day:
- Meln the Mouthless: "An aspect of Vaermina? That's not good."
- Aspect of Vaermina: "Away agents of fate! This vessel will help me restore what was taken from us all! No! Now my disciple. Complete the sacrifice so I may inhabit the vessel!"
- Curate Gadayn: "Now, friend! Free Marena from the binding!"
You are clearly supposed to help Marena, although you are free to speak to Gadayn before doing so if you wish:
- "Master Shelreni is performing a rite from Meln's Black Book! You were supposed to stop that from happening! Let's hurry and see what we can do."
Release Marena and she will flee to safety. With the rest of opposition unwilling to come down and face you, this also gives you a free opportunity to reclaim the Black Book:
- Master Marena: "Daedra magic is unstable! Save yourselves!"
- Master Shelreni: "No! Not when we're so close!"
- Meln the Mouthless: "Close my Black Book and take it! That should end the rite."
Master Shelreni will begin threatening you from the statue, but still will not come down to fight. Blightcrown, deciding that their own Telvanni Master is a perfectly good substitute sacrifice, will backstab Shelreni:
- Master Shelreni: "Taking the Black Book won't stop us. And one of you will serve just as well as a sacrifice."
- Blightcrown: "No need to involve outsiders, Shelreni. Prince Vaermina accepts your sacrifice and deems you a worthy vessel!"
- Torvesard: "I regret the bloodshed, but soon Mora's injustice will be undone."
- Vaermina: "With this vessel, I can enter Apocrypha and strike at Mora's heart! With me, my faithful!"
- Curate Gadayn: "We have to warn Apocrypha! Let's return to the Necrom Bindery and find Leramil."
- Meln the Mouthless: "Hold still and I'll open a portal back to Necrom."
If you speak to Gadayn before departing he will resummarize what just happened:
- "This is bad! Blightcrown killed Master Shelreni and Vaermina took possession of her body! And she walked into Apocrypha!
We should return to the Necrom Bindery. We must tell Leramil what happened here. She'll know what we need to do."
Back at the Bindery, Leramil and Scruut already know something is incredibly wrong:
- Leramil the Wise: "Neither Scruut nor I can feel Hermaeus Mora's presence. We both find this … unsettling."
- Scruut: "What did you do, mortal? The screams of Apocrypha are like needles in my eyes!"
- Curate Gadayn: "Leramil needs to know what happened at the conclave and the Vaermina shrine.
You tell her, friend. I'm too nervous to speak coherently."
Report what happened to Leramil to conclude the quest:
- "Good, you are here. Both Scruut and I felt a sudden disturbance in the tides of fate. Something terrible has happened in Apocrypha, and Scruut and I no longer feel the presence of the One Who Knows."
- Shelreni performed the rite. Blightcrown sacrificed her and Vaermina possessed her body.
- "Another significant event in the annals of fate and I missed it? But Master Shelreni is dead? And Vaermina did what?
Start from the beginning, proxy. What happened at the Masters Conclave?" - We warned the masters, which helped save them when Master Shelreni tried to kill them all.
- "So that was Shelreni's plan. Use whatever power the Princes provided to eliminate her rivals and move up in rank.
I am glad she failed, but what happened after that?" - We followed her to the shrine we saw in the memory. We savedd the master she planned to sacrifice.
- "And Blightcrown decided to complete the rite anyway by sacrificing Shelreni instead. Ruthless, but in keeping with a follower of Peryite.
And you say this allowed Vaermina to possess Shelreni's corpse? What happened next, proxy?" - I recovered the Black Book, but the possessed Shelreni and the others opened a portal to Apocrypha.
- "They cannot. Not usually. Hence all the trouble that Torvesard and his allies went through to reach this point. At least you saved the Telvanni masters and recovered Meln's Black Book. Well done.
While I ponder next steps, take this. You earned it."
This will conclude the quest, and instantly begin A Calamity of Fate.
Quest Stages[edit]
Conclave of Fate | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
I should return to the Necrom Bindery in the Telvanni Peninsula and see if Curate Gadayn has learned anything new about Master Shelreni or the rite she plans to cast from Meln's Black Book.
Objective: Return to the Necrom Bindery
I rendezvoused with Curate Gadayn and Scruut in the Necrom Bindery. I should talk to Gadayn and find out what news he wants to share with me.
Objective: Talk to Curate Gadayn
Meln the Mouthless materialized and claims we need his help if we're going to infiltrate the Masters Conclave. I should talk to him and see what he suggests.
Objective: Talk to Meln the Mouthless
Meln believes he can walk me through the creation of an enchanted cloak to hide my connection to Hermaeus Mora before we enter the Telvanni Masters Conclave. To do this, I need to go to his tower, Tel Rendys.
Objective: Go to Tel Rendys
I arrived at Tel Rendys and Meln materialized. I should talk to him about how to locate the components needed to create the cloak of omission.
Objective: Talk to Meln the Mouthless
Meln buried the component we need in caches throughout the tower grounds. He wants me to use his ghost sight to locate the sigils he placed. The caches are buried beneath them.
Objective: Find the Components
Objective: Gather Dried Hoax-Wort
Objective: Gather Lamia-Scale Shawl
Objective: Search for Runes
Objective: Gather Illusion Tincture
Meln said I can find one of his workbenches near his tower. We can assemble the components we unearthed there.
Objective: Find Meln's Workbench
Meln told me to place the components we gathered on the workbench so he can guide me through the creation of the item. He says it will help get me into the Telvanni Masters Conclave.
Objective: Place Dried Hoax-Wort
Objective: Place Lamia-Scale Shawl
Objective: Place Illusion Tincture
I followed Meln's instructions and the components turned into a glowing cloak. I should take it.
Objective: Take the Cloak of Omission
Now to put on the cloak of omission and see if it works the way Meln hopes.
Objective: Don the Cloak of Omission
Meln wants to talk to me about the cloak we just created. I should see what else he wants to tell me.
Objective: Talk to Meln the Mouthless
With Meln's cloak of omission, I'm ready to head to Ald Isra and enter the tower hall to attend the Telvanni Conclave of Masters.
Objective: Enter Tel Huulen
Objective: Use the Cloak of Omission
Before I can enter the conclave hall, I need to present myself to the sentry and invoke the statute that Meln suggested.
Objective: Talk to the Sentry
Objective: Talk to Mouth Vabdru
The sentry allowed me to pass. Now to enter the assembly antechamber and find Curate Gadayn.
Objective: Enter the Assembly Antechamber
Curate Gadayn appears stuck in a conversation with Mouth Elar. Meln suggests we distract the mouth so we can converse with Gadayn in private.
Objective: Distract Mouth Elar
I extracted Gadayn from his conversation with Mouth Elar. Now I should follow Gadayn to a place where we can speak freely.
Objective: Follow Curate Gadayn
Gadayn led me to a side chamber where we can talk privately. I should speak to him now.
Objective: Talk to Curate Gadayn
Meln thinks he can help us get past the magister's ward. I should follow his instructions so we can warn the masters.
Objective: Disable the Ward
With Meln's help, I disabled the wards. Now to enter the main hall.
Objective: Enter Assembly Hall
We entered the assembly hall. Meln manifested and wants me to talk to Magister Gothren. I should deal with this at once.
Objective: Talk to Magister Gothren
Magister Gothren refuses to take the threat posed by Master Shelreni seriously. I need to find out where they're holding Shelreni and reach her before something terrible occurs.
Objective: Find Master Shelreni
Objective: Talk to Master Norvora
Objective: Talk to Master Foves
We found the room where they were holding Master Shelreni, but it's empty. There's a vial on the table that Meln wants me to examine.
Objective: Examine the Vial
Master Shelreni used some sort of dream potion to take control of Master Marena and headed for the conclave. I need to go to the masters private hall to the north and try to stop whatever she's planning.
Objective: Attend the Masters Conclave
Meln believes we can get through the warded door to stop Magister Shelreni. I should follow his instructions.
Objective: Disable the Ward
Master Shelreni is about to kill the Telvanni masters. I need to stop her.
Objective: Stop Master Shelreni
Master Shelreni unleashed a wave of power and knocked me out. I came to and Magister Gothren wants to talk to me. I should speak with him and learn what happened after I blacked out.
Objective: Talk to Magister Gothren
Master Shelreni took Master Marena captive and escaped through this portal. I should use it to follow after them.
Objective: Enter Shelreni's Portal
I entered the portal and followed Master Shelreni to a cavern of some sort. I should look around and figure out where I am.
Objective: Explore the Area
A chamber in the cavern ruins might hold a clue as to where Master Shelreni has gone. I should look around.
Objective: Investigate the Chamber
We found notes concerning this ruin, a statue, and Master Shelreni's deal with Torvesard and Vaermina. I should discuss the contents of these notes with Curate Gadayn.
Objective: Talk to Curate Gadayn
Master Shelreni must be deeper inside the ruins, where the restored statue of Vaermina is located. I need to find her.
Objective: Find Master Shelreni
I need to stop Master Shelreni from completing the rite and sacrificing Master Marena. I also need to deal with an aspect of Vaermina that's defending the site.
Objective: Stop Master Shelreni's Rite
I reached the restored statue. Shelreni, Blightcrown, and Torvesard have started the rite. I need to stop them and free Master Marena.
Objective: Free Master Marena
Meln wants me to close and take his Black Book. That should end the last remnants of Shelreni's rite.
Objective: Recover the Black Book
I recovered the Black Book but Master Shelreni and Blightcrown aren't finished yet. I should wait and see how they react to the situation.
Objective: Observe Master Shelreni and Blightcrown
We saved Master Marena but Blightcrown killed Master Shelreni to complete the sacrifice. Now Vaermina inhabits her body and has access to Apocrypha and the location they've been searching for. I should return to Necrom and inform Leramil.
Objective: Return to Necrom Bindery
We returned to the Necrom Bindery. Now to find Leramil and tell her what happened.
Objective: Talk to Leramil the Wise
Using a rite from Meln's Black Book and the restored statue of Vaermina, Torvesard and Blightcrown opened a way into Apocrypha. Now Vaermina has entered Mora's realm, wearing the body of Master Shelreni. I should talk to Leramil.
Objective: Talk to Leramil the Wise
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.