Online:Guridda Meadblood

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Guridda Meadblood
Home City Riften
Location Outside Meadblood Home
Race Nord Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Guridda Meadblood

Guridda Meadblood is a Nord citizen of Riften who can be found just outside her family home, working.

Related Quests[edit]

  • ON-qico-Zone Story.pngPulled Under: Investigate rumors of a suspicious disappearance.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

When not on the related quest, she talks about her job.

"I like animals better than people. They don't complain as much."

After picking up the bundle of hay, you will find a lead where the zombie came from. You can ask her to find clues which she mentioned she put a zombie down:

I'm looking for undead, actually. Have you seen any?
"A zombie? Oh, aye. One tried to take a bite out of the horses. I put it down with a shovel. It's behind the barn."
You're not concerned about this?
"Eh. Have you ever fought a starving bear with a scat rake? No? In comparison, zombies are like sweet rolls. Get on with ya."

Inspect the zombie and you'll find pig iron. If you speak to her, she will direct you to the Scorched Hammer smithy:

"That thing was carrying pig iron? Strange. I wonder if that was old Gomund.
There's only one place in Riften to get pig iron - the Scorched Hammer smithy. It's near the center of town, west of the market square."
