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Location Duriatundur's Killing Field
Species Ice Wraith
Health 1,476,894 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Prisoner Duriatundar's Frigid Amulet

Duriatundur is an ice wraith found at Duriatundur's Killing Field in Coldharbour. He is the subject of Famous Coldharbourites, Part 21.

Skills and Abilities[edit]

Duriatundur uses all of the regular abilities generic ice wraiths have, though with more damage and have additonal properties, as well as one unique ability.

A basic melee attack that deals moderate physical damage.
Skeletal Smash
A charged melee attack dealing very high physical damage, knocking back and stunning the target. This can be blocked to stagger Duriatundur instead.
Shard Burst
Duriatundur burrows underground and bursts at its target's location, indicated by a red circle, dealing very high frost damage and stunning. Duriatundur cannot be attacked both when it's about to dive and shortly after surfacing. Then additonal ice burst AoEs appear all around Duriantundur, doing very high frost damage, as well as a group of weaker ice wraiths being summoned. Blocking prevents the stun, Duriatundur uses this ability regardless of distance and the additional ice burst AoEs do not have indicators.
Frost Rush
Duriatundur charges forward, indicated by a red rectangle, dealing very high physical damage, applying the Chilled effect and knocking down targets in its wake. It then leaves behind a trail of ice which heavily snares. Blocking prevents the knockdown.


There is one achievement associated with this creature:

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-pet-High Hrothgar Wraith.png Ice Wraith Hunter 5 Defeat the ice wraith, Duriatundur, at Duriatundur's Killing Field.