Help find a distraught woman's husband. |
Dreugh have trapped Dreughsiders in cocoons
Adiel Charnis is distraught. Dreugh attacked her home in the Dreughside district, and her husband fought back. They wounded him and dragged him off toward their spawning pools. Adiel holds out hope her husband still lives.
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to Adiel Charnis.
- Go to the dreugh spawning pools.
- Search mudpiles for trapped Dreughsiders.
- Search the mud pile by the statue of Saint Stentis.
- Talk with Arcady Charnis.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
When you first encounter Sergeant Stegine in Dreughside, he will mention that Adiel Charnis has reported that her husband was kidnapped by dreugh; however, he is unable to help her. Approaching her outside of her home, she will explain her trouble:
- "They took my husband. He was only trying to defend our homes, but the dreugh took him.
Please, stranger, can you help?"
- Slow down. Who took whom?
- "The dreugh. They attacked us out of nowhere.
My husband tried to fight back. Those things wounded him and dragged him off!"
- Dragged him off? To where?
- "To their spawning pools. Arcady might still be alive!"
- I'll find him.
Having agreed to find Adiel's husband, follow the main path to the southwest, until you reach the dreugh's spawning grounds. Once there, begin searching through mudpiles, freeing the trapped Dreughsiders that had been captured alongside Arcady. The fifth Dreughsider to be rescued will report having seen Arcady being dragged towards a statue of King Joile, to the southwest. Head in that direction. Once you reach a statue of Saint Stentis, find and destroy the nearby mud pile. Good news—Arcady is alive! He's been stuck in a pile of mud for a while, though, so you'll need to make sure that he's all right.
- "I can breathe again. Thank the Eight, I can breathe!"
- Are you hurt? What happened?
- "I'm not hurt, but I'd be dead without you. The dreugh were keeping us for food and feeding us to their young!
The little ones would gnaw through the mud and ... it doesn't matter now. I'm going to find whoever's responsible for this."
Quest Stages[edit]
They Dragged Him Away |
Finishes Quest |
Journal Entry |
Adiel begged me to search for her husband in the nearby dreugh spawning pools, where they took those citizens they captured.
Objective: Find Arcady Charnis
Objective Hint: Search Mudpiles for Trapped Dreughsiders: 0/5
A freed citizen told me he saw dreugh dragging Arcady to the spawning pools "near the statue of King Joile." I may find Arcady there, if he's still alive.
Objective Hint: Search Mud Pile by Ancient Statues
Finishes quest |
I found Arcady. Though the dreugh buried him in mud like the others, he's still alive. I should make sure he's all right.
Objective: Talk to Arcady Charnis
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g.,
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.