Online:Trials of the Burnished Scales
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to Chimatei.
- Complete the Trial of the Mind.
- Complete the Trial of the Heart.
- Talk to Nazuux.
- Talk to Bimee-Kas.
- Complete the Trial of the Fang.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
To begin the quest, speak to Jilux at the eastern edge of Hissmir:
- "If you're here to complain about the Dominion soldier's presence, I've already heard every complaint you can imagine."
- The Dominion? Here?
- "The soldier in question, Captain Henaamo, announced himself and his intentions to undertake the Trials of the Burnished Scales.
By holy tradition, pilgrims who declare themselves may not be harmed. The Hist alone decides his worthiness through the trials." - Why would these trials interest the Dominion?
- "Those who complete the trials may commune with the Hist. I don't know why this interests the Dominion, but I fear it is no good for Shadowfen.
Perhaps you could find out yourself? Take the trials, and keep an eye on this enemy of our people." - I will keep an eye on Captain Henaamo.
- "The Trial of the Mind is your first challenge. The Trial is located in a hut on the northwest corner of the pyramid."
- Why does a pilgrim have to complete the trials to commune with the Hist?
- "All are as one within the Hist. To be as one requires discipline. The trials prove your commitment.
They also test your body and mind. We must see if you're capable of surviving the process without dying or going mad."
You'll find Chimatei at the northwest corner of the xanmeer. As you approach, you may catch a glipse of Captain Henaamo before he sprints off as part of the upcoming Trial of the Heart:
- Captain Henaamo: "You say for this next trial I'll need to run? Fine."
Trial of the Mind[edit]
Speak to Chimatei to begin the Trial of the Mind:
- "Pilgrim, the Trial of the Mind awaits below. Your goal is simple: show you comprehend our past."
- What can you tell me about the trial?
- "Communing with the Hist teaches who we were before makes [sic] us what we are now. To remember our ancestors' deeds is to know ourselves.
Learn of our past and act with what you gain." - I will take the Trial of the Mind.
There is a hatch nearby which leads into the stone ruins below. Enter it, and proceed down the hallway to a chamber. You'll find five pedestals and one statue in the center of the room, and three tables, each bearing a wooden chest, on the three other sides of the room. The three nearest pedestals bear three books: The True Balance, The Fruit and the Stone, and The Lost Communion. The other two pedestals, and the statue, bear three artifacts. You are meant to grab artifacts mentioned in the books, and place them in the chests that belong to the historical figures described in the books.
- Place the Hist Sap into Jaraleet's Chest.
- Place the Zaht Stone Gems into Betzi's Chest.
- Place the Kothringi Axe into Awas's Chest.
Once the task is complete, exit the ruin and speak to Chimatei:
- "You conquered the Trial of the Mind. Faster than Captain Henaamo, might I add. Perhaps he's not suited to feats of intelligence."
- What is the next trial?
- "Your next trial is that of the Heart, where unnecessary distraction and digression lead to failure. Follow the well-traveled path marked by statuary. Speed is of utmost importance.
Nazuux awaits you at the finish. Are you ready?" - I'm ready to take the Trial of the Heart.
Trial of the Heart[edit]

A timer will begin after exiting dialogue with Chimatei: you have one minute and fifteen seconds to walk the path. Using a mount will not disqualify you. The first waypoint is stop a xanmeer tower; the second is down at ground level. On your way to the third waypoint, you'll encounter Leetu slumped against a stone brazier:
- Leetu: "Someone, please help me!"
Helping Leetu[edit]
Speak to Leetu:
- "Please, I need your help!"
- What's wrong?
- "So embarrassing. I twisted my ankle during my Trial.
Would you walk me back to Hissmir? I can't make it alone. So many beasts in this marsh!" - I'll escort you back. [exits dialogue]
- I don't have time to help you right now. [loops back to the start of the dialogue tree]
You'll need to return to a nearby xanmeer stairwell, and wait for her to catch up (or walk there with her). Once the two of you are there, she'll say:
- Leetu: "The other one, the Elf? He ran right past me. Well, a good deed is its own reward."
Head to Nazuux, southeast of the xanmeer, and speak to him:
- I've waited for you. You've undertaken the Trial of the Heart."
- Did I run out of time?
- "Time is meaningless, for the true test lies within your own heart. You willingly failed a task to help someone in need. This was a necessary distraction."
- I see. What is the next trial?
Abandoning Leetu[edit]
Speak to Nazuux:
- "I've waited for you. You've undertaken the Trial of the Heart."
- Did I make it in time?
- "You did, but that was not the true test. Was achieveing your goal worth leaving behind someone in need?"
- I see. What is the next trial?
- [advances quest]
- I didn't have time to do both.
Failing the trial without helping Leetu[edit]
If you run out of time without making the decision to help Leetu, then you'll need to return to Chimatei and speak with her:
- "You return?"
- I ran out of time in the Trial of the Heart.
- "You may attempt again. Remember, unnecessary distraction leads to failure."
- I'll do better.
Trial of the Fang[edit]

Nazuux will tell you:
- "The Trial of the Fang remains before you. You must fight while at great disadvantage. Bimee-Kas will assist you in your preparations."
- I'll speak with Bimee-Kas.
Bimee-Kas is south of Hissmir's xanmeer. Speak to him:
- "Another pilgrim? So few today, beyond yourself and that Dominion soldier. Are you ready for the Trial of the Fang?"
- Where do you administer the Trial of the Fang? [advances quest]
- "I do! It's quite simple. Defeat any of these warriors in single combat to pass the Trial of the Fang.
Oh, and you must drink poison. Nothing permanent, just something to dull your senses." - Give me the poison.
- "Here. When you feel the poison's fire in your veins, challenge any warrior to single combat. Go, prove yourself ready for the Hist!"
- "I do! It's quite simple. Defeat any of these warriors in single combat to pass the Trial of the Fang.
- Where is Captain Henaamo?
- "He finished his trials before you arrived, and is currently in communion with the Hist. He must not be disturbed."
Approach the Tribal Berserkers and Warriors, and you'll get an activation prompt to use the poison. Do so, and then speak to any fighter.
Attack the warrior to initiate combat, and lower their health almost to empty to win. The warrior will fight you until they surrender or until you are killed. While poisoned, your healing abilities do not restore health but still consume magicka or stamina, and attempts to use your healing potions will fail (without costing you a potion).
Once you've bested the warrior, speak to Bimee-Kas to complete the quest.
- You actually have a minute and seventeen seconds to complete the Trial of the Heart, but this includes the two seconds it takes to regain control after exiting dialogue with Chimatei.
Quest Stages[edit]
Trials of the Burnished Scales | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
I must speak with Chimatei to begin the first trial. She's on the northwest corner of the pyramid.
Objective: Talk to Chimatei
I must attempt the Trial of the Mind.
Objective: Enter the Trial of the Mind
To complete the Trial of the Mind, I must understand which elements of Argonian history match up. Three Argonian texts should provide clues.
Objective: Complete the Trial of the Mind
Hidden Objective: Place Kothringi Axe in Chest
Hidden Objective: Place Zaht Stone Gems in Chest
Hidden Objective: Place Vial of Hist Sap in Chest
I've completed the Trial of the Mind. I should speak with Chimatei about the next trial.
Objective: Talk to Chimatei
Objective Hint: Leave the Ruins
The Trial of the Heart requires that I travel quickly to several points on my map. I must travel to the first waypoint.
Objective: Go to First Waypoint
The Trial of the Heart requires that I travel quickly to several points on my map. I must travel to the second waypoint.
Complete one: Go to Second Waypoint or Go to Second Waypoint
The Trial of the Heart requires that I travel quickly to several points on my map. I must travel to the third waypoint.
Objective: Go to Third Waypoint
Objective: Escort Leetu Back to Hissmir
I need to speak with Nazuux to discuss my performance in the Trial of the Heart. I can find him southeast of the pyramid.
Objective: Talk to Nazuux
I must talk to Bimee-Kas to begin the Trial of the Fang. I can find him in the pit south of the pyramid.
Objective: Talk to Bimee-Kas
To complete the Trial of the Fang, I need to defeat a Hissmir warrior while under the influence of Root Rot Poison.
Objective: Drink the Root Rot Poison
Objective: Complete the Trial of the Fang
Objective: Failed the Trial of the Fang
I defeated my opponent and completed the Trial of the Fang. I should speak to Bimee-Kas.
Objective: Talk to Bimee-Kas
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.