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Online:Sondivel Ulres

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Sondivel Ulres
Location Yasammidan, Procedure Room
Forgotten Crypts
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) House Telvanni
Sondivel Ulres

Sondivel Ulres is a member of House Telvanni who is also known as The Reformer. He claims to have plans to end slavery on the Telvanni Peninsula, but as several people can attest, his means are just as monstrous.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Between a Rock and a Whetstone[edit]

While helping Sharp-as-Night track down the Reformer, you learn his identity from reading the Another Letter from the Reformer and the location of his laboratory near Gnisis from the Note from Gadri to Federo. Sharp will track the laboratory entrance to Yasammidan and once inside, you find the Procedure Room, where there is an Argonian skeleton on a laboratory table with Sondivel's Journal.

As you were reading the journal, Sharp was drawn to a chunk of strange metal:

Sharp-as-Night: "What is this metal? When we came in here, I could almost … feel it."
<Sharp reaches out and touches it, there is a beat and he is then lifted off the ground and is surrounded by dark blue light.>
Sharp-as-Night: "What the—?"
<As he struggles, a projection of a Dark Elf in Telvanni Robes appears on the platform above the metal.>
Sharp-as-Night: "What the—?"
Sondivel Ulres: "Sharp? After all this time! Where are you? Who's that with you?"
Sharp-as-Night: "Stay back!"
Sondivel Ulres: "You touched the tyranite and I felt it, Sharp. I felt it! You're still attuned. Do you know what this means? Remember me. Remember us!"
Sharp-as-Night: "All I remember is wanting to kill you."
Sondivel Ulres: "That's right. And you're so close to being mine once more. Just a moment longer …."
Sharp-as-Night: "The metal—break the connection!"

Once you destroy the metal, the connection breaks and Sondivel Ulres' projection disappears.

Dim and Distant Pasts[edit]

After the conclusion of Between a Rock and a Whetstone, Sharp-as-Night will let you know that Dimik-ei wants to meet with him. When you visit her, she lets you know she has an idea on how to restore Sharp's memories. Once you collect a sample of tyranite calx, she has you relive one of Sharp's memories.

When you touch the tyranite calx, you will be transported to relive a memory of Sharp's. You will have the appearance of Sharp-as-Night, in prisoner rags. You will be within an open cage, and it is located in Reformer's Laboratory though the memory will have purplish lighting to it. Sondivel speaks when you move forward:

Sondivel Ulres: "Try your hardest to fight it, Sharp. It will help me ferret out any weaknesses."
Sharp-as-Night: "If I could tear you to pieces right now, you know I would."
Sondivel Ulres: "Sharp as ever. Now, feel the resonance. You should understand what I want you to do without me saying anything at all."
Sharp-as-Night: "It's the bucket, isn't it? Let's make a deal. I bring you the bucket, and then I get to drown you in it."

Speaking to Sondivel before getting the bucket:

"Your resistance is thrilling, Sharp. Keep it up. I need to know where my weaknesses lie.
But we both know you understand exactly what I want you to do. It's only a matter of time before you give in."

When you pick up the Bucket behind Sondivel, he'll continue:

Sondivel Ulres: "Good. And now …."

If you talk to Sondivel before you get close enough to him to trigger his next line, he'll say:

"You'll never get away from me, you know."

Then as you get close to him:

Sondivel Ulres: "Wonderful! You sensed and acted on my desires, all without me having to say a word. Well? How was it?"

Speak with Sondivel again:

"Speak your mind, Sharp. How does it feel, wrapped in the tendrils of my will? Did it hurt to try and resist?
Be honest with me. You know how I appreciate your candor."
There was no pain. Only a nagging thought that you wanted me to grab this bucket.
"Nagging? How rude. I hope I don't really nag.
Did you feel anything else? I need to know if subconscious desires interfere with what I'm issuing as conscious directives."
I still want to kill you. So I'm guessing not.
"I think you're strong enough that you could do that, if it's what you really wanted. I haven't perfected the process. You say you want to kill me, and yet I'm still here."
For now. But I'll break through again soon. I'll step over your corpse and leave with Dimik-ei.
"Dim. That's right. Your sister. Of course. That's who I feel. The way she missed you. She wants to make you remember! Just like me.
And there's another. Masking your resonance from me. Who are you, I wonder?"
Wait, what?

The conversation breaks, and the memory continues like nothing happened:

Sondivel Ulres: "Be reasonable, Sharp. Just give me the bucket."
<You use the bucket and splash him with water, then you hear Dimik-ei cry out.>
Dimik-ei: "Sharp, help! He's here! He's—"
Sondivel appears with an offer

When you wake up from the memory, you find Dimik-ei is missing, after you find Dimik-ei's Amulet a projection of Sondivel appears immediately after that with an offer:

Sondivel Ulres: "I felt your resonance, Sharp. Your resistance. Even with your little conduit."
Sharp-as-Night: "Dimik-ei. Where is she?"
Sondivel Ulres: "She's safe with me. The stars aligned so I would find you again. Submit yourself to me, Sharp, and I'll let her go. I'll let all my slaves go."
Sharp-as-Night: "What?"
Sondivel Ulres: "You are my price. Find me. I know you can. Submit to me. I know you will."
<The projection disappears>

Light the Way to Freedom[edit]

You will hunt down Sondivel Ulres to the Forgotten Crypts in Deshaan in order to save Dimik-ei and the other slaves.

After finding the Telvanni master's lair, Sharp calls out:

Sharp-as-Night: "You sent for me, master?"
Sondivel Ulres: "Sharp! At last—but you should have come alone."
Sondivel Ulres: "Kill the other one, then bring Sharp to me. We've been parted so long. I can wait a moment longer."

Sondivel can be seen for a short time looking over the room from a platform that's too high to access, but walks off to the right immediately after commanding his minions.

Sondivel Ulres
Location Forgotten Crypts
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Health (?) Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) House Telvanni
Sondivel Ulres

You will reach Sondivel's private chamber where he stands in the middle of the room, hostile, but doesn't attack or speak. There will be a short cave-like tunnel that leads outside and cannot be activated while Sondivel lives.

In the back left corner, there are two cages are occupied by Argonians. Xisli and Green-Twig slouch despondently in one cage; Dimik-ei stands in the other, with Shei-meena sitting on the ground.

When combat begins, Sharp will call out to Sondivel:

Sharp-as-Night: "Sondivel Ulres, Reformer, whatever you call yourself—you should have run."
Sondivel Ulres: "I don't want to hurt you, Sharp!"
Sondivel Ulres: "Such a poor use of your potential."
Sharp-as-Night: "What's the matter? This isn't how you imagined our reunion?"

Once Sondivel is near death:

Sharp-as-Night: "This is for everyone I'll never remember because of you."
Sondivel Ulres: "Wait! If you kill me, you'll never get your memories back!"
Sharp-as-Night: "Then they die with you."

When Sondivel goes down, he comes back as a Lurcher, and has to be killed again. After you've killed him the second time:

Dimik-Ei: "Do you feel that? The resonance—he's really gone!"
Sharp-as-Night: "Smash it. Burn it all. Sondivel's work dies with him. Everyone else walks free."