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Online:Skullguard Marama

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Skullguard Marama
Location Sepulcher of Mischance
Race Imperial Gender Female
Health 108669 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile Class Skullguard
Other Information
Faction(s) Euraxians
Skullguard Marama

Skullguard Marama is an Imperial found in Sepulcher of Mischance. She will be torturing Zamarak as part of Zumog Phoom's necromantic ritual to raise Cadwell the Betrayer.

Related Quests[edit]

  • ON-qico-Zone Story.pngCadwell the Betrayer: Stop Zumog Phoom before he can unleash Cadwell the Betrayer on Northern Elsweyr, and find a way to use the Dragonhorn.

Skills and Abilities[edit]

Quick Strike
A basic melee ability that deals low physical damage.
The skullguard throws two bone spikes into the ground, which glows for a few seconds before exploding, as indicated by growing circular AoEs.
Spike Wall
The skullguard plants their weapon into the ground, summoning five bone spikes, all of which have a small AoE around them. Standing in the AoE deals low damage over time. The spikes themselves act as barriers that block movement. After a time, the skullguard detonates the spikes for additional damage.


She taunts Zamarak during the ritual.

Skullguard Marama: "Praying to the moons won't save you, cat!"

During the battle, she'll scream:

Skullguard Marama: "Interloper! Just more fuel for the ritual!"