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High Isle

Online:Master Razhamad

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Master Razhamad
Home City Gonfalon Bay
Location Gonfalon Gaming Hall
Race Redguard Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Roister's Club
Master Razhamad

Master Razhamad is a Redguard who owns the Gonfalon Gaming Hall in Gonfalon Bay.

Related Quests[edit]


Before learning how to play Tales of Tribute, you can speak to him beforehand:

"Please enjoy yourself within my Gaming Hall. Drinks, food, and games can be found throughout.
If you have any interest in learning about the game we play here, Tales of Tribute, please seek out my associate Brahgas."

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Tales of Tribute[edit]

Going to him to officially learn how to play Tribute:

"Greetings, my friend, and welcome to the Gonfalon Gaming Hall! Please, drink and make merry! We have many strong players gracing the halls today—lots of action. Tales of Tribute is free to watch but far more fun to play.
Do you play, wayfarer?"
Not yet. I'd like to learn more about Tales of Tribute.
"Then you have come to the right place!
Tales of Tribute is a game of stories—some fantastical, and others all too real. Two players share their tales with decks of cards. The game is elegant and easy to learn, but it takes great effort to master."
How do you play?
"First, you will need two decks. Each deck represents a different story—a different strategy. Your opponent brings two decks as well. Once you and your adversary combine your decks, the game can begin.
A shared pool, you see? A level field of play."
All right. So, where can I get these decks of Tribute cards?
"Make your way to the beginner's lounge and find my associate, Brahgas. Tell him Razhamad approved an initiation match. He will lend you a pair of decks and teach you the basics.
Complete this trial, then return to me for your reward!"
I just saw Brahgas outside.
"Dear Brahgas often strays, but never too long. His coin rarely holds out. He must be back by now—safe within the confines of the gaming hall where he can be…supervised.
Do not worry, though. Brahgas is a fine player. He will teach you well."

You can then ask Master Razhamad some questions:

Can you tell me a little about yourself?
"Yes, of course!
As Brahgas no doubt told you, I am Razhamad. I hold many roles and offices—Tribute master, game-baron, and proprietor of this hall. I also lead our regional Roister's Club chapter—the Gonfalon Chapter."
Roister's Club?
"Yes, the Roister's Club.
It is a far-reaching organization that administrates all aspects of Tales of Tribute. They organize tournaments, publish new rules, sponsor chapter, and most importantly, they manufacture the cards themselves."
Can anyone join?
"Anyone with a pair of Tribute decks, a game-baron sponsorship, and a thirst for competition, yes!
Complete your training, and it will be my honor to welcome you into the club."
Brahgas seems like quite the gambler.
"Brahgas…yes, he loves the game in his way. I wish he exercised more caution. He often forgets how much he has to lose.
But he's a bright lad. Full of youthful energy and hope. That is more than I can say about most people in this world."

You will now play Brahgas in Tribute, and he will explain the game to you. After you win, go back to Master Razhamad and speak to him to officially join the club, and receive your reward.

"You return victorious, yes? Ha! I hope you enjoyed the match. I have played countless games of both luck and skill, and truly, Tales of Tribute is the best by far.
So, now that you have learned the rules, do you wish to continue your gaming journey?"
Yes, I want to play more Tales of Tribute. What do I do now?
"Now, you claim membership in the Gonfalon Chapter of the Roister's Club—a fraternity of Tribute players committed to fair play and stiff competition.
As an official Roister, you will gain access to a host of opponents and decks of your very own!"
Are there other rewards?
"Oh, countless rewards! With each victory, you will rise higher in the club rankings. Do well enough and you may even earn the right to challenge the club's founders—the creators of the game itself!
So, what do you say? Will you join us?"
Yes, I'll join the Gonfalon Chapter of the Roister's Club.
"Then it is my honor to furnish you with your first pair of decks, and welcome you wholeheartedly to the Gonfalen Chapter of the Roisters Club!
May good fortune shine on you, my friend. I am eager to see you put those cards to good use!"

If you exit out of the conversation before turning in the quest:

"So, have you thought it over? The chance to join the Gonfalon Chapter of the Roister's Club…well, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
I jest, of course. It is nothing so serious. Still, we would be glad to have you!"
I'm ready to join the club. (leads to quest completion dialogue)

A New Venture[edit]

After joining the Gonfalon Chapter, he will mention a series of tournaments coming up:

"You joined the Roister's Club at an opportune time. Smaller club chapters are preparing for a series of tournaments—ours included.
The contest will not begin for some time, though. So, I suggest you get some more practice in the meantime."
What do you recommend for increasing my skill?

Alternately, if you left him before accepting his quest last time, you can return and he'll say:

"I am glad you returned, my friend. I have exciting news from the Roister's Club! Several club chapters are preparing for a series of tournaments—ours included.
The initial matches are a ways off, so we should use that time to prepare."
What would you recommend?

Either way...

"The gaming hall provides a wealth of opportunities for Roister's Club members. Why not look around and familiarize yourself with them?
Brahgas can make the proper introductions. Speak with Sorinne, too. She's another protege of mine."
I'll be sure to speak with Brahgas and Sorinne. Anything else?
"As in all things, the best way to improve is through doing! Set out and find new opponents. Win or lose, your skills will grow and your strategies will sharpen.
Once you establish yourself in the beginner's circuit, return to me for a reward!"
All right. I'll speak with Brahgas and Sorinne and make a name for myself.
"Remember, in these early days, winning and losing mean little. Regardless of a match's outcome, you must see every game as an opportunity to hone your skills.
It may sound nonsensical, but sometimes, losing is the surest route to improvement."
You mentioned tournaments. Can you tell me more about them?
"I would be happy to!
The tournaments started informally. Premiere players like myself and Teliv Fels gathered in major cities to match wits and sharpen our game. The Roister's Club leadership caught wind of it and began sponsoring official events."
How do these tournaments work, exactly?
"Well, many of the players who participated in those early matches went on to form teams which, in the fullness of time, became club-sponsored chapters. Now, these chapters compete against one another in groups.
It is better to share a victory, yes?"
Do winners earn a prize?
"A grand prize, yes! The Roister's Club and city governments all contribute to a weighty purse.
But, in truth, the greatest Tribute players compete for pride and glory, not coin. And the revels of course. The Gonfalon Chapter loves to celebrate!"
Will you be competing in these tournaments?
"No, my friend. I have achieved all that I set out to achieve at the tournament level. Now, I prefer to observe, teach, and celebrate my pupils' victories! Mostly the celebrating part.
With luck and determination, we may raise a glass to you someday!"

After speaking to Brahgas, Master Razhamad has a gift for you for your formal induction to the Roister:

"Welcome back. You return wiser and hungrier for competition, is it not so? Tribute has that effect on people!
Now, I have something for you. A gift and formal welcome to the Gonfalon Chapter of the Roister's Club. I know you will put it to good use."
What is it?
"Just a little something from the chapter's strongbox.
Now, then. You have decks, you are versed in the rules and familiar with your fellow competitors…truly, you have all you need to step into formal play! We proudly welcome you to our chapter!"

After getting inducted into the Chapter, you can ask about ranking up:

"I have it on good authority that preparations for the Roister's Club tournaments are well underway.
Continue to refine your strategies, collect new cards, and increase your rank. If you work hard, I am certain you will be ready when the time comes."
Can you explain ranks and how to advance in the Roister's Club?
"Of course.
The Roister's Club ranking lists allow players to track their mastery of the game and find players of comparable skill. As always, stiff competition and fair play are the club's greatest priorities!"
And how do I advance in rank again?
"By playing Tribute, of course! You can challenge other adventurers like yourself, or face off against less-dangerous players in taverns and clubs the world over.
Kishka's challenges provide rank bonuses as well, so don't pass them up!"
Will that allow me to challenge Tribute players in the higher ranks?
"Ah, that is where the tournaments come in.
Once you reach the highest echelons of your current rank, you can compete in that tier's tournament to advance to the next level. Luckily, the Novice Tournament will begin soon. So, start winning matches!"

The Tournament Begins[edit]

Once you have reached the novice rank, you can start the quest by speaking to him:

"The Roister's Club Novice Tournament is upon us! Canny opponents, unexpected strategies, fresh cards! Truly, this is what every Tribute player lives for!
You've clearly improved since we last spoke. Are you prepared to enter your first tournament?"
Yes, I'm ready to play in the tournament.
"Excellent! I will add your name to the lists and pay the sponsorship fees so you can focus on the important part—winning!
I admit that our chapter has suffered ... a dry season. But Zeht rewards those who endure!"
How will the tournament play out?
"You will play several matches. If you defeat enough of the opposing chapter's players, you may face off against their chief novice. A worthy opponent, to be sure.
Now, gather with the others in the beginner's lounge. The first game draws near!"
All right, I'll meet my fellow players in the lounge.

Asking about further details of the tournament:

"Whatever the outcome, remember that you represent the Gonfalon Chapter now.
We steadfastly commit to the principles of fair play. We are gracious in both victory and defeat. And, win or lose, we always revel when the game is through!"
Who else is representing the chapter in the tournament?
"Everyone will compete, save Kishka and I.
Kishka has no interest in tournaments. A bit too much structure for her tastes. And as I may have mentioned, I prefer to observe. That leaves Braghas, Sorinne, and you—our prize protege!"
Will I have to play against anyone from the Gonfalon Chapter?
"Not unless you all make it to the finals. Ha! What a blessed result that would be! The chances of such success are slim, however. I would not worry.
For now, focus on opponents from the opposing chapters. And enjoy yourself!"

After speaking to Brahgas in light of your victory against the Wayrest chapter, you will speak to Razhamad next to get your promotion approved, and receive your rewards:

"Ah, another victorious player returns home! Truly, I could hear Varnauld weeping from all the way across the Abecean.
Well done, my friend!"
Thank you, Master Razhamad.
"You are quite welcome. Now, for the formal part. On behalf of the Roister's Club and our revered Gonfalon Chapter, I hereby grant you intermediate ranking, with all the rights and privileges due. That, and a hefty reward, too!

After your promotion, he will mention the next tournament will happen in the future:

"Roister's Guild leadership is still organizing the next tournament. Your eagerness does you credit, but a brief respite will do you well. Keep your skills sharp and try to acquire some new cards and decks.
Oh, and don't forget to revel!"
What should I do until the next round?
"Continue to challenge others. Complete Kishka's challenges, and more importantly see if you can find Tribute cards to improve your own.
You're an intermediate player now—challenge some others of the same rank. You might learn a thing or two."

Challenges of the Past[edit]

Once you reach adept rank in Tales of Tribute, you can continue to progress through the tournament by speaking to Razhamad:

"Eager to begin the next tournament? Then I have good news! The Roister's Club just sent word that our new opponents will arrive soon!
We have time, though. I imagine they are in no hurry to face defeat at the hands of our chapters's newest prodigy."
Is the rest of the team ready?
"Brahgas should be returning any minute, but I know he'll be ready. Sorinne though? Possibly, less so.
I hate to think that she'd withdraw at this point. Advancing in the tournament is hard enough as it is. Without her, it's unlikely."
What's wrong with Sorinne?
"Yesterday a letter arrived addressed to her. Upon reading it, she seemed troubled and would not say why. The fact that it arrived the day before the tournament is suspicious enough.
Perhaps you could speak to her? Sorinne clearly likes you."
I'll go speak to Sorinne now.

Trying to see why Sorinne is bothered:

"The three of you represent the Gonfalon Chapter's best hopes for a title—I would hate for Sorinne to miss her chance. She's worked so hard to reach this point!
I did not see where she went, but someone in the hall might know."
Do you have any idea what could have caused this?
"If Brahgas started acting peculiar, I would have a hundred theories. But Sorinne shines brighter than the sun over the Alik'r. She has no enemies to speak of, so far as I know.
She did have some trouble in Elsweyr before coming to High Isle, though."
What kind of trouble?
"Sorinne rarely speaks about her past. When I try to learn more, she becomes evasive. Nervous. I do not wish to pry, but we all adore her and would try to ease her burdens if given the chance.
I only know that the trouble had to do with skooma."
Do you think there's a connection between this letter and her past in Elsweyr?
"Were I a betting man, I would say yes. But we cannot help her if we do not know for sure.
Find her. Speak with her. I only hope she speaks more candidly with you than she does with me."

Once you defeat the Elden Root Chapter in Tribute, you head back to report your victories to Razhamad, who mentions that you did a lot for Sorinne and that you're now in the advanced tiers:

"Welcome back, my friend! I hear you skinned that cat, Raenobi. A fitting end to her unscrupulous strategies!
I applaud your victory, but in truth, you achieved something far greater than advancing in a tournament."
What do you mean?
"I speak of your compassion you showed for Sorinne.
No matter the outcome of her match with Raenobi, she cast off a pair of heavy shackles today. There will be other difficult days, but with your help, she's better prepared to weather them."
Good. So, what's next?
"Now, we prepare for the final round! The last challenge on the long road to master status and ultimate victory in the tournaments!
We have a brief respite, though. For now, take this reward and bask in the glow of victory. Welcome to advanced play!"

If you exit out of the conversation with him before turning in the quest, he will alternatively say:

"The first time I met you, I knew that greatness dwelt in your heart. Now, we see it in full bloom!
An advanced player unlike any I've seen before!"
So, what's next? (Leads to quest completion dialogue)

After the quest:

"Advanced play is not for the faint of the heart. Players who commit themselves to the game at this level do not make mistakes. So, collect more cards and further hone your strategies.
The final tournament approaches quickly!"

The Final Round[edit]

You can start the quest through him after you reached veteran rank in Tribute. He will be asking you to join in the final tournament:

"The time has come, my friend! The final tournament! Your chance to take your place among Tales of Tribute legends!
I hope you have been practicing. This last contest presents…unique challenges."
How is it unique? / Unique how?
"There can be only one winner in this tournament.
Previous matches allowed Brahgas, Sorinne, and yourself to advance as club members. The final challenges in this tournament can only crown one winner. Everyone will be aiming for the title."
What do you mean? / What are you trying to say?
"If our opponents of the rival chapter are defeated, you will have to face any remaining players who has yet to be eliminated. Gonfalon Chapter members included.
With how well you three played thus far…I just hope you're prepared."
I'll be ready.

He will then mention to go see Brahgas and Sorinne before you face off the finalists:

"We do not have much time before your final opponents arrive. You should find Sorinne and Brahgas in town and wish them good luck.
Brahgas could be anywhere, but Sorinne often visits the statue of Kynareth before big matches. Check there first."
Will Sorinne and Brahgas be all right with this?
"With facing each other, you mean? Yes, of course.
Defeating a friend can ruffle some feathers, it is true. But, in the end, it is only a game, right? Plus, haven't you always secretly wondered who is the best player in Gonfalon Bay?"
Other than you, you mean?
"Ha! Yes, that goes without saying.
Truthfully, I cannot think of anything that could lure me out of retirement now. And to be the greatest, you have to play. Is it not so? No, the reign of Razhamad is over. One of you must claim my place."

After speaking to Sorinne and Brahgas, he will be back outside the gaming hall with his students awaiting the arrival of the Mournhold Chapter:

Sorinne Gaerard: "Surprised to see you out here, Razhamad. And with an empty cup no less!"
Master Razhamad: "Ha! It is the final round! What kind of game-baron would I be if I did not cheer the chapter on? Ah, it looks like your opponents are here."
Teliv Fels: "Honor to you, Razhamad. I, Teliv Fels, champion of the Mournhold Chapter, have come to extend the final tournament challenge."
Brahgas: "Damn…. It's them. I knew it."
Teliv Fels: "Oh, I thought you'd be happy to see us, my dear Brahgas. You needn't take this so seriously. It is just a game. Right?"

He will warn you that Teliv will be the hardest opponent to face before you speak to Teliv himself:

"Teliv Fels. Hmm.
I will not lie to you, Teliv and his apprentices are some of the greatest Tribute players currently competing. They will put your every strategy to the test. Stay focused. And wary."

After speaking to Teliv, he wants to speak to Brahgas:

Teliv Fels: "Now, b'vek, I wish you all fair hands and good fortune in this final tournament. Especially you, Brahgas."
Brahgas: "Eat moss, Teliv."
Master Razhamad: "Brahgas! A word."

Speaking to him before checking the tournament listing, he will have concerns about the trouble Brahgas has gotten himself into this time:

"Tall Papa's breeches, what has Brahgas gotten himself into this time?
Teliv is a fine player, but he has many connections to unsavory elements in Mournhold. House Dres, the Camonna Tong, you name it. If Brahgas made another bet…damn."

He will be at Davon's Watch to support you during your match against Idrith Keleth:

"Surprised to see me? This is the final tournament, my friend. I had to see it for myself!
Just remain focused. Use what you've learned over these past weeks. This match will be difficult, but you can win. I know it."

After beating Idrith, he will caution you of facing Dralcia Keleth in Stormhold and will search for Sorinne and Brahgas:

"Good luck in Stormhold. Teliv's protege, Dralcia lacks her teacher's experience, but shares his talent.
Now, I'm off to find Sorinne and Brahgas. I hope they are finding success. Especially Brahgas."

Once you defeat Dralcia, you return back to the Gonfalon Bay Gaming Hall to see Razhamad having a discussion with Teliv regarding Brahgas:

Master Razhamad: "So, we have a deal then?"
Teliv Fels: "We do. Don't fret, Razhamad. This won't take long."

Speaking to him that you find out Brahgas is going to be your next opponent. He wants you to win the match so Brahgas will not have to face Teliv and not have to pay off his debts:

"Tall Papa's breeches, there you are. And victorious, yes? Good. One less burden on my shoulders. Unfortunately, the most difficult part begins now.
I need your help, my friend. As does Brahgas, though he does not know it yet."
What's going on?
"Brahgas defeated Teliv's associate. Only one opponent stands between him and the final match."
Brahgas has never come this close to a title. His life depends on defeating Teliv and winning the tournament. His game has never been stronger. He plays with fierce determination. And that is why he cannot win this match."
What are you saying?
"If Brahgas faces off against Teliv, he will lose. Brahgas mirrors my tournament style. Against a lesser opponent, that might be enough. But Teliv has studied my strategies in detail. He knows every counter.
Brahgas cannot defeat Teliv. But you can."
But if I beat Brahgas, he won't win the gold he needs to pay off his debts.
"Brahgas's debts are…no longer in Brahgas's hands. There is hope still, but you must defeat Teliv in order for my plan to work. And to defeat Teliv, you must beat Brahgas here. Now.
He's upstairs waiting. HoonDing give you strength."

Speaking to him again:

"Brahgas will play like his life depends on it. Because it does. Be careful."
What deal did you make?
"Don't worry about that. I need you to focus on beating Brahgas. Lose against him and this plan falls apart regardless.
I trust you. You're the best the chapter has to offer. Do what you know how to do and win. I'll handle the rest."

After beating Brahgas, you will learn that as part of the deal to free Brahgas from the Mournhold Chapter, Razhamad betted the gaming hall if you lose the match against Teliv. You will find Razhamad and Sorinne at Mournhold in support and hopes you beat Teliv once and for all:

Master Razhamad: "Teliv, I warn you. If you hurt Brahgas, you will regret it."
Teliv Fels: "Brahgas belongs to me, Razhamad. You have more pressing concerns when it comes to property, I think. Your precious gaming hall, for instance."
Teliv Fels: "Of course, your prodigy here still has a chance to reverse your fortunes!"
Brahgas: "Razhamad…you bet the hall? Y'ffre's viney arse, what were you thinking?"
Dralcia Keleth: "Peace, Brahgas. Or shall I remind you of the penalty for speaking out of turn?"

You will speak to him before facing Teliv. He will remind you that this was his decision and he regrets putting the pressure on you:

"Sorinne says you know the details of my agreement to save Brahgas. I am sorry, my friend. I did not mean to place so heavy a burden on one of my best students. The championship should be your only concern.
However, this unfolds, the choice was mine."
The choice was yours, but Brahgas's fate is in my hands.
"You are right. And for that, you have my deepest apologies. In my rush to rescue one of my students, I left another exposed to…well, all of this.
You have done nothing but good since you joined the chapter. You deserve better."
What happens if we lose? Tell me the truth.
"I hand over the keys to my gaming hall to Teliv, along with all the hall's assets. He would dissolve the chapter, no doubt. The revels would come to an end.
I hope that the regulars and the staff would still be well-served, but nothing is certain."
And Brahgas?
"Brahgas would become a member of Teliv's house. Against his will.
Regardless of their agreements with the Argonians, the Dark Elves have never been self-conscious about slavery. Service in chains…that's what Brahgas is bound for."
I will do what I can.
"I know. And whatever the outcome, I am grateful for everything."

Speaking to him again before Teliv:

"Don't hold back. Use everything you've learned to crush Teliv.
Once you win, we'll host the grandest celebration that Gonfalon Bay has ever seen!"

Once you defeated Teliv, he will remind him to release Brahgas from captivity under the threat that you will make an example out of him if he dares to back out of his deal. He departs with Brahgas and Sorinne back to Gonfalon to celebrate your victory:

Teliv Fels: "You…beat me."
Sorinne Gaerard: "Ha! Go kiss a kwama's arse, Teliv! Our new champion beat you fair and square!"
Master Razhamad: "As per our agreement, Gonfalon Bay now hosts the newest Tribute champion. Release Brahgas. Now."
Teliv Fels: "Razhamad…if you read the contract, I think you'll find—"
Master Razhamad: "The contract is final. If you want to dispute it, our newest Tribute champion has a skill set beyond simple card games. I am sure they'd be happy to put it on display if you try anything."
Teliv Fels: "Brahgas…you may go."
Brahgas: "Like I need your permission!"
Master Razhamad: "Come, friends. We should return to Gonfalon Bay. Revels await!"

After speaking to Brahgas, you will find Razhamad upstairs waiting to give you congratulations:

Master Razhamad: "I could hear the cheers from up here. Welcome back, champion!"

Speaking to him to get your reward:

"I tried to get the others to wait until you arrived to begin the revels, but it is not in the Gonfalon Chapter's nature to delay a celebration!
Sorinne and the others are so proud of you. As am I."
Thank you.
"No, thank you.
This was supposed to be a simple tournament, and to many it was. But not us. Not you. You reclaimed our chapter's honor. Save property…lives. Whatever the future brings, Razhamad and the players of Gonfalon Bay are in your debt."
You're welcome.
"Now, we should discuss the matter of the tournament itself!
I watched you grow from a novice to a veteran. Through dutiful card-collection and countless matches, you stand before me…a Tales of Tribute champion!"
Thank you for sponsoring me.
"Then, let's get to it! I Razhamad, Roister's Club game-baron and master of the Gonfalon Bay Tribute Chapter, hereby declare you a Tales of Tribute master. May you continue to succeed and excel in the years to come.
Congratulations, my friend!"

After the quest, he will encourage you to master the game and there are other challenges to sought after:

"Good luck in the matches ahead, Tribute master!
If you are looking for greater challenges, well, as a fellow master, perhaps I can share some of my knowledge. I am no Tribute Founder, but I do know quite a bit."
Is there anything left for me to do?
"Of course!
The tournaments provided the lift you needed to reach master status, but you are still far from the summit. Searching for new cards, playing ranked matches with high-level players…maybe even seeking the Founders."
The Founders?/ You mentioned the Founders?
"Yes. the creators of the game and founding members of the Roister's Club.
They keep their identities hidden. Even we masters know precious little about how Tales of Tribute came to be. No one I know has ever met a Founder, but we know they exist."
Why would someone seek them out?
"Well, according to some of the highest tier players, if you manage to find a Founder, you can challenge them to a game of Tribute. Those who win gain a fabulous prize.
I cannot say for sure if that part is true, but it could be worth investigating."
Do you have any idea where I can find one of these Founders?
"I received an unsigned letter months ago. It stated, "They walk in the city of light amid the horrors of azure doom." It refers to a Founder, I think, but I am quite comfortable here—far from any doom, azure or otherwise.
I hope that is helpful."
Is there anyone else who might know more?
"Hmm. Gelekh, perhaps? As a barkeep, she meets scores of people every day. One of them might have dropped some hints on where to find a Founder.
It might be worth asking the others as well—Sorinne and Brahgas. They both have keen ears for rumors."
Tell me more about the ranked matches.
"You may already be familiar with them, but many adventurers, like yourself, have begun challenging each other for rank and renown. These matches lack the structure of our recent tournaments, but the rewards seem well-worth the effort!"
What about you? What will you do now?
"I believe it is time to upgrade the gaming hall, don't you? With one of our members being the newest Tribute Champion, players have started flocking to our club.
This means coin. So much coin! We can finally afford some assistants for Gelekh!"
And what of the current members?
"That is up to them. Well, except for Brahgas. I imagine you spoke with him.
I remain…cross, but he is still my friend. I hope that revoking his membership will finally set him on the right path. I wish I were more optimistic."
You don't think he will change?
"When you play games of luck and skill, you meet many people. Some are prudent. Some are not. Unfortunately, the imprudent players tend to remain that way. Unless they seek help.
If Brahgas finds help, he may turn things around. I hope he does."

Tales of Tribute Founder Location Clue[edit]

Each of the Founders has gone into seclusion, so they must be tracked down from some hint or rumor that can be gotten after The Final Round has been completed. For The Author, it's from Master Razhamad.

"Good luck in the matches ahead, Tribute master!
If you are looking for greater challenges, well, as a fellow master, perhaps I can share some of my knowledge. I am no Tribute Founder, but I do know quite a bit."
Is there anything left for me to do?
"Of course!
The tournaments provided the lift you needed to reach master status, but you are still far from the summit. Searching for new cards, playing ranked matches with high-level players ... maybe even seeking the Founders."
The Founders?
"Yes. The creators of the game and founding members of the Roister's Club.
They keep their identities hidden. Even we masters know precious little about how Tales of Tribute came to be. No one I know has ever met a Founder, but we know they exist."
Why would someone seek them out?
"Well, according to some of the highest tier players, if you manage to find a Founder, you can challenge them to a game of Tribute. Those who win gain a fabulous prize.
I cannot say for sure if that part is true, but it could be worth investigating."
Do you have any idea where I can find one of these Founders?
"I received an unsigned letter months ago. It stated, "They walk in the city of light amid the horrors of azure doom." It refers to a Founder, I think, but I am quite comfortable here--far from any doom, azure or otherwise.
I hope that is helpful."
Is there anyone else who might know more?
"Hmm. Gelekh, perhaps? As a barkeep, she meets scores of people every day. One of them might have dropped some hints on where to find a Founder.
It might be worth asking the others as well--Sorinne and Brahgas. They both have keen ears for rumors."