Online:Humble Zaham
Humble Zaham Fence |
Home Settlement | The Stitches | ||
Race | Dagi | Gender | Male |
Health | 39,959 | ||
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Vendor | |||
Store Type | Fence |
Humble Zaham is a Dagi found in the Stitches and a preacher of Rajhin. He will ask you find worthy offerings in an attempt to appease the thief-god.
Afterwards, Zaham will offer his services as a fence in the Stitches.
Related Quests[edit]
- Beware the Purring Liar: "Acquire" offerings for the Thief-God and his priest.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
Beware the Purring Liar[edit]
As you approach his wagon and temple, he will look you over.
- "Careful where you flaunt your wealth, walker. You are a tempting prize indeed!"
You can then talk to him.
- "You cut a striking figure, walker. There are many dangers to such an enviable personage in the Stitches. All of Elsweyr, in fact, if you cast a shadow long enough.
Hear this one and he will tell you how to grease the right palms to pass unmolested." - I make that tempting of a target for a robbery?
- "Just so, sleek one, just so. You walk tall, with the heavy footfalls that signify an abundance of pride and gold.
Unless you wish to keep low and beneath notice, like Humble Zaham, there is a price to be paid. Willingly or not." - I can handle myself.
- "Of course, five-claw, of course! All the more reason to fear crossing the Purring Liar on the road. The Thief-God delights in stealing pride even more than riches.
Better to make a friend of Rajhin first by acquiring him an offering. Or three." - All right, what sort of offerings would appease Rajhin?
- "Start your pilgrimage here, with the ledger from the Goiter's Gulp. An idol from Rimmen would make a nice addition to this temple. Ah, and fine silks from the merchants at the Valenwood Gate. Yes!"
You can then ask him questions about the god and the items.
- Tell me more about Rajhin.
- "If you have not heard of Rajhin it is because he has stolen his name from your ears. Listen then, and pray he does not rob you further!
The Purring Liar is the cleverest of Khajiit—and we are a clever lot. His stories are more plentiful than sand."- He's that popular?
- "Rajhin is swift, sleek, and silver-tongued. What is there not to admire? But this one will lend you a secret. Rajhin is the most beloved of gods because he was not always so blessed."
- What do you mean?
- "Rajhin was once a Khajiit, like this one—though much larger and worthy of note—but so skilled a thief was he, that not even divinity was out of his reach.
Khajiit who hear tales of the one who purloined godhood aspire to follow in his footsteps."
- Why will these items please Rajhin?
- "Are idols and vestments not fitting offerings for a temple to Rajhin? But you wonder why these particular items and not just anything will do? It is because these things belong to those Rajhin approves of robbing!"
- Why is that?
- "Rajhin's sleek shadow! You steal away moments of my life with a skill to rival the Thief himself! Have you met a merchant, a priest, or a fence whose wealth could not stand to be humbled? Neither has the god of footpads!
Besides this one, of course."
- Do I have to steal these items?/Must I steal the items you mentioned?
- "Do you think you are above such work? Oh, walker, do not invite Rajhin's ire by looking down upon his deeds. If you do, he will surely play you for a fool and add your folly to his thousand tales!
Craftiness is a noble art. Follow his example!"- It's still illegal though, right?
- "If it were permitted, it wouldn't be theft. But just because it's illegal doesn't make it unworthy of veneration. Do you not cheer the gladiator because the law says not to strike another?
Alas, no arena celebrates the clever thief."
After you have acquired the items, you can return to Zaham. He will launch into his previous spiel before he recognizes you.
- "You cut a striking figure, walker. There are—ah, you again. How goes your holy work?"
- I acquired the offerings you requested.
- "Then the King of Thieves was watching over you! Let's see, let's see … ah, yes this will do. Yes, yes, yes. Fine offerings for Rajhin.
Do not forget yourself when dividing spoils or Rajhin will think you a fool. Good thieves always take their cut."
Once you have brought back the offerings to Zaham, if you return later, he will have moved to be near Adiah the Warbler and Narazreshi. He will have also changed into the robes you obtained and will provide services to you in the name of Rajhin.
- "I bless you in the name of the Sleek Shadow! Fortune and fame are yours for the taking!"
His greeting to you will change depending on choices made during Thick as Thieves.
- "Rajhin smiles on the Stitches to grace us with a leader as sleek as Tasnasi. Help us keep his good favor. Share your good fortune." (If Tasnasi rules the Stitches)
- "Many a tale of your caper into Meirvale Keep has crossed this one's ears. He thinks Rajhin must have been watching over you. Humble Zaham suggests you cross his palm with gold as thanks."
- "Aha! Once again your sleekness graces my presence! Have you come to make another offering to Rajhin?"
- "There is trouble brewing in the Stitches. Calamity waits around every corner. Give an offering to Rajhin and he will keep you hidden from misfortune!" (If Tasnasi left)
- So, you're some sort of priest?
- Aren't those the robes I stole for Rajhin?
- "So they are. You are surprised? Did you expect the King of Footpads to descend from on high to don your offering? They are fine, yes, but Rajhin has no need for material things. It is the theft that is of value.
Humble Zaham; however, needs clothes."- So you had me steal them for you.
- "No, five-claw, you give this one much too much credit! He simply suggested some worthwhile offerings. And behold! Through your deeds, Rajhin's humble servant has the makings of a temple of his own. How better could you have honored him?"
Zaham's Blessings and Sermons[edit]
As one of his roles as a priest, Zaham can can offer you blessings or can be asked about Rajhin's story. You may inexplicably start losing gold, though he will be quick to assure you. However, if you have some Legerdemain skill or membership with the Thieves Guild he will leave you alone if you mention it.
- So, you're some sort of priest?
- "Is Rajhin a god? Do gods not have those who spread word of their deeds? This one is but a humble servant to a more deserving master."
- Can you perform blessings and other services?
- "Of course, of course, sleek one! This one does not need a temple to bend his god's ear. He will gladly ask for Rajhin's favor on your behalf, for a humble offering. Or perhaps you wish to hear a sermon? This one can provide objects of faith, as well."
- I'd like a blessing. [69
- "King of Thieves! One of your faithful seeks your favor! This one humbly begs you spare a fraction of your ample sleekness for their benefit.
Ah, there is a fresh glow about you! You are nearly as dashing as Dashing Dasalzo once was!"- I meant something to help me be a better thief. [347
- "Rajhin! Your faithful hope to follow your noble example! Lend them one of your many shadows, so they may stay shady even in the hot desert sun!
Yes, this one thinks you must feel cooler already under the protective wing of the Thief-god." - I thought it would be something more noticeable.
- "Hah! You jest. Rajhin is the saint of subtlety! You will only ever know his presence if that is his desire, but he is always there: an unseen shadow.
Trust Zaham. You are in the Thief-god's good graces!"
- "Hah! You jest. Rajhin is the saint of subtlety! You will only ever know his presence if that is his desire, but he is always there: an unseen shadow.
- I meant something to help me be a better thief. [347
- I want to hear a sermon./All right. How about a sermon, while I'm here? [347
- "Come closer, walker, and this one will regale you with a tale of Rajhin. Long ago, on a night of new moons, the dark was so thick that shadows stretched to Oblivion. No one dared to brave the night, but one crafty thief. He chose to walk the strands."
- To Oblivion? [69
- "Just so. On this night, they stretched through the Lunar Lattice and led the thief toward the faint glimmer of the stars, except the dancing lights were not the stars, but twilight caught in a realm of spun silver. Within, silky voices argued."
- Daedra? [69
- "Three Princes, clothed in shadows, each claiming dominion of the night. The thief drew closer, stepping along the web where the light had not been caught, and listened to their debate. As he crept unnoticed, the clever thief made a plan."
- What did he do? [69
- "He waited. Patiently. Quietly, as the Princes talked in circles, learning all he could. Then, when the time was right, he stepped out from the shadows and announced himself.
"This one knows the night like no other, he would be honored to choose." - That seems unwise. [69
- "Risky, for certain. Two Princes, sisters he could see, regarded the thief coolly, but the spinner of this silver web looked upon him hungrily.
"You are a light touch, little fly, but foolish to come buzzing into the spider's web." - How'd he get out of that? [69
- "Seeing now that the thief was one of her chosen people, the Prince, Azurah, stayed Mafala's hand.
"By your admission this one knows the night better than any other. Who better to decide, or do you fear the truth will be too ugly?"" - And she agreed? [69
- "All three Princes agreed that the thief was a most worthy lover of the night, and each told him why they were obviously the best choice. When all was said and done, the thief knew his decision."
- Who did he choose? [69
- "Knowing she was as vain as she was dangerous, the thief approached Mafala and heaped on her great flattery.
"My Prince, it was the night itself that led this lover to his mistress, so that he could steal a kiss," and so the thief embraced the night." - Rajhin kissed a Daedric Prince? [69
- "And more so! The thief deftly ran his hands about Mafala, purring sweet nothings in her ear, until his fingers touched upon the thing that really caught his eye: a ring on the finger of her eighth arm."
- He stole her ring? [69
- "Slipped it from her finger without the slightest notice, such was the lightness of his caress and the skill of his tongue, and placed it on his own. With that the thief vanished and the legend of Rajhin, the Purring Liar, was born."
- Thanks for the story. I need something else.
- That time I definitely felt something. Did you just pick my pocket?
- "Me? No, no. I am not so skilled a thief as to fleece a favorite of Rajhin! Though if something is missing, he may have shown you his disfavor for interrupting his tale.
Best we continue, lest you suffer another loss!" - All right, what did Mafala do to the thief? [69
- (?)
- [Thieves Guild] I might have a story to tell the Guild, about a preacher who's raking in the gold.
- "A secret kept, a secret gained. Very well.
Now, where did we leave off?" - Mafala was going to eat the thief.
- (story continues without gold fee)
- "A secret kept, a secret gained. Very well.
- Forget the sermon. I need something else.
- "Me? No, no. I am not so skilled a thief as to fleece a favorite of Rajhin! Though if something is missing, he may have shown you his disfavor for interrupting his tale.
- [Legerdemain] Please, don't crowd. I can hear you just fine.
- "Ah, but the story is long in the telling, and this one's throat is parched from the desert. Surely, it would not impose too much upon you to let this one speak softly so as not to strain his voice."
- [Thieves Guild] Finish your story, and I won't tell anyone about your grift.
- "A secret kept, a secret gained. Very well.
Now, where did we leave off?" - The thief made a plan.
- "He waited. Patiently. Quietly, as the Princes talked in circles, learning all he could. Then, when the time was right, he stepped out from the shadows and announced himself.
"This one knows the night like no other, he would be honored to choose." - That seems unwise.
- "Risky, for certain. Two Princes, sisters he could see, regarded the thief coolly, but the spinner of this silver web looked upon him hungrily.
"You are a light touch, little fly, but foolish to come buzzing into the spider's web." - How'd he get out of that?
- "Seeing now that the thief was one of her chosen people, the Prince, Azurah, stayed Mafala's hand.
"By your admission this one knows the night better than any other. Who better to decide, or do you fear the truth will be too ugly?" - And she agreed?
- "All three Princes agreed that the thief was a most worthy lover of the night, and each told him why they were obviously the best choice. When all was said and done, the thief knew his decision."
- Who did he choose?
- "Knowing she was as vain as she was dangerous, the thief approached Mafala and heaped on her great flattery.
"My Prince, it was the night itself that led this lover to his mistress, so that he could steal a kiss," and so the thief embraced the night." - Rajhin kissed a Daedric Prince?
- "And more so! The thief deftly ran his hands about Mafala, purring sweet nothings in her ear, until his fingers touched upon the thing that really caught his eye: a ring on the finger of her eighth arm."
- He stole her ring?
- "Slipped it from her finger without the slightest notice, such was the lightness of his caress and the skill of his tongue, and placed it on his own. With that the thief vanished and the legend of Rajhin, the Purring Liar, was born."
- Thanks for the story. I need something else.
- That seems unwise. [69
- "Risky, for certain. Two Princes, sisters he could see, regarded the thief coolly, but the spinner of this silver web looked upon him hungrily.
"You are a light touch, little fly, but foolish to come buzzing into the spider's web."- How'd he get out of that? [69
- "(?)
- That time I definitely felt something. Did you just pick my pocket?
- "Me? No, no. I am not so skilled a thief as to fleece a favorite of Rajhin! Though if something is missing, he may have shown you his disfavor for interrupting his tale.
Best we continue, lest you suffer another loss!"- All right, what did Mafala do to the thief? [69
- "(?)
- [Thieves Guild] I might have a story to tell the Guild, about a preacher who's raking in the gold.
- "A secret kept, a secret gained. Very well.
Now, where did we leave off?" - Mafala was going to eat the thief.
- "Seeing now that the thief was one of her chosen people, the Prince, Azurah, stayed Mafala's hand.
"By your admission this one knows the night better than any other. Who better to decide, or do you fear the truth will be too ugly?" - And she agreed?
- "All three Princes agreed that the thief was a most worthy lover of the night, and each told him why they were obviously the best choice. When all was said and done, the thief knew his decision."
- Who did he choose?
- "Knowing she was as vain as she was dangerous, the thief approached Mafala and heaped on her great flattery.
"My Prince, it was the night itself that led this lover to his mistress, so that he could steal a kiss," and so the thief embraced the night." - Rajhin kissed a Daedric Prince?
- "And more so! The thief deftly ran his hands about Mafala, purring sweet nothings in her ear, until his fingers touched upon the thing that really caught his eye: a ring on the finger of her eighth arm."
- He stole her ring?
- "Slipped it from her finger without the slightest notice, such was the lightness of his caress and the skill of his tongue, and placed it on his own. With that the thief vanished and the legend of Rajhin, the Purring Liar, was born."
- All right, what did Mafala do to the thief? [69
- How'd he get out of that? [69
- Forget the sermon. I need something else./Thanks for the story. I need something else.
- "What else may this humble servant of Rajhin do for the faithful?"
- Daedra? [69
- I'd like a blessing. [69