Dark Brotherhood

Online:Louna (Dark Elf)

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Home City Kvatch
House Louna's Farmhouse
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Fate-Bearers

Louna is a Dark Elf farmer found in Kvatch. As you investigate the mysterious Sweetroll Killer, Louna is initially listed as one of the killer's targets.

At the end of your investigation, Louna will be encountered again in her farmhouse east of Anvil.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

She will be on your list of targets to interview during the quest.

"Oh, hello! Careful where you step. I just planted some seeds and I'd hate to have to start all over again.
But you didn't come over to hear me complain. What can I help you with today?"
I understand you received a threatening sweetroll recently.
"A sweetroll? How do you know about …?
Hmm. Yes, I received a sweetroll. Just as my husband did before he disappeared. What interests are my troubles to you, I wonder?"
I was asked to look into the sweetroll murders.
"Really? Did Reman hire you? How kind. Though why he cares now when he couldn't be bothered after my husband vanished makes me curious as to his true intentions.
Perhaps fate will take a different course. Certainly I didn't predict your involvement."
You know Reman?
"I thought I did. Well, no, I don't know him that well. I mean, I know people like him. Liars and cheaters who use people and take advantage of their giving nature.
So Reman hired you to stop the murderer? I find that to be very interesting."
Tell me about your husband.
"My husband? He received one of those sweetrolls with the message inside. Just like I did. The dire prediction frightened him, I can tell you that.
He gathered weapons and locked himself in his study. But he still disappeared without a trace."
There wasn't a body?
"No. Not even a drop of blood to remember him by.
But my husband was just one of a series of murders linked to this Sweetroll Killer. It's been going on for months and months, and now Reman suddenly cares? I wonder why he's had a change of heart?"
Anything I can do to help?
"No. The others who received the sweetrolls, I'm sure they need more help than me. I've got a house in Anvil. I can hide there until you catch the murderer. Just watch out for that Reman. His own interests are more important to him than anything else."
I appreciate the warning.

Speaking to her again before leaving:

"Not to be rude, but I have so much to do. Perhaps we could talk later."

During the confrontation of Louna and the Fate-Bearers at her farmhouse, she will at some point yield to you.

Louna: "Enough! Too much blood has been spilled."
Louna: "You've won. I know that. So sheathe your weapons and come inside."

Head inside the farmhouse and speak to Louna. She will tell you:

"I knew you'd find me. The fates told me so. But the climax isn't certain. There are many paths before us."
More predictions from the Sweetroll Killer?
"You don't know how much I despise that name. I am a Fate-Bearer. One of the select few who can see what the future holds and then do something about it. Each of my targets had the potential to cause unmitigated disasters. I stopped them."
You're saying your victims were so evil they had to die?
"Good and evil has no bearing on my visions. It's their actions that concern me. Each causes a ripple that radiates through time until a disaster occurs.
Economic collapse, the death of a prominent leader, a Queen betrayed … I had to stop them."
The trader, the baker, the Eye's apprentice. But what about Naryu?
"Her fate is the worst of all. Her daughter causes the world to burn. Or she could. The future is a fluid thing.
I have seen my escape and my death, both possible at this moment. And both championed by each of your allies. But the choice is yours."

At this point you reply with one of following responses, depending on whether you kept Louna's targets safe or not.

Why shouldn't I simply kill you? I saved all your victims. (If you managed to save all three targets)
"For now.
If you let me live, I'll call off the other Fate-Bearers. There's always a chance the future will change. We'll all hope for the best and assume they'll have long lives. But if you kill me, my brethren will find and kill them—eventually."
Why should I let you go free? (If you didn't rescue all three victims)
"To save these people, of course. Let me walk out of here and I'll provide the antidote for the poison now coursing through their blood. Or kill me and let them die.
The choice is yours. Confer with your allies and then let me know what you decide."

Speaking to her again before conferring with your allies:

"Go on. Speak to your companions. I'm sure they're eager to give you their opinion."

You will then have to deliberate with your companions and decide whether to kill Louna or let her live. When you return to her, Louna will respond in one of the following ways:

If you saved all the victims, Louna asks:

"Have you come to a decision? Have you chosen which fate will come to pass today? Either those I targeted receive the time to alter their destinies or you kill me and damn them all. Tell us and end the suspense, if you please."

If you didn't manage to save all the victims, Louna will comment:

"Naryu is right, you know. The Fate-Bearers will come for them. All of them. It's what we do. Still, while there's even the slimmest chance that you can save these people, can you risk not taking it? Can you?"
I know what we need to do.
"Then out with it. Don't leave us all in suspense. Which of the possible fates have you decided to favor with your decision?"

You can then choose to let Louna live:

I agree with Raz. I'll let you live if you agree to call off the Fate-Bearers. (If all victims are unharmed)
"I accept your decision and will honor my word. I'll call off my brethren and we'll let the streams of fate determine what the future will bring. For now."
I agree with Raz. Give us the antidote and you get to live. (If some of the victims are captured)
"I accept your decision and will honor my word. I'll go with Razum-dar and give him the antidote."
We don't want to see you around here again.
"That I can't promise. It's my burden to bear the dictates of fate, and that burden sends me where it will. But for now, we'll return to Vvardenfell. To our shrine of the changing fates.
Interesting. It appears we'll meet again there."

Alternatively, you can kill her:

I agree with Naryu. You have to die. (If all victims are unharmed)
"I accept your decision and will not resist. Just know that you are damning your people. None of you will be safe from the Fate-Bearers. You will be hunted and killed. The future will happen as it has been foreseen.
It says so in your sweetroll."
<Kill Louna.>

Louna Lives[edit]

After making your decision you'll hear (if you didn't save all the targets ahead of time):

Louna: "I'll honor my word and show Razum-dar where to find the antidote."
Razum-dar: "And Raz will let you leave this land. But next time Raz thinks, not so much."
Naryu Virian: "I can't believe you people! How can you let a killer just walk away free and clear?"
Razum-dar: "Raz cannot let innocents die. Is your heart really that cold, Naryu?"
Louna: "Don't worry, assassin. We'll meet again."
Razum-dar: "Let's meet back at the enchanter's shop when this sorry affair is done."
Naryu Virian: "I thought you'd support me in this. Shows how much of the future I can see."

If you avoided any of the targets being captured:

Louna: "The Fate-Bearers will deal with the destinies of others. Your charges are safe, for now."
Naryu Virian: "We're just going to let a killer walk away? Are you serious?"
Razum-dar: "If it buys these people time, it is for the best. Remember, this helps you as well, Naryu."
Naryu Virian: "If the killer is dead, everyone benefits. We don't even know if we can trust her!"
Razum-dar: "Raz will watch and make sure she leaves the Gold Coast. Then we can meet at the enchanter's shop, yes?"

Louna Dies[edit]

After she dies, if you saved all the victims you'll hear:

Razum-dar: "Well, that's one way to handle the situation."
Naryu Virian: "It's better this way. She can't hurt anyone if she's dead."
Razum-dar: "But what about her Fate-Bearers? Raz fears this might just be the beginning."
Naryu Virian: "We'll manage. One less of ... whatever they call themselves, is one less we have to deal with later."
Naryu Virian: "I need a drink. Join me at the Kvatch inn and we'll say a proper goodbye."

If you needed her to give you the antidote, you'll hear:

Razum-dar: "No! What are you doing?
Naryu Virian: "It had to be done, Raz. You let her leave and she just becomes somebody else's problem."
Razum-dar: "This is not how an Eye of the Queen does things. This is more like the Brotherhood or the Morag Tong."
Naryu Virian: "Get over yourself, cat. We saved lives today, including mine."
Naryu Virian: "I'll be in the inn at Kvatch for a while longer. Come and see me before I leave if you get a chance."


  • Louna mentions Naryu Virian's daughter. In the Morrowind DLC, Veya Releth is the daughter of Councilor Eris and apprentice to Naryu. Veya reappears again in the Summerset.
  • Louna also mentions meeting the player in Vvardenfell, which doesn't happen in the Morrowind DLC.
  • None of the other three potential victims are ever seen again in-game, regardless of whether you saved them earlier, or indeed whether you killed or spared Louna.