Online:The Missing Prowler
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Quick Summary: not written
Quest Stages: not written |
Captain Jimila has lost her ship, the Prowler. She and her quartermaster, Oblan, discovered it missing after coming ashore for supplies. I agreed to help find the ship so they can get off Skulltooth Coast.
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Quest Stages[edit]
The Missing Prowler | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
Captain Jimila has lost track of her quartermaster, Oblan. They split up to search for the Prowler, but he never returned. I should look for him along the beach.
Objective: Search for Quartermaster Oblan
Hidden Objective: Search for Quartermaster Oblan
Hidden Objective: Examine the Smuggler's Mark
Hidden Objective: Search for a Smuggler's Mark
Hidden Objective: Search for Oblan
Hidden Objective: Locate the Prowler
Hidden Objective: Gather Kindlepitch
Hidden Objective: Lead Oblan to the Cove Overlook
Hidden Objective: Rig the Slithermist with Kindlepitch
Hidden Objective: Kill Boss
Hidden Objective: Gather Items for Adwig
I located Quartermaster Oblan, I should speak with him at once.
Objective: Talk to Quartermaster Oblan
After speaking with Quartermaster Oblan, I was approached by a Breton named Adwig. I should speak with him.
Objective: Talk to Adwig
Adwig asked me to collect his pack at an encampment along the shore.
Objective: Find Adwig's Pack
Now that I satisfied his request, I should speak with Adwig.
Objective: Talk to Adwig Racicot
Now that Oblan is freed, I should speak with Jimila to see how she plans to get the Prowler back.
Objective: Talk to Captain Jimila
Jimila and I will go into the hills that overlook the cove to see if we can locate the Prowler within.
Objective: Locate the Prowler
I located the Prowler in the cove. Now I should speak with Captain Jimila.
Objective: Talk to Captain Jimila
Captain Jimila recommended I find the Sea Elf pirates' stash of kindlepitch.
Objective: Find Kindlepitch Supply
Captain Jimila recommended that I grab a crate of kindlepitch.
Objective: Gather Kindlepitch
I should meet up with the others to coordinate our plan to retrieve the Prowler.
Objective: Rendezvous with the Group
I should talk to Captain Jimila to find out what she has in store for the plan.
Objective: Talk to Captain Jimila
Captain Jimila explained her plan. I should lead Quartermaster Oblan to an overlook so he can get a good view of the Sea Elves's ship. Then when I give the signal, he can loose an arrow and set the ship ablaze.
Objective: Lead Oblan to the Cove Overlook
Optional Step: Talk to Quartermaster Oblan
I should enter the pirate cove.
Objective: Enter the Pirate Cove
Captain Jimila has something urgent to tell me. I should speak with her.
Objective: Talk to Captain Jimila
I should board the Sea Elf flagship.
Objective: Board the Slithermist
The next part of the plan entails me placing kindlepitch at various points on the Sea Elf flagship that will help create a diversion. Then I need to find the key to unlock the Prowler.
Objective: Rig the Slithermist with Kindlepitch
Objective: Find Key to Unlock the Prowler
Hidden Objective: Rig the Slithermist with Kindlepitch
The next part of the plan entails me placing kindlepitch at various points on the Sea Elf flagship that will help create a diversion. Then I need to find the key to unlock the Prowler.
Objective: Rig the Slithermist with Kindlepitch
Objective: Find Key to Unlock the Prowler
With the kindlepitch set up on the Sea Elf flagship, I should signal Quartermaster Oblan so he can ignite it with an arrow to create a distraction.
Objective: Signal Oblan from the Rear Ship Deck
I should disembark from the burning Sea Elf Flagship before it is engulfed in flames.
Objective: Escape the Slithermist
I should hurry and board the Prowler to meet up with the others.
Objective: Board the Prowler
Now that I have the key in my possession, I should unlock the Prowler.
Objective: Free the Prowler
Now that the Prowler is unlocked, I should navigate us out of this cove.
Objective: Escape the Cove
We retrieved the Prowler. Now I should speak with Captain Jimila. | |
In order to free Oblan, I should find the items that Adwig asked me to.
Objective: Gather Items for Adwig
Objective: Find Adwig's Pack
In order to free Oblan, I should find the items that Adwig asked me to.
Objective: Gather Items for Adwig
Objective: Find Adwig's Pack
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g.,
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.