Rapid Mending increases your healing received depending on how many pieces of Heavy Armor you are wearing, for up to 3%-7%.
Patch Notes[edit]
- This passive ability no longer increments its bonuses with each piece of Heavy Armor, and now requires 5 pieces or more of Heavy Armor to be worn.
- Increased the healing taken bonus to 4/8%
- This ability now increases the amount of resources your Heavy Attacks restore by 25/50% at Ranks I/II.
- Fixed an issue where this passive ability's Heavy Attack resource restore bonus was applying even when you did not have 5 pieces of Heavy Armor equipped.
- This passive now increases the amount of resources your Heavy Attacks restore by 12/25% from 25/50%.
- Developer Comments: Part of the counterplay against a Heavy Armor enemy is to stop attacking them for a short period (to drop their Wrath stacks and not trigger their Constitution passive), but Rapid Mending made it so they could still restore a significant amount of resources, even if you were trying to avoid them. Reducing this should ensure Heavy Armor is more about constantly taking damage to maximize its strengths.
- This passive ability no longer increases the amount of resources your Heavy Attacks restore, as that effect has been moved to the new Revitalize passive. It continues to increase your healing received by 4/8%.
- Developer Notes:We want each of the three armor types to have unique trade-offs. Heavy Armor's main advantage is its increase to survivability, while the disadvantage is its lower damage and healing power. To emphasize this distinction, we've removed the Wrath passive.