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Rare Curios
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Skyrim:Corkbulb Root

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Corkbulb Root
Corkbulb Root
Added by Rare Curios
Value 30 Weight 0.1
Alchemy Effects
1st Paralysis Paralysis (2×Duration,2.14×Value)
2nd Restore Health Restore Health (1.2×Magnitude,1.22×Value)
3rd Resist Shock Resist Shock (1.33×Magnitude,1.36×Value)
4th Fortify Marksman Fortify Marksman (1.25×Magnitude,1.27×Value)

Corkbulb Root is an ingredient added by the Rare Curios Creation. It can be purchased from Khajiit caravans.

This ingredient can also be used to fashion corkbulb arrows and bolts.

A Corkbulb Root


3 Effects[edit]

Desired Effect Combine with:
Paralysis Paralysis Resist Shock Resist Shock Restore Health Restore Health Swamp Fungal Pod

2 Effects[edit]

Desired Effect Combine with:
Fortify Marksman Fortify Marksman Paralysis Paralysis Canis Root
Paralysis Paralysis Restore Health Restore Health Imp Stool (0.6×Magnitude,0.57×Value)
Resist Shock Resist Shock Restore Health Restore Health Ash Hopper JellyDB, Blue Dartwing

1 Effect[edit]

Desired Effect Combine with:
Paralysis Paralysis Aster Bloom CoreCC (1.5×Duration,1.56×Value), Briar Heart, Daedra SilkCC (1.5×Duration,1.56×Value), Daedra VeninCC (1.5×Duration,1.56×Value), Fire PetalCC (1.5×Duration,1.56×Value), GleamblossomDG, Gold KanetCC (1.5×Duration,1.56×Value), Hackle-Lo LeafCC (1.5×Duration,1.56×Value), Human Flesh, Imp Stool, Netch JellyDB, Purple Butterfly WingCC, Rot ScaleCC, Scrib JerkyCC (1.5×Duration,1.56×Value), Thorn HookCC
Restore Health Restore Health AmbrosiaCC (1.2×Magnitude,1.22×Value), Blisterwort (0.6×Magnitude,0.57×Value), Blue Mountain Flower, Butterfly Wing, Charred Skeever Hide, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Felsaad Tern FeathersDB, Flame StalkCC (1.2×Magnitude,1.22×Value), Heart of OrderCC (1.2×Magnitude,1.22×Value), MarshmerrowCC, Rock Warbler Egg, SaltriceCC (1.2×Magnitude, SpadefishCC, 1.22×Value), Void EssenceCC (1.2×Magnitude,1.22×Value), Wheat
Resist Shock Resist Shock Glow Dust, Glowing Mushroom, Hawk Beak, Kagouti HideCC (1.33×Magnitude,1.36×Value), Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Snowberries
Fortify Marksman Fortify Marksman Elves Ear, Juniper Berries, Spider Egg
