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Skyrim Mod:Mod File Format/MUST

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MUST records contain data regarding individual music "tracks". Tracks usually consist of a single .wav but can have more than one along with conditional data.

There are also a handful of records that have the same functionality as MUSC, namely they are themselves a collection of MUST and not a single track. These have the SNAM field and usually "Palette" in their EDID, no ANAM and were probably created prior to (or in spite of) the MUSC type. Either an ANAM or an SNAM field are required.

C SubRecord Name Type/Size Info
+ EDID editorId zstring Editor id
+ CNAM trackType uint32 4 byte type identifier
0x6ED7E048 - single track
0xA1A9C4D5 - silent track
0x23F678C3 - palette
- FLTV duration float duration in seconds (only for silent tracks or palette tracks)
- DNAM fadeOut float fade-out in seconds (appears in palette tracks only)
- ANAM a track zstring path to .wav
- BNAM b track zstring path to .wav
- FNAM Cue Points float[] arbitrary number of floating point values giving the cue points (in seconds)
- SNAM tracks formid[] Array of MUST, total count arbitrary - probably pre-MUSC collections

Form IDs of value zero are used to separate layers. (0x00000000 is no valid form ID anyway.)

- LNAM loop data struct 12-byte struct
float Loop Begins (seconds)
float Loop Ends (seconds)
uint32 Loop Count
- CITC condition count uint32 condition count
* CTDA condition data CTDA conditions