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Online:Torn Asunder

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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project.
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Quick Summary: written by Enodoc, checked by MolagBallet

Walkthrough: written by Squire, checked by MolagBallet

Quest Stages: written by MolagBallet, not checked
Recover the earthly remains of a spirit's three daughters.
Zone: Eastmarch
Quest Giver: Sonya Lastblood south of Jorunn's Stand
Location(s): Windhelm, Bonestrewn Crest, Hfirorg Farm, Hammerhome
Reward: Sonya's Bridal Veil
Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Standard Experience
In a rift between worlds
I wandered into a strange rift between the living world and the land of the dead. Here, I met the spirit of Sonya Lastblood, who said that her husband killed her and her three daughters.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Sonya Lastblood.
  2. Find the remains of Sonya's daughters.
  3. Return to Sonya Lastblood.
  4. Find Hadmal Lastblood.
  5. Stop the ritual.
  6. Return to Jorunn's Stand.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Just south of Jorunn's Stand Wayshrine among some trees lies a circle of candles, a gravestone and some skeletal remains; approach it and the ghost of Sonya Lastblood will appear. Speak to her to begin the quest.

"The balance of the world tilts precariously and the gates of the dead shiver in anticipation.
The Daedric Prince succeeds at his unholy task, This pocket proves that."
What is this place?
"We stand upon a rift between the planes. Here, the border between the living and the dead blurs.
I died many years ago. During the Akaviri invasion. Yet here I stand, hoping that help will arrive."
You need help?
"I long for my daughters to be returned to me.
During the war, my husband's mind broke. He murdered our daughters. To save them from Akaviri torture, he claimed. He scattered their remains across Eastmarch. And left me here alone."
I'll find your daughters for you.
"You do me a great honor. I miss my three daughters terribly. I'm not whole without them.
But you give me hope."
Location of the First Daughter

Next to Sonya is Hadmal's Journal, Page 3. Read it. You must locate the remains of Sonya's first daughter, Jolinne. Jolinne's Skull is located in Windhelm, just east of the entrance to the Hall of the Dead. When you are close, Jolinne will appear and speak.

Jolinne Lastblood: "Bones and blood, bathed in red. Joined together, walking dead."
Location of the Second Daughter

Jolinne's ghost will then vanish as her skull appears beneath her. Take her skull and read Hadmal's Journal, Page 7, which appears in the same spot. You must now locate the second daughter, Fjorna. Fjorna's Skull is located at Bonestrewn Crest, east of the entrance to Bonestrewn Barrow, behind a large rock. She will appear and speak.

Fjorna Lastblood: "Bitter and dull, drink blood from your skull. Rise up, darkness. Rise up!"
Location of the Third Daughter

Take her skull and read Hadmal's Journal, Page 12. You now need to locate the third and last of Sonya's daughters Valdia. Go to Hfirorg Farm, an unmarked location just southwest of the Icewind Peaks Dolmen. Valdia's Skull can be found directly behind Seeks-White-Bird's House. Standing over a dead horse, she speaks.

Valdia Lastblood: "You won't stop her. You won't stop her. She'll eat your heart. Devour it whole. Never stop her. Never, never, never …."

Take Valdia's skull and return to Sonya. Speak to her.

"You returned! And you have them! Even after all these years, they're still beautiful. Their lovely smiles. The energy flowing through them.
It's like we were never apart."
I was only able to recover their skulls.
"Nonsense! I feel their presence. We're still connected. Linked by blood. Linked by magic.
There's so much work to do. So much we still must accomplish. So much energy … to touch … to devour."
What are you talking about?
"My husband didn't appreciate our work. When he found the bodies, he was shocked. Disgusted. He never embraced the power as we did.
No. He had to stop us. The fool!"
What did you do?
"We gave them new life! But he stopped us. Because a little blood scared him!
But now I have my daughters back. We can start again. As a family."
What are you going to do?
"Nothing that concerns you. For the service you provided, you may live.
But don't follow us. I won't allow anyone to separate my family again!"

After this conversation, Sonya will disappear and a Letter to Sonya will appear on the ground. Read the letter. You now need to locate her husband, Hadmal Lastblood, to figure out what to do next. Hadmal can be found in Jorunn's Stand near the northern gate. Speak to him.

"Don't believe a soldier's life is all fame and glory. Taking a life isn't heroic.
Your enemy has a family, just like you and ... like I did. No one deserves to die. No one."
Are you Sonya Lastblood's husband?
"How do you ...? My wife is dead, stranger. Leave her in peace."
Her spirit said you killed her. She asked for my help.
"Tell me you didn't help her! Tell me you didn't bring her and my daughters back together!
No, of course you did. And now we'll all pay for your mistake."
Why did you kill them?
"My wife turned to Molag Bal. She worshipped him! Then she drew my innocent daughters into her cult.
They murdered people! But that doesn't matter now. Where is she? What's she planning?"
She vanished when I brought them together.
"They practiced their magic in a ruin south of here. That's probably where they've gone.
She planned to give my daughters to Molag Bal when I killed her. You have to stop her!"

After exiting the conversation Hadmal will speak.

"Go on. I'll gather my things and be right behind you."

You need to head to the ruins, located immediately south of Hammerhome and stop whatever Sonya has planned. When you arrive, Sonya and her daughters will be there; Sonya will begin the ritual. Sonya calls out to Molag Bal.

Sonya Lastblood: "You can't stop us! What was started long ago shall finally be completed!
We shall join as one. Molag Bal, accept our offering! Make us your weapon! Make us invincible!"
Sonya's ritual

Sonya and her daughters will then step into a black fire and merge together into a Bone Colossus called The Lastblood. The monster then attacks you.

The Lastblood: "You will be the first sacrifice to our lord, Molag Bal! Now you shall witness our power!"

After killing The Lastblood it would seem that despite saying he would meet you there Hadmal didn't show. Head back to Jorunn's Stand to talk to him.

Upon arriving back at the camp you will find that Hadmal is nowhere to be seen. Sitting on a table under a tent is a Farewell Missive. Read it. Distraught and unable to kill his family a second time it appears Hadmal has decided to commit suicide. Nearby Hadmal has left his complete journal detailing his story, along with a reward inside a chest.

Open Hadmal's Chest to complete the quest.

<Inside Hadmal's chest, you find his most prized possession.>

Quest Stages[edit]

Torn Asunder
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Sonya asked me to recover the remains of her three daughters. Her husband scattered the remains somewhere in Eastmarch. I should read the page from his journal. Maybe it has a clue as to where I should start looking.
Objective: Find the First Daughter
Objective Hint: Collect the Journal Page
I found the remains of Sonya's first daughter, as well as another page from her husband's journal. I should read it and see if it provides a clue as to where to search for the remains of the second daughter.
Objective: Find the Second Daughter
Objective Hint: Collect the Journal Page
I found the remains of Sonya's second daughter and another page from her husband's journal. I should read it and see if it provides a clue as to where to look for the remains of the third daughter.
Objective: Find the Third Daughter
Objective Hint: Collect the Journal Page
I collected the remains of Sonya's three daughters. I should return to the lost spirit and give them to her.
Objective: Bring the Skulls to Sonya Lastblood
Something's wrong about all this. Sonya's spirit hinted at dark tasks and darker rituals. I need to find her husband and learn more about what happened. Perhaps the letter on the ground will help.
Objective: Find Hadmal Lastblood
Sonya's husband Hadmal believes his wife's spirit has gone to the ruins south of Jorunn's Stand. He thinks she's performing a ritual to sacrifice their daughters' spirits to Molag Bal. I have to stop her.
Objective: Stop Sonya's Ritual
I destroyed Sonya and the monster she created. But Hadmal never arrived. I should find Hadmal and tell him what happened to his family.
Objective: Talk to Hadmal Lastblood
Hadmal is gone. He couldn't bear to destroy his family again, so he left that to me. He also left me his most prized possession. I should recover his journal and open the chest
Objective: Open Hadmal's Chest
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.