Online:Pride-King Lion

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The Pride-King Lions are the top predators on the savannahs of Northern Elsweyr. No one but the Khajiit, with their feline intuitions, could have persuaded these proud beasts to serve as mounts.
Pride-King Lion
ON-icon-mount-Pride-King Lion.png
Pride-King Lion
Type Feline
Default Name Rory
Acquired From Crown Store
Price 018001,800 Crowns
Availability April 28, 2016
Category Mounts (Felines)
Quality Legendary
Limit Type Special Collectible

The Pride-King Lion is a male lion mount that is available in the Crown Store for 018001,800 Crowns. Its default name is "Rory".


Appearances: 1

  • Crown Store — April 28, 2016[1] - March 10, 2025

Crown Store Showcase Description[edit]

The Pride-King Lions are the top predators on the savannahs of northern Elsweyr. No one but the Khajiiti, with their feline intuitions, could have persuaded these proud beasts to serve as mounts. Are you strong-willed enough to control one of these majestic beasts?[1]


