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Online:Note to King Nantharion

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Book Information
Note to King Nantharion
ID 7899
Found in the following locations:

Wilderhall, Vashabar (map)

Note to King Nantharion


What in the Green are you up to? I'm livid! I'm sitting here reading your damned manifesto, and hearing reports of all this growth and movement … are you trying start another war, boy? Are you trying to get us exiled from the Pact [sic]?

I've got a stack of letters here, from the Queen, from Pact ambassadors, from Covenant ambassadors, three from Count Calantius alone. I want you or a representative here in Elden Root yesterday, do you hear me? The governors and magistrates that make up the Thalmor are demanding answers, and I can't keep stalling.

Your family and I go way back, son, you know as well as I do that we're always on a thin branch with these people. Please don't make my job any harder than it already is.

You're a loyal subject of Valenwood. I know it. I expect to hear from you soon.

- King Camoran Aeradan, Elden Root