Online:Feathered Fiends
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Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to the townsfolk.
- Find the magistrate.
- Talk to Leja at-Lehiel.
- Recover the harpy eggs.
- Investigate the warehouse.
- Meet Leja at her home.
- Search the harpy nests.
- Find Magistrate Andrin at-Lehiel.
- Gather the townsfolk and head to the guardhouse.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
The quest starts by talking to Gold Coast Scout on the road south to the city, next to the bridge.
- "No end to these winged rats. Not that I'm complaining! Every feather's worth a fortunate in gold to us now!"
- "You one of the magistrate's charges? I'm only shooting the ones in town, don't worry."
- You're being paid to kill harpies?
- "Don't think about trying to cut in! Daneem's got an exclusive relationship with the magistrate. She gets wind of any shenanigans..."
- Point taken. But why the need for harpy bounties?
- "Not my concern. I get paid for feathers regardless."
- " go talk to some of the townsfolk if you're that curious. The magistrate's the one who runs this town. Tell him I've got some more feathers coming his way!"
- I'll go talk to the townsfolk.
You need to talk to three NPCs in town. They are Kabrahla, Foreman Malumah and Zihlran. Once you talk to them, the quest updates, instructing you to talk to the Magistrate Andrin at-Lehiel. He can be found in the Town Hall. Your offer of help will be rebuffed, but then the daughter of the Magistrate, Leja will arrive. Go talk with her and she will instruct you to meet her at her house.
Leja uncovered that the mercenaries have hidden harpy eggs around the town. The harpies attack only to get them back. After talking to her, she will tell you to follow her up on her balcony. Once there, Leja reveals she has a friendly harpy on her balcony. She will send you to collect harpy eggs stowed away at various points in the city - you need to only collect four of the eggs. Once you have the eggs, find Leja next to the well in the middle of the city. Your talk will soon be interrupted by Daneem - the leader of the mercenaries.
In order to figure out the mercenaries' plans, Leja send you to eavesdrop on them. You need to go to a warehouse on the western side of the city. Once hidden in a crate, a scene will play, between Daneem, Foremna Malumah and Udamaji. Daneem is extorting them for money, under threats of violence. With this information, return to Leja's house. But Leja will not be there, instead, her father will angrily shout at you. Apparently, Leja has been abducted by the harpies. In order to rescue her, you need to go to the east end of town, where the harpies nest.
On the way to the harpy nests, you will find a body of a villager, which you can examine.
- "<The villager is in rough shape. it looks as if quite a few wild animals got to him before the end.>"
- <Examine the body.>
- "<On second glance, it seems the villager was badly bruised, as if he'd been in a fistfight. His wrists also show signs of rope burns. It doesn't seem like harpies dragged this man away.>"
Follow the trail of victims to a tall rock spire. Go up and around the left side and you will Find Leja in small cave. She's hurt, but alive. She reveals the mercenaries were the abductors. They left all the people to die, but the harpies helped her. She states this must end. In order to return to town, you can ask a friendly harpy for a ride.
- "<The harpy doesn't seem to be afraid or aggressive.>"
- Leja at-Lehiel said you could take me back to town.
- "<The harpy seems to be waiting tor you to say something else.>"
- I'm ready to go if you'll take me!
The harpy will drop you off at the city center. Talk to the Magistrate to reveal Daneem's plot. Leja then tells you to gather up the villagers. You need to gather three groups of villagers, just by standing near them for a few seconds. The villagers seem to have been expecting you and are eager for action.
- "That's the one Leja said to wait for. Let's go."
- "About time we ran these charlatans out of town."
- "Leja said you'd come. Let's head to the guardhouse."
Meet with Leha before the town's guardhouse. You can watch as the villagers drag Daneem out of the building. Once that's done, you should head inside to investigate the guardhouse. Once inside, you'll see the Harpy matriarch dead on the floor. It seems this may have prompted the viciousness of the harpies. You should collect the corpse and take it out on the balcony, where you can give it to Leja, finishing the quest.
- The foreman, the magistrate, Leja and Daneem won't exist in Kozanset before starting the quest.
- The mercenary that speaks to the foreman has a prompt to talk with her but nothing occurs when attempting to do so.
- Zihlran disappears from the crate right after exhausting his dialogue.
- Although the guardhouse can be accessed beforehand, the dead matriarch won't exist inside until starting the quest or reaching the related objective.
Quest Stages[edit]
Feathered Fiends | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
Mercenaries seem to protect the town for pay. I can talk to some of the people around town to hear their opinions about the seriousness of the harpy problem.
Objective: Talk to Townsfolk about the Harpy Situation
Hidden Objective: Talk to Kabrahla
Hidden Objective: Talk to Foreman Malumah
Hidden Objective: Talk to Zihlran
After talking to several people around Kozanset, the problem is still not clear to me. Either the harpies are just nuisances, or the mercenaries are extorting the citizens. I should ask the town magistrate about these issues.
Objective: Find the Magistrate
As I entered the town hall, I interrupted a heated discussion between someone named Daneem and Magistrate Andrin at-Lehiel. I should ask him what happened.
Objective: Talk to Magistrate Andrin at-Lehiel
Leja at-Lehiel approached me and asked me to talk further with her. I should see what she wants.
Objective: Talk to Leja at-Lehiel in Her Home
Hidden Objective: Ask Leja at-Lehiel where she wants to meet
I've entered Leja at-Lehiel's house. She bade me come talk to her in privacy about the town's harpy problems.
Objective: Talk to Leja at-Lehiel
The magistrate's daughter, Leja at-Lehiel, said the Gold Coast mercenaries are taking advantage of the town, and possibly making the harpy problem worse. She's asked me to help her.
Objective: Follow Leja at-Lehiel to the Balcony
The woman in question is the magistrate's daughter, Leja at-Lehiel. She said the Gold Coast mercenaries are taking advantage of the town, and possibly making the harpy problem worse. She's asked me to help her.
Objective: Talk to Leja at-Lehiel
Leja at-Lehiel asked me to recover the harpy eggs from the rooftops of houses in Kozanset. How they got there is a mystery, but it's undoubtably [sic] one of the reasons why the harpies are so angry.
Objective: Gather the Harpy Eggs throughout Kozanset: 0/4
I've collected the harpy eggs from the rooftops. I should bring them to Leja at-Lehiel as she asked.
Objective: Bring the Harpy Eggs to Leja at-Lehiel in Town
The leader of the Gold Coast mercenaries, Daneem, confronted both Leja at-Lehiel and I about meddling with the mercenary's affairs. I need to continue my conversation with Leja at-Lehiel.
Objective: Talk to Leja at-Lehiel
Leja at-Lehiel said she'd seen the mercenaries frequenting the warehouse on the edge of town. I might be able to eavesdrop on their workings there.
Objective: Eavesdrop on Mercenaries in the Warehouse
Objective Hint: Find a Suitable Hiding Spot
I've learned that the Gold Coast mercenaries are extorting the people of Kozanset for protection. I should let Leja at-Lehiel know she was right.
Objective: Meet with Leja at-Lehiel in her Home
I arrived at Leja at-Lehiel's house to find her missing, and her father waiting for me. I should talk to him to find out what's going on.
Objective: Talk to Magistrate Andrin at-Lehiel
Magistrate Andrin at-Lehiel blames me for his daughter's disappearance, since I'd been helping her with the harpies. I should see if I can find out what happened to her.
Objective: Search for Leja by the Harpy Nests
Hidden Objective: Investigate the Body
Objective Hint: Follow the Trail of Victims
I found Leja at-Lehiel in a harpy nest some distance away from Kozanset. I should talk to her and make sure she's all right.
Objective: Talk to Leja at-Lehiel
I've rescued Leja at-Lehiel from the fake harpy attack orchestrated by the mercenaries. She's asked me to find her father and let him know the full extent of the mercenaries' deeds in Kozanset.
Objective: Find Magistrate Andrin at-Lehiel
Optional Step: Ask the Harpy for a Ride
(Changes to below once the Magistrate is found) Objective: Talk to Magistrate Andrin at-Lehiel
Leja at-Lehiel arrived just after I talked to her father and egged the mercenary leader. Now her plan is to get the townsfolk to stand up against the mercenaries. I should go around the town and see who's willing to do so.
Objective: Gather Groups of Townsfolk: 0/3
I've rallied several townsfolk to Leja's cause. I should talk to Leja at-Lehiel outside the guardhouse and find out what she plans next.
Objective: Talk to Leja at-Lehiel outside the Guardhouse
I've rallied several townsfolk to Leja's cause. Now we can confront Daneem and run her out of town.
Objective: Confront the Mercenaries
Leja at-Lehiel asked me to investigate the old guard house where the mercenaries used to stay. She thinks they were using something to anger the harpies and keep the town under attack.
Objective: Investigate the Guardhouse
Hidden Objective: Enter the Guardhouse
I found a harpy corpse in the guardhouse, one that looked much larger than any of the others. Perhaps this is what the harpies gathering on the balcony wanted. Leja asked me to meet her on the balcony after I've searched the guardhouse.
Objective: Take the Harpy Matriarch to the Balcony
Hidden Objective: Retrieve the Matriarch's Body
Leja at-Lehiel arrived on the guardhouse balcony, and seems pleased that the harpies are no longer angered against the town. I should see what she thinks the future holds for Kozanset.
Objective: Talk to Leja at-Lehiel
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.