Skyrim Mod:Classic Dialogue Menu

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Classic Dialogue Menu
Original Release June 27, 2024
Size 23.56 KB (PC) / 23.57 KB (Xbox)
Version 1.00
Filename ftadialoguemenu.esl
PC (Special Edition) Available from
Xbox One Available from
Classic Dialogue Menu banner

Official Description[edit]

Classic Dialogue Menu brings the nostalgic and immersive dialogue experience of older Bethesda games to the world of Skyrim. This Creation completely overhauls Skyrim's dialogue menu, replacing it with a visually and functionally similar interface to that of previous Bethesda titles. Embrace the familiar look and feel of the wasteland as you interact with the inhabitants of Tamriel, making every conversation feel like a step back into the Capital Wasteland.


  • Load Order Neutral
  • Miscellaneous
  • UI