Online:Zone Guide/Malabal Tor

Malabal Tor is the northwest region of Valenwood, on the coast of the Abecean Sea and the Strid River estuary. Its capital is Silvenar, the spiritual home of all Wood Elves.
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Zone Story Quests[edit]
Zone Story Quests are the main story arc for the zone. Completing these quests can award you with skill points, experience, gold, and gear.
House and Home: Save the villagers from the Drublog.
One Fell Swoop: Stop the Velyn Harbor invaders.
The Drublog of Dra'bul: Meet the Green Lady in Dra'bul.
Reap What Is Sown: Investigate the Drublog attack at the harbor.
The Hound's Plan: Search the Xylo River Basin and try to uncover the Hound's intentions.
The Prisoner of Jathsogur: Free the Silvenar from the Drublog ritual.
A Wedding to Attend: Meet the Silvenar in Silvenar, and attend his wedding.
Restore the Silvenar: Defeat the Hound and observe the Silvenar's marriage to the Green Lady.
Wayshrines allow free, instantaneous travel between wayshrines that have been discovered and unlocked. You can also travel directly to any unlocked wayshrine from anywhere in the world for a small amount of gold.
Abamath Wayshrine — Located east-southeast of Abamath. (map)
Baandari Tradepost Wayshrine — In the center of the Baandari Trading Post. (map)
Bloodtoil Wayshrine — Located southwest of Bloodtoil Valley. (map)
Dra'Bul Wayshrine — Located south-southwest of Dra'bul. (map)
Ilayas Ruins Wayshrine — Located just southeast of Ilayas Ruins. (map)
Valeguard Wayshrine — Located north of Valeguard. (map)
Velyn Harbor Wayshrine — Located in southwest Velyn Harbor. (map)
Vulkwasten Wayshrine — Located in southern Vulkwasten. (map)
Wilding Run Wayshrine — Located east of Wilding Run. (map)
Cave Delver[edit]
Delves are solo-able dungeons found throughout the world. Delves will always contain a single skyshard and a boss who drops item set gear.
Black Vine Ruins — A set of Ayleid ruins in northeastern Malabal Tor, west of the Baandari Trading Post containing Red Sun bandits and stranglers. (map)
Dead Man's Drop — A mine in eastern Malabal Tor, on the shore east of Fuller's Break containing Ra Gada pirates. (map)
Hoarvor Pit — A cave in central Malabal Tor, southwest of Vulkwasten containing hostile wildlife. (map)
Roots of Silvenar — A set of caves in eastern Malabal Tor, south of Silvenar containing Ebonheart Pact soldiers and lamias. (map)
Shael Ruins — A haunted Ayleid ruin in southern Malabal Tor, just north of the Grahtwood gate. (map)
Tomb of the Apostates — A cave in southern Malabal Tor, west of Tanglehaven containing undead. (map)
Points of Interest[edit]
Points of Interest are self-contained stories that explore the lore, characters, and locations within a zone. These can award you with experience, gold, and gear.
Abamath — An Ayleid ruin in southern Malabal Tor, northwest of the Grahtwood gate. (map)
Baandari Trading Post — A city in eastern Malabal Tor. (map)
Belarata — An Ayleid ruin in southern Malabal Tor, north of the Grahtwood gate. (map)
Bloodtoil Valley — A contested settled valley in central Malabal Tor, north of the Grahtwood gate. (map)
Deepwoods — A village in western Malabal Tor, east of Velyn Harbor. (map)
Dra'bul — A Wood Orc stronghold in central Malabal Tor, west of Vulkwasten. (map)
Falinesti Summer Site — The summer location of Falinesti, in western Malabal Tor, east of Velyn Harbor. (map)
Fuller's Break — A dock in northern Malabal Tor, east of Velyn Harbor. (map)
Ilayas Ruins — A set of Ayleid ruins in western Malabal Tor, just east of Velyn Harbor. (map)
Jathsogur — A large Wood Orc stronghold in southern Malabal Tor, northeast of the Grahtwood gate. (map)
Jode's Pocket — An island camp off the north shore of Malabal Tor, north of Vulkwasten. (map)
Ouze — A graveyard in eastern Malabal Tor, east of Silvenar. (map)
Silvenar — A city in eastern Malabal Tor that serves as the spiritual home of all Bosmer. (map)
Tanglehaven — A small town in central Malabal Tor, south-southwest of Vulkwasten. (map)
Treehenge — A grove in northeastern Malabal Tor, north of Baandari Tradepost. (map)
Valeguard — A grove in eastern Malabal Tor, southeast of Silvenar. (map)
Velyn Harbor — A large port town in western Malabal Tor, north of the Greenshade gate. (map)
Vulkwasten — A settlement and brewery in central Malabal Tor. (map)
Wilding Run — A grove in northern Malabal Tor, west-northwest of the Baandari Trading Post. (map)
Striking Locales are places of interest within the world. Discovering all of the Striking Locales in a zone will award that zone's Pathfinder achievement.
Four Quarry Islet — An island in the river northeast of Silvenar, in northeastern Malabal Tor. (map)
Horseshoe Island — An island north of Vulkwasten, in northern Malabal Tor. (map)
Ogrim's Yawn — A cave north of Silvenar, in northeastern Malabal Tor. (map)
Ragnthar — A Dwemer ruin that exists outside the physical reality of Nirn. (map)
Starwalk Cavern — A small cave southeast of Velyn Harbor, in western Malabal Tor. (map)
Stranglewatch — A small camp south of Dra'bul, in central Malabal Tor. (map)
Supplication House — A small merchant's home located east of Vulkwasten, in central Malabal Tor. (map)
Set Stations[edit]
Set Stations are locations in the world where you can craft items with specific item set bonuses.
Chancel of Divine Entreaty — An Ayleid ruin in central Malabal Tor, west of Silvenar. (map)
Matthild's Last Venture — A camp in western Malabal Tor, southeast of Ilayas Ruins. (map)
Sleepy Senche Overlook — A bluff in southeastern Malabal Tor, southeast of Bloodtoil Valley. (map)
Mundus Stones[edit]
Mundus Stones are objects in the world that grant a boon in the form of a temporary player buff. This buff will persist until replaced with a different Mundus Stone boon.
The Ritual — A Mundus Stone found in Malabal Tor, Alik'r Desert, Eastmarch, and Cyrodiil. (map)
The Thief — A Mundus Stone found in Malabal Tor, Alik'r Desert, Eastmarch, and Cyrodiil. (map)
The Warrior — A Mundus Stone found in Malabal Tor, Alik'r Desert, Eastmarch, and Cyrodiil. (map)
Public Dungeons[edit]
Public Dungeons are open world dungeons found throughout Tamriel and beyond. These are designed for four player groups. Completing different parts of Public Dungeons can award you with a skill point, experience, gold, and gear.
Crimson Cove — A cave in Malabal Tor. (map)
World Events[edit]
World Events such as Dark Anchors are activities that occur in the world that are best tackled by a group of adventurers. Completing a World Event can award you experience, gold, and higher tier gear.
Broken Coast Dolmen — A Dark Anchor spawn point on an island northwest of Vulkwasten in northern Malabal Tor. (map)
Silvenar Vale Dolmen — A Dark Anchor spawn point west of Baandari Trading Post in northeastern Malabal Tor. (map)
Xylo River Basin Dolmen — A Dark Anchor spawn point north of the Grahtwood gate in southern Malabal Tor. (map)
World Bosses[edit]
World Bosses are difficult enemies meant to be tackled by a group of adventurers. Defeating a world boss can award you higher tier gear.
Bitterpoint Strand — A small island north of Velyn Harbor in Malabal Tor. (map)
Bone Grappler's Nest — A small peninsula on the lake south of Tanglehaven in Malabal Tor. (map)
Dugan's Knoll — A hill just northeast of Ilayas Ruins in Malabal Tor. (map)
Jagged Grotto — A small cave on the coast north of Vulkwasten in Malabal Tor. (map)
River Edge — A river bank just east of Silvenar in Malabal Tor. (map)
Windshriek Strand — A beach in northeastern Malabal Tor. (map)
Skyshard Hunter[edit]
Skyshards are scattered throughout the world and can be identified by the bright beam of white light they emanate. Discovering three Skyshards will grant you a skill point, which can be used to unlock or morph new abilities.
Clue | Location | Notes | |
Near Ayleid ruins guarded by the Stormwardens. | Velyn Harbor, on top of mountain beside the Town Hall | (map) | |
The best view of Fuller's Break. | North of the ruins overlooking Fuller's Break | (map) | |
Unnoticed by a melancholy Elf. | South of the Falinesti Summer Site, southwest of Dra'bul Wayshrine, above road with Stranglers | (map) | |
Near the river, disentangled. | Across the river from Tanglehaven | (map) | |
Seek seaward cliffs by the brewery town. | North of Vulkwasten on cliffs | (map) | |
Fell from a bridge fleeing Abamath. | Crossroads South of Tanglehaven below the road, west of Bloodtoil Wayshrine | (map) | |
Search every nook to lift the Vale. | South Valeguard surrounded by thunderbugs | (map) | |
Eyed from an islet in the river. | Northeast of Four Quarry Islet, south of Silvenar Vale Dolmen | (map) | Surrounded by Senche Tigers |
Follow the sound of the wilding waves. | Southwest Windshriek Strand | (map) | |
Withered within the vine. | Black Vine Ruins Room bottom left | (map) | |
Dropped off when he still lived. | Dead Man's Drop Top left room. | (map) | |
Property of parasites. | Hoarvor Pit, northern curve in the water | (map) | |
Fungus dwellers dig, far from home. | Roots of Silvenar left through the water | (map) | |
Part of Arrai's spectral dominion. | Shael Ruins bottom left square room | (map) | |
Haunted by heretics. | In the Tomb of the Apostates, turn left in the northern water room | (map) | |
Held by red-handed bandits. | Crimson Cove, upper level on the right on the rocks, there are lots of soldiers to get past in groups of 5 or more. | (map) |
Shalidor's Library Books[edit]
Shalidor's Library Books are scattered throughout the world. These books are identified by their distinctive purple glow. Discovering these books will improve your Mages Guild rank and advance the associated skill line.
Malabal Tor Lore[edit]
- Ayleid Cities of Valenwood by the Esteemed Historian Homfrey at the University of Gwylim, 2E 455 — An excerpt of a text about the downfall of Ayleid civilization in Valenwood
- Green Lady, My Lady — An ode to the Green Lady
- The Humor of Wood Elves Collected by Telenger the Artificer — A collection of Bosmer jokes
- A Nereid Stole My Husband — A cautionary tale
- Pirates of the Abecean — A tale of a pirate crew's encounter with the infamous Crimson Ship
- The Red Paint — How Orcs make their war paint
- Valenwood: A Study by Archivist Endaranande — An essay on the Bosmer and their importance to the Aldmeri Dominion
- The Voice of the People — On the rise of a new Silvenar, Voice of the People for the Bosmer
- The Wedding Feast: A Memoir by Naral, also known as Baretail — A memorial Bosmeri wedding feast
- The Woodsmer — Tale of an encounter with the mythical Woodsmer
Daedric Princes[edit]
- Opusculus Lamae Bal ta Mezzamortie by Mabei Aywenil, Scribe — A brief account of Lamae Bal and the Restless Death
- The Totems of Hircine — Werewolf tales regarding artifacts of Hircine
- Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer I-B by Marobar Sul — How a boy escapes his kidnappers
- Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer VIII by Marobar Sul — Book 8 of a series of fictional stories about the Dwemer
- Guylaine's Dwemer Architecture by Guylaine Marilie — Guylaine Marilie's outdated summary of historical Dwemer architecture
Legends of Nirn[edit]
- An Accounting of the Elder Scrolls by Quintus Nerevelus, Former Imperial Librarian — An author's report on the Elder Scrolls and his subsequent entry into the Cult of the Ancestor Moth
- The Adabal-a by Morihaus — The memoirs of Morihaus, consort to Alessia and Taker of the Citadel
- The Amulet of Kings by Wenengrus Monhona — Chronicles the creation of the Amulet of Kings
- The Cleansing of the Fane — Fragmented script from a member of the Alessian Order
- The Exclusionary Mandates — The dictates of the Marukhati Selective
- The Last King of the Ayleids by Herminia Cinna — Chronicles the downfall of the Ayleid Empire in the First Era
- The Order of the Ancestor Moth — A Temple novice's initiatory pamphlet on the Cult of the Ancestor Moth
- Tamrielic Artifacts, Part One — A summary of ancient artifacts
- Tamrielic Artifacts, Part Two — A summary of ancient artifacts
- Tamrielic Artifacts, Part Three — A summary of ancient artifacts
Poetry and Song[edit]
- The Battle of Glenumbria Moors — Song on the famous 1E 482 battle between the Alessian Empire and the Direnni
- The Book of Dawn and Dusk — A collection of sayings and aphorisms attributed variously to the Tribunals and to their saints and servants
- The Cantatas of Vivec — A book of gospels in the form of epic songs
- The Five Far Stars by Zershishi Mus-Manul — Ashlander poetry
- Flesh to Cut from Bone — A sea shanty
- Ode to the Tundrastriders by Unknown — A poem dedicated to giants