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Ebon Dwarven Horse[edit]

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Though most ancient Dwemer automata are constructed primarily of the so-called Dwarven Metal, some rare and special animunculus mounts use a preponderance of Ebony. Creations like the Ebon Dwarven Horse are especially durable.

The Ebon Dwarven Horse is an upcoming mount. Its default name is "Metalmane".

Ebon Dwarven Senche[edit]

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Certain rare Dwarven Senche Vamidiums are constructed with key mechanical components forged, not of the usual Dwarven Metal, but of Ebony and Ebony-steel alloys.
Ebon Dwarven Senche

The Ebon Dwarven Senche Mount is a Dwarven Automaton-themed mount, or "vamidium". It is available as a Radiant Apex-level reward from Dwarven Crown Crates. Its default name is "Chrome Cat".

Appears only with Greymoor

Ebon Dwarven Wolf[edit]

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"There is no evidence that the Dwemer kept dogs, or pets of any other kind, for that matter, but like their neighbors the Nords they did seem to have some affection for the Wolves of northern Tamriel. One sees this in their mounts." —Thelwe Ghelein
Ebon Dwarven Wolf

The Ebon Dwarven Wolf is available via the Antiquities system. This mount is split into 17 fragments, found throughout the base game and Western Skyrim. You'll need to collect all seventeen pieces in order to form the mount. Its default name is "Blackwolf".

For the list of locations where you can acquire the leads to find these fragments, see the main page.

Ebon Steel Dwarven Spider[edit]

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Though Dwarven Metal was usually employed in building Spider constructs, for reasons unknown some rare variants were built with a darker Ebon Steel alloy. When found in working order, these automata are prized by collectors.
Ebon Steel Dwarven Spider Mount

The Ebon Steel Dwarven Spider was available exclusively to ESO Plus subscribers for 036003,600 Crowns from November 13, 2018 to November 19, 2018. It returned to the Crown Store from December 13 to December 17, 2018, where it was available to all players for (?). Its default name is "Darkwalker".

Ebony Dwarven Spider[edit]

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Not only is this vamidium crafted from an Ebony and Ebon Steel alloy, but it also has the form of a Dwarven Spider, making it a must-have for those who prefer dark clothes and darker lives.
Ebony Dwarven Spider Mount

The Ebony Dwarven Spider is available as a Radiant-Apex reward in Baandari Pedlar Crates. Its default name is "Drearshade".

Eerie Elk of Dread[edit]

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Is this ghostly Elk an antlered mount from the spirit world, or is it a sending from Lord Hircine's Oblivion plane of the Hunting Grounds? It seems solid enough, and doesn't disappear in broad daylight, so it must be more than just a haunt!
Eerie Elk of Dread

The Eerie Elk of Dread is a mount that was sold from May 30 through June 4, 2019, for 030003,000 Crowns. It also appears as a Legendary-level reward in New Moon Crown Crates. Its default name is "Spook-Antlers".

Egg Hunter's Horse[edit]

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The many multicolored eggs of Tamriel are valuable for their differing alchemical properties, and this makes the Egg Hunter's job a profitable one, especially in the spring.
Egg Hunter's Horse

The Egg Hunter's Horse was available in the Crown Store for 0000?Crowns from April 18 through 25, 2019. It was offered in the Crown Store again from April 1 to April 5, 2021 for 00850850 Crowns. Players riding the Egg Hunter's Horse carry a festive egg basket while mounted. The Mara's Spring Chicken pet, which came as a daily reward during the month of April, pairs nicely with this mount. Its default name is "Dobbin".

Elden Root Elk[edit]

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Legend says a trading caravan was once ambushed on its way to Elden Root. Only one survived. Days later they arrived safely, slung across the back of a majestic white-and-black elk. Perhaps you might make such a friend if you find yourself in need.
Elden Root Elk

The Elden Root Elk is available as a Legendary-level reward in Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates. Its default name is "Cloudmantle".

Eldersblood Peak Ram[edit]

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Watching mighty trees fall to this ram's practice leaps and headbutts led to its eventual domestication by the Nords around its home peak. Bring that power, as well as its love of scaling treacherous heights, into your stable!
Eldersblood Peak Ram

The Eldersblood Peak Ram was available in the Crown Store for 030003,000 Crowns from August 19 to August 26, 2021. It returned on March 10, 2025 at the reduced price of 025002,500 Crowns. Its default name is "Treebane".

Elder Dragon Hunter Horse[edit]

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With Dragons on the loose in Elsweyr, a modern cadre of Dragon Hunters have sprung up to hunt them down. Their mounts are sturdy and fearless.
Elder Dragon Hunter Horse

The Elder Dragon Hunter Horse was available in the Crown Store for 020002,000 Crowns from June 27, 2019 to March 19, 2020. Its default name is "Ardent".

Embermould Warhorse[edit]

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"Seeking to meld fire with fungi, Ahzidal created the first Embermould Warhorse. Formed from char morels often used in stews, this mount can light a rider's way on the darkest winter nights."—Halund Greycloak
Embermould Warhorse

The Embermould Warhorse is available as a Radiant Apex-level reward in Gloomspore Crates. Its default name is "Vengeance".

Emberthroat Warzog[edit]

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Bred for war by the Netch Gouger Goblins, these vicious war durzogs require a firm hand or even magical coercion to stop when they have prey within their jaws. Their primitive precocity makes them good choices for those who frequently confront agile foes.
Emberthroat Warzog

The Emberthroat Warzog is a durzog mount that was available in the Crown Store for 030003,000 Crowns from March 3 to March 10, 2022. Its default name is "Gromp".

Evergloam Indrik[edit]

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Woven carefully from shadow wisps of Nocturnal's realm, these noble indriks shy from the light of day until trained by a patient rider to tolerate it. Forever after, they move under Magnus's fierce glow as if to defy it.
Evergloam Indrik

The Evergloam Indrik was available in the Crown Store for 040004000 Crowns from January 27, 2022 to February 3, 2022.