Online:The Ascendant Storm
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The Ascendant Magus stands revealed as Count Damard Dufort. He intends to lead the Ascendant Order in an attack on All Flags Islet. Lady Arabelle needs me to help save the alliance leaders—and the hope for peace.
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The Ascendant Storm | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
Lady Arabelle wants me to go find Captain Kaleen at the Gonfalon Bay harbor and see if she knows where Nereid's Song might be hidden. We need that ship to reach All Flags Islet.
Objective: Find Captain Kaleen
I found Captain Kaleen near the harbor. I should talk to her about Lady Arabelle's plan to steal Nereid's Song and see what she knows about hidden coves along the coast.
Objective: Talk to Captain Kaleen
Captain Kaleen believes Nereid's Song is hidden at Jheury's Cove, on the west coast of High Isle. I should meet her and the others there.
Objective: Meet Your Allies at Jheury's Cove
I rendezvoused with my allies at the cove, and Nereid's Song is docked below us. I should talk to Captain Kaleen and see how she wants to commandeer the vessel.
Objective: Talk to Captain Kaleen
Captain Kaleen asked me to cut the mooring lines and keep the Ascendant Order knights busy while she and the other deal with the crew.
Objective: Cut the Mooring Lines
Hidden Objective: Line 1
Hidden Objective: Line 2
Hidden Objective: Line 3
I cut the mooring lines and the others are aboard Nereid's Song. Now I should get aboard so we can set sail for All Flags Islet.
Objective: Board the Ship
We successfully commandeered Nereid's Song. Now to set sail for All Flags Islet.
Objective: Travel to All Flags Islet
Nereid's Song reached All Flags Islet without being challenged, just as we hoped. But the Ascendant Order attack on the island is already underway. We need to find a way into All Flags Castle.
Objective: Enter All Flags Castle
We found Valessea and a few wounded sentries in All Flags Castle, but the alliance leaders aren't here. Lady Arabelle wants to talk to me about the situation.
Objective: Talk to Lady Arabelle
Optional Step: Talk to Guild Magister Valessea
Ascendant Order knights attacked the castle and the alliance leaders scattered. I need to locate the alliance leaders and get them to Memorial Hall where they'll be safe.
Objective: Find the Alliance Leaders
I found Queen Ayrenn in the museum of All Flags Castle. She faces a swarm of vulk'esh. I need to help her defeat the creatures.
Objective: Stop the Vulk'esh Assault
I helped Queen Ayrenn fight off the vulk'esh burrowing in from underneath the castle. Now I must convince her to seek the protection of Memorial Hall.
Objective: Talk to Queen Ayrenn
Queen Ayrenn told me that Prince Irnskar is fighting on the castle's battlements. I need to find him.
Objective: Find Prince Irnskar
I found Prince Irnskar fighting Ascendant Order knights on the battlements. I should help him defeat them.
Objective: Clear the Battlements
I helped Prince Irnskar deal with the Ascendant Order knights on the battlements. I should talk to him now.
Objective: Talk to Prince Irnskar
Prince Irnskar won't leave the battlements until we defeat the attacking Ascendant Order ships. I need to clear the west dock of enemies so he can utilize the ballista without interference.
Objective: Clear the All Flags West Dock
The docks of All Flags Castle are clear. I should call for Prince Irnskar to target the Ascendant Order warships with the ballista.
Objective: Destroy the Ascendant Order Ship
Now that Queen Ayrenn and Prince Irnskar are on their way to Memorial Hall, I should help High King Emeric in the castle's courtyard.
Objective: Find High King Emeric
High King Emeric asked me to help defeat the druids feeding power into the storm. I need to disrupt their ritual.
Objective: Disrupt the Storm Ritual
I helped High King Emeric disrupt the storm ritual. I should tell him to seek shelter in the Memorial Hall.
Objective: Talk to High King Emeric
I need to use Lady Arabelle's invitation medallion to get past the wards and enter Memorial Hall.
Objective: Use the Medallion to Enter Memorial Hall
I need to enter Memorial Hall and meet up with High King Emeric, Queen Ayrenn, and Prince Irnskar.
Objective: Meet Your Allies in Memorial Hall
The Ascendant Magus somehow broke through the magical wards and is attacking Memorial Hall. I need to defend the alliance leaders from this attack.
Objective: Defend Memorial Hall
The Ascendant Magus threatens to bring Memorial Hall down on top of us. The only chance to save the alliance leaders is to go out and face him directly.
Objective: Defeat the Ascendant Magus
With the help of the alliance leaders, I defeated the Ascendant Magus. Time to see how things stand outside the castle walls.
Objective: Exit All Flags Castle
While I was aiding the alliance leaders inside All Flags Castle, it looks like Lady Arabelle and the rest of my allies handled the Ascendant Order forces outside the walls. I should talk to her. |
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) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.