Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Advanced Reading

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Banish a bookseller's unwelcome Guardian.
Quest Giver: Vyric Denalus
Location(s): Anvil, Vyric Denalus: Bookseller (Bazaar of the Abecean)
Reward: Daedric Broadsword and Liminal Bridges,
OR Liminal Bridges only,
OR Liminal Bridges and Barubi as a follower.
Disposition: +45 (Vyric Denalus)
ID: PC_m1_Anv_AdvRead; PC_m1_Anv_AdvReadB

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Vyric Denalus at his store in Anvil's Bazaar of the Abecean about Barubi.
  2. Ask if Vyric is okay, and then speak to him about student of Conjuration and Daia Pratania.
  3. (Optional) Ask people in the Anvil Mages Guild about Daia Pratania with 60+ disposition.
  4. Speak with Daia Pratania at her apartment in the Canal West Tenements building about Vyric's problem.
  5. Return to Vyric and ask him to reproduce the incantation.
  6. Talk to Daia once more.
  7. Obtain a Potion of Fortify Willpower of Standard, Quality or Exclusive level.
  8. Speak to Vyric about potion of Fortify Willpower and give him either:
  9. Read the invocation you were given.
  10. Speak to Barubi to either:
    • Banish it with violence.
    • Banish it peacefully (requires Vyric's Reproduced Invocation, 50+ Willpower and 50+ Conjuration).
    • Force it to serve you (requires Vyric's Reproduced Invocation, 60+ Conjuration).
  11. Talk to Vyric for a reward.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Vyric Denalus has a book store on the top floor of the Bazaar of the Abecean in Anvil. Speak to him there, and he'll ask that you be not unnerved by the "nine-foot-tall demon glaring menacingly at us". It transpires that this Daedra's name is Barubi. Ask him about this topic, and then ask if he's alright - he'll confess that he very much isn't. Apparently he was a student of Conjuration taught the basics by Daia Pratania. Asking him about these topics will cause your journal to update, and will see him ask you to get her to intervene.

You can get Daia's address by asking about her at the Mages Guild with 60+ disposition, or lucky guesswork may take you to her apartment in the Canal West Tenements. She'll immediately suspect that you're another student of Conjuration, and you can explain the situation through use of the topics Barubi, semi-stable summoning, incantory neonymic and reproduce the incantation. The gist of her instructions are: go back to Vyric and ask him what Barubi's true name is, as he presumably uttered it while summoning the Guardian, and that's what can be used to control it.

Ask Vyric to reproduce the incantation. He explains that the paper he read off turned to smoke as he finished his original incantation, and he cannot remember the true name he used. Return to Daia. She'll suggest a potion of fortify willpower to help Vyric remember what he said. The stronger the potion, the better, but homebrewed won't work. You'll need at least Standard quality for Vyric to remember anything, with Exclusive being the most rewarding.

Once you have the potion, talk to Vyric about the potion of Fortify Willpower topic. You'll be able to give over a potion. What you give determines what Vyric can remember. Standard quality potions will get you Vyric's Fragmentary Invocation, Quality will get you Vyric's Incomplete Invocation, and Exclusive will get you Vyric's Reproduced Invocation. Read the invocation you receive for a journal update. You can now attempt to dismiss Barubi by speaking to it.

The Fragmentary and Incomplete invocations have the same effect - Barubi's health regeneration is removed, a constant damage effect is added to it, and it will attack you. You can fight back, or evade the assault by hiding behind the counter and waiting for its health to deplete.

The Reproduced invocation has the same effect as the other two unless you have high willpower or conjuration. With 50+ Willpower and 50+ Conjuration, you'll be able to dismiss it to Oblivion without a fight. With 60+ Willpower, you can command Barubi to serve you as a follower (see 'Barubi' below).

Once Barubi has been put under control or defeated, speak to Vyric for a reward. He'll give you a copy of the Conjuration skill book, Liminal Bridges. If Barubi is dead, don't forget to take the Daedric Broadsword from its body.


If you secure Barubi as a follower, the spell may not hold forever. There is a chance that after a week has passed, you will wake from sleep to find that your control over the Daedric Guardian has slipped - and it will attack you. The chance of this happening depends on your Conjuration level - essentially, on you sleeping, Barubi rolls a random number between 0 and 100, and if the result is higher than your Conjuration, it will break free of your control. Barubi does need to be close by for this check to trigger.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Advanced Reading (PC_m1_Anv_AdvRead)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Vyric Denalus, a bookseller in Anvil, is being stalked by a demon by the name of Barubi. Vyric is terrified, and asked me to get rid of his unwanted visitor.
15 Apparently Vyric is a student of Conjuration under the tutelage of a Mages Guild member named Daia Pratania. Vyric said I could look for her and ask her for advice on how to deal with Barubi.
20 I found Daia Pratania in her apartment and she advised me on how to deal with Barubi the Guardian. She said Daedra are resistant to normal weapons, Guardian Daedra particularly so. Daia recommended using either an enchanted weapon, or one made of exotic material, if I want to face Barubi in combat.
25 Daia told me that if I reproduce the invocation that bound Barubi to Vyric, we might be able to dissolve the pact that binds it here. She offered me to ask Vyric what he remembers about how Barubi came to follow him.
30 Vyric doesn't entirely remember the words that summoned Barubi, and the page they were written on turned to smoke after he read it. All he knows is that the word 'Barubi' was only a small part of the invocation. He thinks Daia may know how to reproduce the incantation.
35 Daia wants me to find a potion of Fortify Willpower to jog Vyric's memory -- the stronger, the better.
40 The bargain potion of Fortify Willpower didn't seem to have much of an effect on Vyric.
45 Vyric thinks that the cheap potion of Fortify Willpower helped somewhat, but he's still not able to reproduce the invocation.
50 After drinking the standard potion of Fortify Willpower, Vyric managed to remember a fragment of Barubi's summoning invocation. He wrote it down on a piece of paper for me.
55 After drinking the quality potion of Fortify Willpower, Vyric was able to reproduce the invocation almost in its entirety. He wrote it down for me so as to not alarm Barubi.
60 The exclusive potion of Fortify Willpower allowed Vyric to recall much, and he managed to reproduce the invocation completely. He wrote it all down in a note that he handed to me.
70 Barubi has been defeated.
75 Using the partial invocation, I banished Barubi back to Oblivion.
80 Using the full invocation, I released Barubi from his bond and sent him back to Oblivion.
85 Using the full invocation, I released Barubi and sent him back to Oblivion. As the chains of the invocation unwound, I learned a powerful new summoning spell.
90 Using the full invocation, I commanded Barubi to serve me instead of Vyric.
100 Finishes quest☑ Vyric thanked me for getting rid of Barubi. He gave me a copy of the book 'Liminal Bridges' as a reward for my help.
200 Finishes quest☑ Vyric is dead.
Advanced Reading (PC_m1_Anv_AdvReadB)
10 I recovered fragment of Barubi's true name: Ubi-Xerhega.
20 I recovered a significant part of Barubi's true name: Rhandibbar Ubi-Xerhega.
30 I recovered Barubi's true name: Rhandibbar Ubi-Xerhega Iphendomnk.
40 Daia warned me that, while it seems I have Barubi under control for the time being, she is not sure whether the bond will remain stable now that the incantory neonymic has been used a second time.
50 Barubi broke free of the bonds that bound him to me, and attacked me in a rage.
100 I managed to destroy the furious Guardian.