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Online:Eiraki Frostwind

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Eiraki Frostwind
Home Settlement Lower Yorgrim
Location Fish Head Tavern
Race Nord Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Eiraki Frostwind

Eiraki Frostwind is a Nord found at the Fish Head Tavern in Lower Yorgrim. She is married to Iglund Frostwind, and Skorvild Frostwind is her brother.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

If you have not started the quest, she will be by the fireplace inside the tavern:

"My poor poor village, my heart weeps for Lower Yogrim."

Speaking to her to start the quest, she will mention that giants attacked the village for no reason and her brother is gathering a party of warriors to repel the giants:

"Lower Yorgrim is dying. We have nothing left to offer you. I suggest you look for somewhere safer to rest this night."
What happened here?
"Giants attacked our village. Many villagers died in Lower Yorgrim because of these mindless savages!
I gathered the few survivors I could find and fled to this fishing camp."
Why would the giants attack Lower Yorgrim?
"I don't know. This is the first time the giants have ventured this close to the village … and the first time they've attacked us.
My brother Skorvild is assembling a force of warriors to drive off the giants. You should talk to my brother."
I'll speak to Skorvild.

If you started the quest through Jorygg Bleakdawn:

"Lower Yorgrim is dying, stranger. We have nothing left to offer you. I suggest you find somewhere else to rest this night."
What happened here?
"Giants attacked our village. Many villagers died in Lower Yorgrim because of these mindless savages!
I gathered the few survivors I could find and fled to this fishing camp."
Why would the giants attack Lower Yorgrim?
"I don't know. This is the first time the giants have ventured this close to the village … and the first time they've attacked us.
My brother Skorvild is assembling a force of warriors to drive off the giants. You should talk to my brother."

You can further questions to see her take on why the giants attacked the village:

"My brother Skorvild and his warriors gather in a house north of here. I'm sure he'd appreciate any help you could provide."
The giants haven't attacked the village before?
"We sometimes hear about attacks against lone travelers, but the giants mostly keep to themselves.
I've never heard of them attacking a settlement before."
Something must have angered the giants.
"These are troubled times for Eastmarch. We hear that the Orcs grow more and more aggressive, and there are rumors that disenfranchised Nord clans plan to start a civil war.
Anything could have provoked the giants."
Tell me about your brother.
"Skorvild? Well, my brother is a respected leader in our community and a great supporter of the Skald-King.
He can be a little intense, though, and some people find that a bit disturbing. But he loves Lower Yorgrim and wants to set things right."

After meeting with Skorvild, collecting the rations, rescuing the villagers, and speaking with Burj, you'll have the option of speaking to Skorvild directly, or tell Eiraki of Skorvild's plans. Speak to Eiraki and she'll say:

"Did you find Skorvild? Are you the one who rescued the villagers?"
Yes to both questions. And I know why the giants attacked. Skorvild's to blame.
"What? How could my brother cause the giants to attack Lower Yorgrim? That makes no sense! What proof do you have?"
This is giant meat. He plans to use the meat to perform a ritual to make him stronger.
"Oh no. Skorvild has gone insane! Please, you must stop him. If he goes ahead with this ritual, he'll only make matters worse."
I … never mind. I was wrong. Sorry to bother you.
"You should not make such accusations."

If you told her about Skorvild's plans and you speak to her again, she'll say:

"You must stop Skorvild from carrying out his mad plan. Eating giants is just so … unappetizing!
You'll probably find him up in the old manor house. He's been spending a lot of time there lately."

Deal with Skorvild in the Old Manor Basement, return to the main level, and she'll be there waiting for you. She will suggest burning the giant remains to let the giants know the village begs for forgiveness:

"What happened? I heard a terrible commotion from below.
Did he—is my brother dead?"
He left me no choice.
"I understand. I will mourn for my brother later. Right now, we still have to do something about the giants."
What do you suggest?
"I don't know where the closest giant burial ground is, but perhaps if we burn the remains it will show them that we're sorry. That we want to be left in peace.
Use the fire right outside, then meet me at the fishing camp when the task is done."

Speaking with her again:

"I'm going back to the fishing village. The other survivors need my help, and I must make amends for the acts of my brother."

After burning the remains of the giants, you will let her know in the inn that the giants have now been appeased and will no longer attack the villagers:

"Did you do it? Did you burn the remains of the giants? And did it work? Are they going to leave us alone now?"
It's done. The giants appear to have accepted the offering.
"That's a small blessing. If I had known what Skorvild was doing, maybe I could have talked to him and stopped this.
Anyway, thanks for your help. You kept a bad situation from turning even worse."

Speak to Eiraki after the quest whether you burnt the giant remains or helped her brother, she'll ponder:

"I'm not sure what to do now. Should we rebuild or should we leave Lower Yorgrim to the giants? I'm just not sure."


  • If you start the quest with Jorygg Bleakdawn, her dialogue is slightly different though nothing significant.