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Online:Pledge: Frostvault

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ON-qico-Group Dungeon.png Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing Frostvault.
Zone: Eastmarch
Faction: Undaunted
Quest Giver: Urgarlag Chief-bane at the Undaunted Enclave Elden RootWayrestMournhold
Location(s): Frostvault
Prerequisite Quest: Taking the Undaunted Pledge
Reward: 2 Undaunted Keys (3 if Veteran Mode is completed, 4 if Veteran Hard Mode is completed)
Very High Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Very High Experience XP
ID: 6250
Required Level: 45
RepeatableRepeatable: Daily
Dungeon Group Size: 4 (Recommended)
Urgarlag Chief-bane of the Undaunted has challenged me to explore Frostvault.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Enter Frostvault.
    • Optional: Enter Dungeon in Veteran Mode.
  2. Kill Warlord Tzogvin.
  3. Kill the Vault Protector.
  4. Kill Rizzuk Bonechill.
  5. Kill the Stonekeeper.
    VeteranYou can only complete the Death Challenge in Veteran Mode.
    • Defeat the Stonekeeper after pressing the Veracity Verifier.
  6. Return to Urgarlag Chief-bane at any Undaunted Enclave.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Speak to Urgarlag Chief-bane to get the details of this quest.

What's the pledge today?
"Frostvault. The Trailblazers caught wind of an expedition into some recently unearthed Dwarven ruin that's been trapped under ice for who knows how long.
Can't let some twiggy academics be the first ones to set foot in the place in a thousand years."
And if I can handle more than that?
"Word is this Dwarven vault is a death trap meant to keep what's there from ever seeing the light of day. I want you to raise the alarm before you face its guardian and smash your way through every last contraption those crafty bastards left behind."
I pledge to seek out the Frostvault and return Undaunted.

Once you have accepted the quest, you can enter the Frostvault dungeon either by accessing the dungeon through the Dungeon Finder, or heading to Eastmarch and entering the dungeon there with a group. You have the choice of entering the normal dungeon or the veteran version, this choice will affect if you can achieve the optional step and your rewards.

When inside the dungeon, you will need to progress through the dungeon, slaying the following bosses, Warlord Tzogvin, the Vault Protector, Rizzuk Bonechill, and the Stonekeeper. With the last boss, if you are in the veteran dungeon, you have the option of pressing the Veracity Verifier to put the boss in hard mode.

<This conspicuous device protruding from the bridge to the Wrathstone chitters gently as you approach. The center plate looks like it can be depressed.>
<Press the panel.>
<The panel pushes in with ease. As it locks into place you feel a vibration run up your arm and through your body. The device buzzes ominously in a low growling tone as you pull your hand away.>

Once you have completed the task, you can return to Urgarlag Chief-bane at any of the Undaunted Enclaves, and speak with her to complete the quest:

I plumbed Frostvault and cracked open the Vault of Mhuvnak.
"I hope the Dwarves left you something that put up a good fight. None of those clanking bits of scrap and steam ever wets my blade like a good flesh and blood foe, but they make for a good workout."
I'll take my reward either way. / What's my reward for raiding Frostvault?
Condition Dialogue
Normal mode completed "For all their ingenuity, those Dwarves still haven't managed to build a death trap deathy enough to keep Undaunted out of their business. Frostvault was a good effort though.
Cracking the Vault of Mhuvnak and returning Undaunted gets you a key."
Veteran mode completed "Where some see a locked door, you see an opportunity — to blow it to pieces! For making a proper Undaunted entrance into the Vault of Mhuvnak, smashing its defenses, and splattering a horde of Goblins for good measure, you've earned your key and cut."
Veteran Hard Mode completed "True Undaunted can't resist mashing a button. So what if it turns the entire place into a piping hot steam bath, or charges up some giant death contraption? Just keeps us loosened up for the fight!
Here's your reward for smashing the Stonekeeper!"


  • Prior to Update 41, completing this quest with Normal or Veteran mode would award 1 Undaunted Key, and 2 Keys on Veteran Hard Mode.

Quest Stages[edit]

Pledge: Frostvault
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
To complete my pledge, I must thwart the defenses of the Vault of Mhuvnak and claim the Wrathstone.
Objective: Complete Frostvault
Hidden Objective: Enter Frostvault in Veteran Mode

Urgarlag Chief-bane presented me with another challenge: use the Veracity Verifier when fighting the Stonekeeper.(Appears if the Veteran dungeon is entered.)

Optional Step: Use the Veracity Verifier before the Stonekeeper
I succeeded in reaching the heart of Frostvault, overcoming everything that stood in my way. I should find Urgarlag Chief-bane in my alliance's capital city.
Objective: Return to Urgarlag Chief-bane
Finishes quest☑ Urgarlag Chief-bane is waiting to speak to me once again in my alliance capital.
Objective: Talk to Urgarlag Chief-bane
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.