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Online:Sir Nathain Galien

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Sir Nathain Galien
Location Death's Valor Keep
Race Skeleton Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Knights of Death's Valor
Condition Undead
Sir Nathain Galien

Sir Nathain Galien was a Breton knight who was once part of the knightly order; the Knights of Death's Valor. However, he was cursed with undeath and his spirit resides in his skull. He can be found in the graveyard outside Death's Valor Keep.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

If you approach him to start the quest, he will say:

"Woe betide on this place."

His initial greeting to you will depend on if you spoke with Hannah Izard and started the quest with her.

Have not started quest:
Started quest with Hannah Izard:
"I wonder pilgrim, if you'll be the one to face the horrors beyond.
That was the home of the long gone Knights of Death's Valor. Lord Leobert—sorry excuse of a knight commander that he was—turned on his oath and cursed us with undeath."
How did Lord Leobert do that?
"You appear as if you expected to find me. I wonder, do you know where you stand?
That was the home of the long gone Knights of Death's Valor. Lord Leobert turned on his oath and cursed us with undeath."
What did Lord Leobert do?
"He performed tainted magic. Cleaved our bodies from mortality. But he didn't complete the ritual. His magic confined our bodies to the bounds of the keep. I couldn't allow Leobert to fix the spell, so I hid his ritual tools inside four sacred altars."
Why can't you take the items from the altars?
"Leobert caught me and threw my body from the ramparts. Once I crossed over the wall, the magic binding my body together dissipated.
Help me. Kneel at the altars. Ensure Leobert will never leave. Do this and the treasures of the graveyard are yours."
I'll kneel at the altars within the Death's Valor Keep and take the tools of Leobert's ritual.

After you agree to help, you can ask Sir Nathain Galien some questions before you put him in your pack:

"With your knees and my knowledge, the altars will relinquish the items we seek. Find them in the chapel, the living quarters, the statuary, and the catacombs.
Put me in your pack. Together, we'll ensure Lord Leobert's plan is never realized."
You want me to put you in my pack? / Why do you want me to put you in my pack?
"I'd prefer to be carried—it's less disrespectful—but I suspect you'll need your hands free for the trials ahead.
Honor demands that I accompany you on this quest. More importantly, my presence will be necessary inside Death's Valor Keep."
Why do you have to come into the keep with me?
"The altars inside served as the final test of a squire's worthiness. The chests won't open unless the order's creed is said in earnest.
My presence ensures that kneeling at the altars will unlock the chests."
All right, I'll put you in my pack. (Progress Quest)
How does kneeling at the altars open the chests? / Why do I have to kneel at the altars?
"Before Leobert tarnished the name of Death's Valor, the altars stood as a test of squire's worthiness. Kneeling at the altars—and praying to the ideals we held dear—disengaged the locks holding the chests next to the altars shut."
What were in the chests?
"Items sacred to us. The burial shroud of Lucette Suriel. A black candle. A sack of grave dirt. Dried petals.
I desecrated the chests, but there wasn't much time. Leobert had to be stopped. The chests were the only option."
Why doesn't Leobert just kneel at the altars and open them himself?
"That may be the only light in this dark situation. The power of the altars only reveals itself to those who are worthy.
Lord Leobert, in his arrogance, shunned our order. Our very creed! He's no more worthy than an ant!"
What else can you tell me about Death's Valor Keep? / Before I do that, what else can you tell me about Death's Valor Keep?
"Once, the building was the stronghold of the Knights of Death's Valor. The stories I could tell you about our lives ….
But Lord Leobert betrayed us, forged himself into a corruption of our very beliefs."
Tell me about the Knights of Death's Valor.
"Our keep stood as a bastion against the dark and beacon for the ill-fated for centuries. I remember the pride I felt being among the knights. The sense of purpose. All now lost."
Why did you call yourselves the knights of Death's Valor?
"The name reminded the knights to fight justly and well. We knew that death wasn't a thing to be beaten back or feared.
Still, my demise wasn't honorable. And in death, I lie far from the brethren my negligence cursed."
Why do you blame yourself?
"I was Lord Leobert's confidant since we were but lowly pages. His father served as knight commander and had little time for Leobert. I should have seen what he was planning. Maybe I could have turned him from it.
I failed us all."
How did you get to the graveyard?
"A traveler buried me here, but left my head on the gravestone—a warning to all who journeyed on this road. My presence ensured that no one disturbed the keep or unleashed the horrors within."

Once you have picked up Sir Nathain Galien's Skull, he will comment as you enter the keep:

Sir Nathain Galien: "I yearned to see my home one last time, but I never anticipated I'd see it from the inside of a satchel."

Approaching the central courtyard:

Sir Nathain Galien: "Once, this courtyard was filled with talk and laughter. Now all I can hear is the clanking of items in your pack."

Approaching the Altar of Obligation:

Sir Nathain Galien: "Squires prayed at this alter [sic] under the watchful eyes of these statues. Hopefully, the statues will favor us as well."

Kneeling at the Altar of Obligation:

Sir Nathain Galien: "A knight does not forget that it is their duty to serve others."

Picking up the Tattered Tome of Incantation:

Sir Nathain Galien: "Lord Leobert. With this book, he learned to reject fate. With these pages, he destroyed those who were honorable and true."

Approaching the Altar of Fidelity:

Sir Nathain Galien: "As squires, Leobert and I fell asleep praying in front of that statue."

Kneeling at the Altar of Fidelity:

Sir Nathain Galien: "Knights, lost to the forgotten past, let us live in a manner that befits your long-gone memory."

When you pick up the Ritual Dagger:

Sir Nathain Galien: "The dagger Leobert used to flay his body. His hairbrained sacrifice brought an end to our glorious order."

Approaching the Altar of Faith:

Sir Nathain Galien: "With the chapel so removed from our daily lives, only those undergoing the rites of passage knelt at the altar here."

Kneeling at the Altar of Faith:

Sir Nathain Galien: "A knight is humble in the face of all that lies beyond mortal comprehension. A knight does not fight the end when it draws near."

Picking up Valor's Chalice:

Sir Nathain Galien: "That chalice was passed down for generations and welcomed countless knights to our halls. Leobert's ritual used it to end us before our time."

The fourth altar will be in Leobert's Chamber, and will be likely guarded by Lord Leobert himself. Sir Nathain will comment as you enter:

Sir Nathain Galien: "Leobert's chamber. Not even the altar within could return the knight commander to his senses."

Kneeling at the Altar of Valor:

Sir Nathain Galien: "A knight is courageous, even in the face of insurmountable danger."

When you take the Stopped Heart

Sir Nathain Galien: "The heart Leobert ripped from his chest in the shadow of fear. I doubt he cared about the impact this had on the rest of us."

Once you have collect all four items, Sir Nathain will call out:

Sir Nathain Galien: "You retrieved every item. Had I hands, I would clasp yours in friendship. Leave this cursed keep to the dead."

After you have left the keep, Sir Nathain will point out a nearby open grave:

Sir Nathain Galien: "Place the items you dutifully recovered in that grave. Leobert will never leave his Keep now."

Once the items are placed:

Sir Nathain Galien: "Now, refill the grave with dirt. It's time the mistakes of the past were buried."

When this is done, Sir Nathain will have a final request:

Sir Nathain Galien: "Now no one will suspect what this grave hides. I'd like to be laid to rest atop that tombstone, if you don't mind putting me there."

Once placed onto the gravestone, you can speak with him to complete the quest:

"Even without lungs, I cherish being in this fresh air.
I'm glad I put my skull in your care, pilgrim. You prayed at the sacred altars, and removed the ritual items from Lord Leobert's sphere of influence. You are honorable and dutiful."
Will the ritual items be safe in that grave?
"No one will look in this graveyard for the items thought to be lost within the keep. And I will watch over them. Your task is done. You have my thanks in all things.
Here, I promised you the treasures forgotten in the graveyard. Take them."

After the quest is complete, you can speak with him some more:

"I'm not sure how long my cursed existence will continue, but I feel at rest.
My trials are over. I'll keep my vigil here and look to welcome death with open arms whenever I'm blessed with it."
Will burying the ritual items stop Lord Leobert's plans?
"The magic of the ritual will not let Leobert and his lackies leave the keep's walls. With the ritual items, their strength could grow. But since you took the tools from inside the keep, their cursed forms are trapped forever."
How can you be so sure?
"I am the only one who exited the keep. I believe the sight of my bones falling apart in the air frightened them. They'd never risk losing their mobility.
I'll do my duty and watch over these items. I have a knack for long vigils now."
Do you think you'll ever be able to pass on?
"I hope so. I'd like not to rush into it, not while the others of my order pose a threat inside the keep. But one day, yes.
When my time comes, I will smile. And that will be all."

As you leave the graveyard for the final time:

Sir Nathain Galien: "There is a pleasing breeze in the air. A new peace calming the Keep."
