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Online:Getting to the Truth

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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project.
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Quick Summary: written by Runs-in-Rivers, checked by MolagBallet

Walkthrough: written by Runs-in-Rivers, DavidJCobb, checked by MolagBallet

Quest Stages: written by MolagBallet, not checked
ON-qico-Zone Story.png Find the missing vicecanon.
Zone: Shadowfen
Zone StoryThis quest is part of the Zone Story
Faction: Ebonheart Pact
Objective: Required for Cadwell's Almanac Stormhold — Discover who's behind the murders in Stormhold.
Quest Giver: Vicecanon Heita-Meen
Location(s): Stormhold, Silyanorn Ruins
Prerequisite Quest: Three Tender Souls
Next Quest: Scouring the Mire
Reward: Stormhold Cuirass
Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Standard Experience
Find Vicecanon Hrondar
Vicecanon Heita-Meen wants me to look into the disappearance of Vicecanon Hrondar.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Find clues as to where Vicecanon Hrondar is located in Listens-to-Water's hut.
  2. Rescue the prisoners in Silyanorn Ruins.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

After accepting this quest from Vicecanon Heita-Meen, your conversation with her will continue:

"When I said Vicecanon Hrondar was indisposed, I spoke half the truth. He's missing, and I fear it's the work of our killer.
This is why Vicecanon Servyna and I request your utmost discretion in recovering Vicecanon Hrondar to us."
What can I do?
"Listens-to-Water is one of our little fish, our eyes and ears. He signals when he possesses urgent information for the vicecanons. A short while ago, we received his signal.
Be swift and silent as currents in a stream. Speak with Listens-to-Water on our behalf."

Listens-to-Water's hut is west of the Guild Hall, on the outskirts of Stormhold. When you enter the hut, you'll find an Argonian lying dead and burned to a crisp. Check the body.

<The Argonian in this hut was only recently killed. His body is still warm.>
<The flesh of his body looks charred, just like Eroni Omobar's body. There's no mistaking the similarity in the wounds.>
<Look around for records.>

Check the north side of the hut; on a table, you'll find a journal detailing Listens-to-Water's Observations regarding the strange behavior of his egg-brother, Chornakus, and odd events happening at Silyanorn Ruins and an Ayleid Key. After you read the journal, a Dominion spy will appear in the hut and attack you in an attempt to steal Listens' notes. Kill the spy and then head to Silyanorn Ruins, east and slightly south of Listens' hut.

Inside, you'll find a number of "Skin-Stealer" enemies, who appear to be Dunmer, Nords, and Argonians. When killed, however, their names will change to identify them as Dominion personnel. If you look at the bodies, you'll briefly be able to see their true forms -- Altmer, Bosmer, and Khajiit -- before they dissolve into glowing red dust. As you fight your way further into the ruins, however, the "Skin-Stealer" enemies will thin out, and you'll mostly face resistance from undisguised Dominion soldiers.

You'll find Vicecanon Hrondar deep inside the ruins. He'll hear you approach before you spot him, and call out to you. You'll find him in the center of a large room, with Dominion enemies at each corner; it actually doesn't appear to be necessary to kill them, as they're far enough away that approaching Hrondar won't draw their attention. Speak to him.

"Shor's bones, it's good to see you! The Dominion, right under our noses. Damned insidious.
I have to warn Servyna and Heita-Meen. Quick, untie me!"
Are you all right?
"Yes, but I've been here less than a day. Some of Stormhold's citizens were here longer, held in the alcoves nearby.
I'll distract these Dominion snowbacks. Should buy you time to free the prisoners. Meet me on the surface!"
I'll free the prisoners.

Hrondar will promptly dart out of the room and out of the ruins, leaving you to deal with all the Dominion personnel he isn't distracting. Locate and untie the four prisoners, they'll leave of their own accord. Meet Hrondar outside and speak to him to complete the quest. He will be standing near the other vicecanons, alongside a few freed prisoners.

"Gods, it felt good to bury an axe in their throats! From the prisoners trickling out, I trust you enjoyed yourself as much as I. Did you free them all?"
Yes, they're safe. Are you all right?
"I'd be better if the damned ruins beneath my feet weren't infested with Dominion! We've posted guards until reinforcements can wipe them clean.
You kept this city from tearing itself apart. Stormhold's in your debt."

Quest Stages[edit]

Getting to the Truth
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Vicecanon Heita-Meen revealed they have a spy named Listens-to-Water investigating recent crimes. She asked me to go to his home on the west side of Stormhold, so I can find out what sort of information he's gathered.
Objective: Talk to Listens-to-Water
I entered Listens-to-Water's home and found him dead. I should search the room for any sign of the reports he was keeping for Vicecanon Heita-Meen.
Objective: Find Listens-to-Water's Reports
I should go to the Ayleid entrance described in Listens-to-Water's report, so I can investigate. The report said the entrance is on the west side of the ruins in Stormhold.
Objective: Enter Silyanorn Ruins
Now that I've entered the ruins, I should investigate them to see what I can find.
Objective: Investigate Silyanorn Ruins
While I was investigating the ruins, I heard the voice of Vicecanon Hrondar calling out to me. I should rescue him.
Objective: Rescue Vicecanon Hrondar
Hidden Objective: Rescue a Prisoner
After I rescued Vicecanon Hrondar, he asked me to continue through the ruins. He asked me to release people who have been kidnapped.
Objective: Free the Prisoners: 0/4
Now that I've released all the prisoners, I should find Vicecanon Hrondar outside the ruins.
Objective: Find Vicecanon Hrondar
Finishes quest☑ Now that I've released all the prisoners, I should find Vicecanon Hrondar outside the ruins.
Objective: Talk to Vicecanon Hrondar
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.