I received a letter from Leramil the Wise. Hermaeus Mora, Daedric Prince of Fate, requires a mortal proxy. The Dremora Torvesard seeks to unlock a secret hidden in the vaults of Apocrypha. If he succeeds, reality itself could be in danger.
Prisoner of Fate |
Finishes Quest |
Journal Entry |
I should find Leramil the Wise in the local outlaws refuge. She can tell me what we must do to stop Torvesard.
Objective: Talk to Leramil the Wise
Leramil learned that the threads of fate have begun to fray in three different places—a sure sign that Torvesard is at work. We need to investigate each site and try to determine what he's up to.
Objective: Investigate Locations Visited by Torvesard: 0/3
Objective Hint: Search Grahtwood
Objective Hint: Search Stonefalls
Objective Hint: Search Reaper's March
(Reaper's March)
Objective Hint: Follow the Threads of Fate
Objective Hint: Talk to Ri'jhaad
Objective Hint: Obtain the Blessing of Jone
Objective Hint: Obtain the Blessing of Jode
Objective Hint: Talk to Ri'jhaad
Objective Hint: Use the Echonir
Objective Hint: Talk to Ri'jhaad
Objective Hint: Enter Do'Krin Temple
Objective Hint: Enter the Hidden Shrine
Objective Hint: Listen to Torvesard
Objective Hint: Talk to Leramil the Wise
Objective Hint: Follow the Threads of Fate
Objective Hint: Talk to Beragon
Objective Hint: Search the Ruins
Objective Hint: Enter the Hidden Shrine
Objective Hint: Defeat Endegor
Objective Hint: Examine the Note
Objective Hint: Talk to Beragon
Objective Hint: Use the Echonir
Objective Hint: Talk to Beragon
Objective Hint: Talk to Leramil the Wise
Objective Hint: Follow the Threads of Fate
Objective Hint: Search the Area
Objective Hint: Use the Echonir
Objective Hint: Activate the Gateway
Objective Hint: Enter the Sanctuary of Whispers
Objective Hint: Talk to Torvesard
Objective Hint: Talk to Leramil the Wise
Torvesard's trail led us to shrines dedicated to the Daedric Princes Azura, Boethiah, and Mephala. He appears to be searching for ancient relics. I should confer with Leramil about our next move.
Objective: Talk to Leramil the Wise
Leramil believes that we'll need to consult with a Dark Elf scholar to figure out what exactly Torvesard is looking for. She instructed me to meet her in Vvardenfell at the Shrine of Azura.
Objective: Meet Leramil in Vvardenfell
We met the Dark Elf Gadayn in Vvardenfell. I should speak with him about our mission to find and stop Torvesard.
Objective: Talk to Curate Gadayn
Curate Gadayn was unfamiliar with any relics Torvesard might be seeking, but he suggested visiting the monks at the monastery of Holamayan.
Objective: Go to Holamayan Monastery
I met Leramil and Gadayn at Holamayan Monastery, but the place appears to be sealed tight.
Objective: Investigate the Monastery
Abbot Andor met us at the entrance to Holamayan Monastery. I should see if he knows anything that could help us locate Torvesard.
Objective: Talk to Abbot Andor Indoril
Abbot Andor suggested that the answers we seek may be hidden in the library of Holamayan Monastery.
Objective: Go to the Holamayan Library
The strange relic Leramil gave me recognizes the presence of a memory associated with the Forgotten Prince. I should use the Echonir to see what it reveals.
Objective: Use the Echonir
The memory revealed by the Echonir highlighted an ancient book. I should examine it.
Objective: Examine the Book
The book we found in the library of Holamayan indicates that a long-lost shrine of Hermaeus Mora may be what we're looking for. I should consult with Leramil and Gadayn about our next step.
Objective: Talk to Leramil the Wise
Neither Leramil nor Gadayn knows where this lost shrine is hidden. Perhaps one of the monks here at Holamayan can point us in the right direction.
Objective: Learn the Location of the Shrine
We learned the lost Shrine of Inevitable Secrets lies near the ruins of Anudnabia. Now we just need to find the place.
Objective: Search for the Shrine
The Echonir revealed the existence of another memory in this area. We should use the relic to see what the memory contains.
Objective: Use the Echonir
The memory revealed by the Echonir showed the ancient priests meeting by the shore of the sea. I should see where the trail leads.
Objective: Find the Entrance to the Shrine
It looks like the lost shrine lies beneath the waters of the Inner Sea. I should speak with Leramil.
Objective: Talk to Leramil the Wise
Leramil assures me she has a spell that can help us reach the Shrine of Inevitable Secrets, even though it sank into the sea long ago.
Objective: Enter the Sea
Thanks to Leramil's magic, we can walk along the bottom of the sea! Now we just need to make our way to the sunken shrine.
Objective: Find the Shrine of Inevitable Secrets
We located Hermaeus Mora's sunken shrine. Now we should use the portal and make our way inside.
Objective: Use the Portal
The ancient shrines Torvesard visited across Tamriel somehow led him to this demiplane connected to Hermaeus Mora's lost shrine. He must be here somewhere. I need to find him.
Objective: Find Torvesard
Hermaeus Mora appeared and wishes to speak with me. I should see what the Prince of Fate has to say.
Objective: Talk to Hermaeus Mora
With the relic he recovered from Boethiah's shrine, Torvesard was able to open a portal to the heart of Hermaeus Mora's domain. We have to follow him!
Objective: Enter the Mythos Portal
Torvesard found his way to the Mythos, the very heart of Hermaeus Mora's realm. We need to stop him before he reaches the glyphic containing the secret of the Forgotten Prince's fate.
Objective: Pursue Torvesard
A strange Daedra of glass appeared to confront us! We must defeat it if we have any hope of stopping Torvesard from reaching the glyphic he seeks.
Objective: Defeat the Glass Mantikora
I defeated the glass mantikora, but Torvesard made good use of my delay. I need to find him before he opens the Glyphic of Shattered Reflections.
Objective: Follow Torvesard
Torvesard found the last glyphic that holds the secret of Ithelia's fate. He seems to have triggered a powerful memory.
Objective: Witness the Glyphic Memory
Torvesard learned that Ithelia, the Forgotten Prince, is imprisoned in the Mythos. He found a portal to the site of her prison. I should follow.
Objective: Follow Torvesard
The prison of the Forgotten Prince is empty! Somehow Ithelia has already escaped, but Torvesard is still here. Perhaps he can explain what happened here.
Objective: Talk to Torvesard
Torvesard left to go find his Prince. Hermaeus Mora called for us to return to the Mythos Vault and speak with him. There's nothing left to do in Ithelia's prison.
Objective: Return to the Mythos Vault
Objective: Talk to Hermaeus Mora
I should speak with Leramil about what happened here.
Objective: Talk to Leramil the Wise
Leramil suggests regrouping in Grahtwood. I should meet her there.
Objective: Go to Grahtwood
Finishes quest |
Leramil is waiting to speak with me. I should talk to her.
Objective: Talk to Leramil the Wise