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Online:Crafting Motif 125: Blind Path Cultist Helmets

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Crafting Motif 125: Blind Path Cultist Helmets
ID 9055
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Crafting Motif 125: Blind Path Cultist Style
by Camp Prefect Acilius Hayn
A guide to crafting helmets in the Blind Path Cultist style

I have gathered my research on recovered armor from the Blind Path cultists into the following annotated notes. It is frustrating to admit that the crystalline material used extensively on this armor eludes many of the standard testing methodologies I've brought to bear. It is clearly some form of creatia but formed and latticed in a manner I've never seen before. In an effort to expediate efforts to research both the cult itself and their armaments, I hope these documents prove useful. To the curious and sticky fingered, hands off.


Do not wear this helmet. Apologies for being blunt, but I fear there are some lingering magics that ensorcell these helms. The thick leather completely covers your eyes, and the ensuing darkness engulfs not only your vision, but your mind. These shadows are heavy. They twist and churn as, something from a far distance, approaches.