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Online:The Sable Knight

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The Sable Knight
Location Y'ffre's Cauldron
Race Soulrazer Knight Gender No Gender
Health 2,906,536 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
The Sable Knight

The Sable Knight is a soulrazer knight who can be found at Y'ffre's Cauldron, serving as its world boss. According to legend, the Sable Knight is one of the first, as well as the most powerful, of the soulrazer knights. It leaves necromantic energy wherever it goes.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills & Abilities[edit]

The Sable Knight is initially accompanied by a Dead Champion, a Dead Priest, a Dead Stalker, and a Dead Wanderer.

Quick Strike
Basic melee attack dealing moderate damage to a target.
Heavy Attack
A charged melee attack that deals high physical damage. This can be blocked to stagger the knight.
Exploding Charge
The knight slams its weapon down onto the ground, indicated by a red circle, dealing high physical damage. Afterward, magical trails shoot out on the ground a short distance torwards nearby targets, indicated by moving red circles, which detonate, dealing massive magic damage and knocking affected targets high into the air.
Shield Throw
The knight throws its shield in a straight line in front of itself aiming at its target, indicated by a red rectangle, dealing high physical damage and knocking down affected targets. The shield then comes back in the exact same trajectory, applying the same damage and effects as before.
Dark Burst
The Sable Knight channels a spell, indicated by a slowly growing massive red circle. When it reaches maximum, the spell goes off, creating a burst of magical energy, dealing very high magic damage and knocking affected targets backwards. This also summons two skeletons from the same selection as initially present.
Purge Darkness
The Sable Knight casts a spell that conjures four magical orbs that converge together and detonate, indicated by a massive red circle, dealing high magic damage. This also summons three skeletons from the same selection as initially present.

Infinite Archive[edit]

The Sable Knight also appears in the Infinite Archive as a cycle boss. It behaves the same way excepted no skeletons are present at the start, it doesn't cast Purge Darkness and Dark Burst doesn't summon the skeletons.


There is one achievement associated with this creature:

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-Scrap Iron Collector.png Scrap Iron Collector 10 Defeat the Sable Knight near Steadfast Manor.