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Skyrim:Ward (spells)

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SR-icon-spell-Ward.png Lesser Ward
School Restoration Difficulty Novice
Type Defensive Casting Concentration
Delivery Self Equip Either Hand
Spell ID 00013018 Editor ID WardLesser
Base Cost 34/sec Charge Time 0
Magnitude 40 Area 0
Tome ID 0009e2ae Tome Value 45
Appears in random loot at level 1+
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Increases armor rating by <mag> points and negates up to <mag> points of spell damage or effects.



  • Ward Absorb, causes your magicka to recharge when hit by spells while using Wards.
SR-icon-spell-Ward.png Steadfast Ward
School Restoration Difficulty Apprentice
Type Defensive Casting Concentration
Delivery Self Equip Either Hand
Spell ID 000211f1 Editor ID WardSteadfast
Base Cost 58/sec Charge Time 0
Magnitude 60 Area 0
Tome ID 000a2720 Tome Value 92
Appears in random loot at level 10+
Purchase from

SR-icon-spell-Ward.png Greater Ward
School Restoration Difficulty Adept
Type Defensive Casting Concentration
Delivery Self Equip Either Hand
Spell ID 000211f0 Editor ID WardGreater
Base Cost 86/sec Charge Time 0
Magnitude 80 Area 0
Tome ID 000a2722 Tome Value 341
Appears in random loot at level 23+
Purchase from (Restoration lvl 40+)