Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Echo

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Echo (PC_m1_EchoMerchant)
Location Stirk Isle, [-139,-54]
Species Dolphin Soul Lesser (60)
Level 5 Type Waterdwellers
  • 3-10pts melee
Gold 5000 Mercantile Creature (0)
Buys Armor, Ingredients, Lights, Miscellaneous, Magic Items
Other Information
Health 60 Magicka 35
Alarm 0 Fight 40

Echo is a friendly and vocal dolphin found swimming between three small islands to the southwest of Duskwatch Keep on Stirk Isle. The cetacean has a range of pearls and other items for sale, and a considerable purse of gold with which to buy your items.


  • Background: "Kakatee! Eeeka tak tak tak! %Name trades for shinies! Click-click-click!"
  • Greeting: "'Click-click-click! Click-click-click! Shiny things for %Name?"