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Online:Dame Clarique

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Dame Clarique
Location Outside Eagle's Brook
Race Breton Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Lion Guard
Dame Clarique

Dame Clarique is a Breton member of the Lion Guard found just outside the town of Eagle's Brook.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest Related Events[edit]

The White Mask of Merien[edit]

She will be on watch to see what the Bloodthorn Cultists are up to in Eagle's Brook:

"As if the problems in Camlorn weren't enough, we have cultists and bandits harrying our flanks!
I've been assigned to keep an eye on the situation here and my vigilance paid off. We captured one of those Red Rook bandits."

If you've spoken to Tamien Sellan, you can say:

That bandit's trying to save the village.
"You talked to him, didn't you? Why exactly do you trust this bandit? I'm not even convinced there are any villagers left alive in there to save. We haven't seen anyone but the cultists."
[Persuade] Why would a bandit try to sneak into a village full of evil cultists?
"I suppose that's a good point. If what he's told us is correct, we wouldn't see the villagers, anyway. He says they're being kept down by the docks.
Very well, I'll let the bandit go. I just hope I don't regret this."
I want to help and I could use his assistance.
"That's not going to happen. If you want to help, go to the docks and see what's happening. I'd appreciate any information you can bring us.
I wish I could send a force in there and clear the cultists out, but Camlorn might call us back at any time."

If you convinced her to let you take Tamien, he'll approach then disappear without a trace:

"I just let a bandit go on your word and he vanished in a cloud of smoke. If you're going to do something, do it. Don't make me regret this."

If you didn't convince her:

"I'll keep an eye on the bandit. If he tries anything, I'll send a runner to let you know.
If you do go into Eagle's Brook, remember that we need to know what happened to the villagers."

After the quest:

"We established a perimeter around the village. Nothing that comes this way will get past us.
But we can't cover the docks. I don't have enough soldiers for that."

Cutting Off the Source[edit]

If you chose to save Tamien's father instead of stopping the cultists, she'll say:

"We just watched boats filled with Bloodthorn cultists sail away from the docks. What happened down there?"
Tamien and I stopped the necromantic ritual and rescued his father, but the Bloodthorns escaped.
"I hope it was worth it. Those Bloodthorn cultists will cause trouble elsewhere, no doubt.
There's some consolation that you stopped the necromantic ritual, however. We'll take care of the remaining cultists and their zombies."


"Some of the Bloodthorn escaped. I'll send a runner to warn Daggerfall.
At least you stopped their rituals. I'll consider that a victory. Hopefully, that wizard you rescued can help, too. In the meantime, we have a town to clean up."

If you chose to burn the Bloodthorn's boats however:

"Bloodthorn cultists made a mad dash up the road. We cut down a number of them. They clearly weren't expecting to run into us.
I assume you had something to do with that?"
I rescued the villagers and destroyed the Bloodthorn boats.
"So I see. Sent the cultists right into our waiting blades. Good job!
You were right about that bandit. He really came through for us. We'll deal with the remaining cultists and their zombies."


"You did good here. I'm sorry about the bandit's father, but the two of you saved a lot of lives today.
If you speak to the bandit, let him know we'll look the other way if he decides to slip out of here. Meanwhile, we've got a town to clean up."