Gold Road


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Location Lake Olo
Species Aggression of Root
Health 4,043,876 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Lead: Ruin-Carved Smithing Stand

Oakenclaw is an Aggression of Root that can be found at the Lake Olo.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills & Abilities[edit]

As a boss rank enemy, Oakenclaw is immune to all crowd control. During the fight, Oakenclaw will continuously summon Forest Wraiths, Spriggan Bears, Spriggan Bewitchers, Spriggan Fenwalkers, Spriggan Lurkers, Spriggan Ravagers, Spriggan Senche Matriarchs, Spriggan Venombows and Wild Guars to fight for her. They all die when Oakenclaw is defeated.

At the start of the fight, ten trees appear around the arena and Oakenclaw can activate them depending on her health and where targets are located. At more than 80% Health two are activated, between 80% and 40% Health three are activated, and between 40% and 0% Health four are activated. Activated trees periodically launch roots which travel in a straight line doing (?) to targets hit. (Bugged, see Bugs section)
Boughroot Slash
Basic melee attack dealing very high magic damage.
Wisping Volley
Oakenclaw releases a volley of green wisps, dealing extremely high magic damage
Mother's Calling
Oakenclaw screams in a cone dealing continuous extremely high frost damage for a few seconds.
At 80% and 40% Health, Oakenclaw will retreat into the ground and summon Distributary doppelgängers. They will take her place and must be defeated before you can fight her again. At 80% Health, three Distributaries are summoned. At 40% Health, four Distributaries are summoned and a Colossal Spriggan is summoned each time a Distributary die and can be summoned afterwards.
Summon Bloodmaw
At 50% Health, Bloodmaw jumps in the area to fight for her.
Summon Faun
Periodically Oakenclaw summons a Faun to fight for her.
Path of Root/Woodland Corruption/Overcharged
The Faun sacrifices itself to empower Oakenclaw and up to four of her allies around, increasing their damage done. Overcharged mobs glow red.


Before combat is initiated:

Oakenclaw: "Wake! Wake and defend!"
Oakenclaw: "We are the lake."
Oakenclaw: "Protect us!"

When Fauns are summoned to battle:

Oakenclaw: "Pelt and hooves. Attack! Attack!"

When Forest Wraiths are summoned to battle:

Oakenclaw: "Plants in the lake. Protect!"

During combat:

Oakenclaw: "Destroy the intruders!"
Oakenclaw: "Split at the stem."
Oakenclaw: "Grow, reach, entangle!"
Oakenclaw: "We are many. We are powerful!"
Oakenclaw: "Spill blood for the lake!"
Oakenclaw: "Nature consumes!"
Oakenclaw: "Furried friends. Defend!"
Oakenclaw: "We cannot be stopped!"
Oakenclaw: "Attacked? Us?"
Oakenclaw: "We are everywhere!"
Oakenclaw: "Danger! Protect us!"


There are two achievements associated with this creature:

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-Defender of the Gold Road.png Defender of the Gold Road 15 Defeat all six group bosses in West Weald.
ON-icon-achievement-Oak Hewer.png Oak Hewer 15 Defeat Oakenclaw at Lake Olo.


  • The "Sunsear" attack has no effect. Logs show it actually hits targets but to no effect. Also its indicator shows even if you have the indicators disabled. ?