Online:Special Creatures

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There are a number of special creatures and NPCs in the game that do not correspond to an existing creature type or race. Special creatures often have unique rigs used only by them, such as Hircine, who uses a modified Minotaur rig with unique differences. Unique NPCs will usually just use the standard NPC rig, though some may have additional special animations, such as Ithelia's facial and wing animations.

Special Creatures[edit]

Clockwork Titan[edit]

Clockwork Titan

Saint Olms the Just is a unique trial boss who is the only member of a unique type of construct called a Clockwork Titan. It uses the Daedric Titan

Hermaeus Mora[edit]

Hermaeus Mora (base game)
Hermaeus Mora (Apocrypha)

Hermaeus Mora is the Daedric Prince of Fate and Forbidden Knowledge. He appears as a writhing mass of floating eyes and tentacles. His base game appearance uses simple black tentacles and off-white eyes, while his "Secrets of Apocrypha" appearances depict him as a tentacled green creature with a giant yellow eye in the middle.



Hircine is a Daedric Prince whose sphere is the Hunt, whose realm is the The Hunting Grounds, and is the creator of lycanthropes. He appears as a giant furry humanoid with the head of a deer. Hircine has his own unique animation skeleton, being very similar to that of the Minotaurs with some differences in bone positioning.

Mehrunes Dagon[edit]

Mehrunes Dagon

Mehrunes Dagon is the Daedric Prince of Destruction, Revolution, and Ambition. He rules over the Oblivion realm of the Deadlands. He takes the colossal appearance of a demonic, four-armed red giant. His mesh is called MehrunesDagon_A_Basic in the files.

Molag Bal[edit]

Molag Bal

Molag Bal is the Daedric Prince of Domination and the Enslavement of Mortals. He is the main antagonist, and is attempting to pull Nirn into his realm of Oblivion, Coldharbour, in an event known as the Planemeld. He possesses a broad, sinewy, muscular frame carried by digitigrade legs with hips crowned by jagged protrusions. A row of spikes ran from the top of his head down the length of his back, and a bony tail extended from the base of his spine, ending in a tri-tipped axe-shaped structure. Ridges jutted up from his sternum, lining the space where the base of his neck and his shoulders met to frame a horned head with frills on each side.

Moon Beast[edit]

The Moon Beast

The Moon Beast is a dread dark spirit summoned by Ravith-morna and her Chorus to hunt Khajiit souls on the paths to Azura's Crossing. In appearance it resembles an Ahz-m'Athra, a Senche-raht who has become a type of dro-m'Athra.

Special NPCs[edit]


Fa-Nuit-Hen, a Demiprince

Fa-Nuit-Hen is a Daedric Demiprince and the Multiplier of Motions Known. He is a highly skilled fighter that takes the form of a demonic Bosmer, with his complexion being a shiny dark bronze, his eyes being orange, and his face having four small horns.



Frii is a spriggan-like nature spirit first linked to the last Druid King and Wyrds. They have no assigned gender and appear as a humanoid tree-like NPC. According to game data, Frii uses the female NPC rig as a base.



Ithelia is the forgotten Daedric Prince of Paths. She appears as a human woman, but does not correspond to any of the existing human races. She has unique facial features present on no other race, and has unique facial animations to go along with it. Her hair is built into her model as well. She is sometimes seen wearing wings of glass.


Mephala in her Princely form

Mephala is the Daedric Prince of murder, sex, and secrets. She appears as a humanoid woman with grey skin with a wrinkled, pruney texture in some areas. She wears a unique crown and outfit that blend into her body at some areas as well.

Tutor Riparius[edit]

Tutor Riparius

Tutor Riparius is the assistant and tutor of Fa-Nuit-Hen. Though he wears Daedric armor and has Dremora-like tusks on his chin, he appears as a demonic Altmer with bronze skin, and does not correspond to any existing Daedric race.



Vaermina is a Daedric Prince whose sphere is the realm of dreams and nightmares. She appears as a masked humanoid wearing a dress. Her helmet is unique, and she is never seen without it, so it is unknown what her model looks like underneath.