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Online:Smoke on the Horizon

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Help defend Boulderfall Pass.
Zone: The Rift
Objective: Boulderfall Pass — Help the Pact hold the line.
Quest Giver: Scout Claurth, Centurion Gjakil, Sergeant Banthor (If you have not completed Unearthed)
Location(s): Boulderfall Pass, Three Tribes Camp
Concurrent Quest: Raise the Colors
Reward: Defender's Breastplate
Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Standard Experience
ID: 2687
Light the fire to send the signal
Boulderfall Pass has been attacked by Sinmur and the Reachmen. The soldiers defending this area need my help.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Centurion Gjakil.
  2. Assist the Pact Soldiers.
  3. Find Captain Jardirr.
  4. Light the signal fire.
  5. Report to Captain Jardirr.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Centurion Gjakil asks for your assistance at Boulderfall Pass. Captain Jardirr ran to face the invading Reachmen a while ago and hasn't returned. He asks you to help the Pact Soldiers fighting on the front lines and see if they have any idea where the Captain's gone.

"Blood for the Pact!"
Good to see you again, Centurion. What's happened here?
"Sinmur. The giant led the Reachmen from Shor's Stone. Arrived just in time to see the Watch Captain throw herself into the fray. I need to restore order here. Can we press you into service again?"
"Your first priority: get pressure off the troops. Get out there and put steel or spell to those Reachmen bastards. We need to push them back and regroup."
What then?
"Locate Captain Jardirr. The troops might have an idea where she's gotten to. We can't lose another capable officer."
Into the breach!

You can ask the centurion if he has anything to help you against all the lurchers that are bumbling about. He points you to Murmurs-to-Trees.

[Persuade] Lots of Lurchers out there.
""Well, Murmurs-to-Trees has been working on a ward to use against them. He's just down the stairs, go ask him about it.""
Thanks. I'll do that.

Murmurs-to-Trees will then give you Lurcher Wards to stun the beasts.

"Save our soldiers, please. We must stop all this senseless death."
I heard you might have a ward to use against lurchers.
"Yes, I found a way to undo their twisted magics. Here, take these wards. Place one on the ground near a lurcher and it should unwind him. I have only five, so use them wisely."
Thank you so much for your help!

Head out into the field and find five Pact Soldiers who are fighting Reachmen. Help them kill their opponents to save them. Once you've saved the fifth soldier, they'll tell you that the Captain is holed up in a cave south of the pass. Head over to that cave and find the captain inside. She seems a bit jarred, but nothing too serious is wrong with her. She asks that you light the signal fire at the top of the hill to the north of here, past the Three Tribes Camp. The captain wants to warn Riften of Sinmur's escape, and the treated wood in the signal fire will allow it to burn thick enough for the smoke to be seen from Windhelm.

"Reach dogs will think twice before crossing blades with me again."
Are you all right, captain?
"I'll … I'll survive. I can't say the same for all of my men. Wait. Who in Oblivion are you?"
I'm a friend. I was sent from the outpost by .…
"That's all I need to know. Look, I need to get these men to safety. You, I need back in the field."
What do you need me to do?
"Up the hill here is a bloody great signal fire. Specially treated wood. When it burns, the smoke it sends up will be visible all the way in Windhelm. Get out there and warn the Rift. Go!"
I'll get it done.

Head north into the Reachmen's camp. Enter the Signal Fire Tower and use the fire starter on the wood. The flames need time to eat away at the wood and produce smoke. Several Stonetalon Initiates will smell the fire starting and attempt to put it out with their magic. Kill the Reachmen as the fire roars to life and return to Captain Jardirr back at the Pact's base in Boulderfall. There, she rewards you for your efforts.

"I cut down a Reach dog, and saw the smoke column reflected in his dead eyes. Nice work, ya great horker."
Reporting in, captain.
"Wish we could have tossed Reachmen into the fire. Burn them like cordwood, add a little color to the smoke! Hah!"

Quest Stages[edit]

Smoke on the Horizon
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
A scout from the pass offered to lead me to his commanding officer. I should follow him.
Hidden Objective: Talk to Scout Claurth
Objective: Follow Scout to Boulderfall Pass
Latest start Centurion Gjakil, the military leader I met at Shor's Stone, has taken command of the outpost. I should speak with him.
Objective: Talk to Centurion Gjakil
Captain Jardirr leapt into the fighting at Boulderfall, hoping to save as many soldiers as she could. She's now missing. I've been asked to ease some of the pressure from the Pact troops. Some of them may know where she is.
Objective: Save Soldiers from the Reachmen: 0/5

I might ask one of the soldiers' leaders whether they have additional resources they can offer me.

Optional Step: Talk to Centurion Gjakil or Sergeant Banthor
Optional Step: Talk to Murmurs-to-Trees
One of the pact soldiers told me that Captain Jardirr has holed up in a small cave near the battlefield. I should find her there and ensure she's safe.
Objective: Talk to Captain Jardirr
Captain Jardirr is fine. She insisted that my priority should be lighting the signal fire at the top of the nearby hill. I need to make my way there.
Objective: Find Signal Fire
I found the signal fire. I should light the starter fire near the pit. The smoke column should alert the region.
Objective: Light Signal Fire
Reachmen have begun pouring into the courtyard, trying to extinguish the blaze. I must defend the fire!
Objective: Defend the Signal Fire
Finishes quest☑ The Rift knows of the danger posed by the Reachmen. I should report in to Captain Jardirr. She said she'd escort her men back to the tower.
Objective: Talk to Captain Jardirr
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
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