Online:Mercenary (A Bad Shortcut)

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Location Tamriel
Race Varies Gender Varies
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
An Argonian mercenary in Rivenspire

The Mercenary is a Mercenary being attacked by bandits during the bad shortcut world event. The Mercenary is defending the trader, who is cowering behind a horse, from the bandits.


On approach, the Trader will say a randomized line, and the mercenary will respond with a randomized line of their own.


Mercenary: "Fear not! You're safer than an unhatched egg!"


Mercenary: "Keep back! Watch our enemies fall before me!"
Mercenary: "I told you to keep your head down!"
Mercenary: "To think, I left the army for this!"
Mercenary: "You aren't paying me enough to deal with your prattle!"
Mercenary: "Don't make me leave you behind!"
Mercenary: "'Take the high road,' you said! 'It's safer,' you said!"
Mercenary: "Next time, don't boast about your purse in town!"
Mercenary: "Stay out of the way! You'll get yourself killed!"
Mercenary: "You said this this was a shortcut!"
Mercenary: "If you'd kept quiet, they wouldn't have heard us!"
Mercenary: "Now is not the time!"

They'll thank you with generic dialogue after the bandits are dead.