Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Brennan Bluffs

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The southern road to Sutch
The southeastern road to Sutch
The settlement of Salthearth
Map of Brennan Bluffs
Brennan Bluffs Weather Table
Clear 65% Thunder 5%
Cloudy 20% Foggy 0%
Ash 0% Blight 0%
Overcast 5% Rain 5%
Snow 0% Blizzard 0%
"The Brennan Bluffs are a range of hills along Cyrodiil's far western border with Hammerfell Province. The Bluffs are more arid than the Strident Coast, and most of the region lies within the Kingdom of Sutch. Lake Oloman, a large salt lake at the head of Soetar Gorge, allows shallow-draft vessels access to the interior of the region and the city of Sutch itself from its forward port of Seppaki on the Abecean Sea. The mining town of Thyra lies further inland, east of the ruined fortress of Isvorhal." — The savant Wolli Antipodine on the Brennan Bluffs.

The Brennan Bluffs are an arid, rocky region of northwestern Colovia that stretches from the Strident Coast to the Brena River. Though it mostly falls within Cyrodiil, a small portion of it lies across the border within the territory of Hammerfell. Within Cyrodiil, this region comprises the entirety of the Kingdom of Sutch's territory.

Currently, only a small portion of the region is visitable in-game.

Brennan Bluffs Places[edit]

Cities & Towns[edit]

Other Settlements[edit]

  • Salthearth — The estate of the Ivrol dynasty.






  • Brena River — A river that runs along the border of southern Hammerfell and western Colovia.

Other Locations[edit]

Ayleid Ruins[edit]


Colovian Barrows[edit]

Cyrodiilic Crypts[edit]


Related Quests[edit]

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Cyrodiil Fighters Guild[edit]

Order of Itinerant Priests[edit]


Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Jorin Male Redguard Enforcer 5 69 68 90 85 Wayshrine of Arkay Only appears during Changing Seasons
Becomes non-hostile if calmed and spoken with
Linus Celata Male Imperial Enforcer 4 54 86 90 85
Ortis Male Nord Enforcer 4 64 66 90 85
Rue Vaneria Female Imperial Scout 16 159 112 0 30 On the road east of Garlas Malatar Target of the quest Bounty: Rue Vaneria
Lentivus Orien Male Imperial Hunter 12 98 98 90 30 WIlderness east of Salthearth
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