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Online:Martyr's Crossing

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Martyr's Crossing
(view on map)
Quest Hub
Discoverable Yes
Completion Objective
Skyshards 1
North of Bangkorai Garrison
Crafting Stations
  • ON-icon-Weaponsmith.png Blacksmithing Station
  • ON-icon-Armorsmith.png Clothing Station
Martyr's Crossing

Martyr's Crossing is a camp in central Bangkorai, north of Bangkorai Garrison. It has repeatedly been the target of Seventh Legion raids. The Knights of Saint Pelin and Baandari Khajiit camped here have formed an uneasy alliance to try and repel the Imperials.

The Mages Guild lies in the southeastern corner of the Crossing. A camp located east of the guildhall contains a dog. Zabdi and a Baandari Scout watch the southern entrance. Goats, chickens and bulls inhabit the camp. A cluster of Breton tents inhabited by the Knights of Saint Pelin lie to the west. An inn known as Martyr's Rest is here. Orders from a Knightly Order can be found on the road east of Martyr's rest, behind the inn's tent. Nibihu, Sansen-do and two Baandari Scouts guard the north. Knights of Saint Pelin can be seen wandering through the Breton camps.

The Baandari camp in the northeast portion of Martyr's Crossing. Whisker-Lick Kitchen and Foggy Nog Brewers is located in this part of the camp. Horses and cats are present here in the Baandari camp, and a Caravan Watchman patrols the area. The local Fighters Guild has pitched their tent east of the Baandari. Quest giver Crazy Eye and the Viridian Woods Wayshrine lies north of the Fighters Guild. The Crossed Arms Smithy and Squinty Eyed Spinning are south of the Fighters Guild.

More tents stand in the eastern section of the Crossing. Miranibi stands watch near the eastern barricade. The skyshard is in a crate on the other side of the barricade. Covenant Guards patrol the premises. A copy of Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer IV lies beside crates and a wrecked cart southwest of Martyr's Crossing, just on the other side of the barricade.

Related Quests[edit]

Shops and Services[edit]


Baandari Camp
Caravan Watchman
Greedy-Gut Chef
Nizil-dar Brewer
Sanua-la Merchant
Knights of St. Pelin Camp
Dame Astrimunde Lort
Dame Belline Lonacque
Dame Epinard of Evermore
Dame Livelle Longis
Knight Commander Cheryline
Sir Devis Lort
Sir Dyric Alemont
Sir Eustis Charlerel
Sir Farbalg
Sir Mizibarun
Sir Olwin Teague
Fighters Guild
Furious Jawna
Qabin Steward
Mages Guild
Jollivet Zola Magister
Ufgabesh Mystic
Martyr's Crossing
Crazy Eye Quest Giver
Kradauk gro-Shuhgharz Blacksmith
Sergeant Zilu
Squinty Barza Clothier
Martyr's Rest
Dame Lila Ondre
Dame Lodys Lancarl
Huma al-Hallin's
Sir Myame Innkeeper
Sir Eugien of Trice
Sir Gilgoire Heal-Hand
Sir Marco Serouge
Sir Pugereau of Ghant
Appears during related quest in this location


  • Martyr's Crossing shares a strikingly similar name and location to Azra's Crossing from Shadowkey, but it is unclear if they are the same location.
