Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Vintage Isquel

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'Acquire' a rare bottle of isquel for the guild.
Quest Giver: Caspus Quillan
Location(s): Duskwatch Keep
Next Quest: Alessian Bronze Boots (quest)
Reward: 300 gold
Disposition: +10 (Caspus Quillan)
Reputation Gain: +5 (Cyrodiil Thieves Guild)
ID: PC_m1_TG_Cha1
Prove your worth by finding a bottle of isquel.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak with Caspus Quillan in Duskwatch Keep about jobs and isquel.
  2. (Optional) Speak with Charles, Vandelenwe, and Cassanda about where you can find a bottle of isquel.
  3. Go to Villina Telvor's manor in Charach and steal their bottle of isquel OR obtain the isquel from elsewhere.
  4. Return the isquel to Caspus Quillan.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

A Simple Job[edit]

To start the quest, speak with Caspus Quillan in Duskwatch Keep about jobs. As this is your first job with his outfit, he'd like to test your skills with something simple: acquire a bottle of rare Altmeri isquel. He'll explain that he knows a bottle can be found in Villina Telvor's manor in Charach, but that your fellow guildmates, Charles and Vandelenwe, and the guild's informant, Cassanda, may know where other bottles could be found. Both Charles and Vandelenwe can provide information about the drink, though only Charles will have an alternate lead on were a bottle can be found; he'll tell you Anvil is your best bet for finding a bottle, though he doesn't have any specifics. Cassanda, ironically, doesn't have any information for you regarding isquel.

'Acquiring' the Isquel[edit]

From here you have two possible paths: break into the Telvor manor's kitchen and steal their bottle of isquel or head to Anvil in search of any isquel they might have.

The first path will prove the easier, with a slight complication. Telvor manor can be found on the southeastern side of Charach, on the edge of the town. After entering, the kitchen can be found by entering the either the left or right door and then continuing to the door to the south of either room. Enter that door to find yourself in a short hallway with a stairway leading down; the locked (25) door to the kitchen is located at the bottom of those stairs, to the right. The isquel can be found inside a locked (25) hutch alongside a note from Villina to her mother, Astoria. The note explains that Astoria takes the isquel as a medicine of sorts to help clear her head. You can just take the isquel and return to Caspus, though, if you're not inclined towards harming helpless old ladies, you could instead follow up on Charles' lead instead.

The second path is more open ended than the first. Though Charles suspects you can find a bottle of isquel in Anvil, he doesn't know exactly where it might be found. Lucky for you, Charles is correct in his hunch that a bottle can be found in Anvil. A whopping twelve bottles can be found across the city: three in the lower hold of the Corcaran Aster, three in the tower of Thimistrel Manor, two on the lower floors of the Abecean Trading Company's offices and another on their upper balcony, and one in the main room of The Abecette while both Alona and Quanendil carry a bottle on their person. The easiest is probably the bottle on the upper balcony of the Abecean Trading Company's offices; the door to the balcony is unlocked, the bottle is unguarded, and you're high enough up that you shouldn't be spotted taking the bottle.

Return to Caspus[edit]

Once you've acquired the isquel, return to Caspus for your reward. He'll give you 300 gold for bringing him the bottle, regardless of where you acquired it.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Vintage Isquel (PC_m1_TG_Cha1)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Caspus Quillan in Duskwatch Keep asked me to get him a bottle of isquel. He told me Villina Telvor's manor in Charach should have one.
100 Finishes quest☑ Caspus thanked me for getting him the bottle of isquel and paid me well for it.