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Skyrim talk:Serana/Archive 6

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This is an archive of past Skyrim talk:Serana discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

The "Come with me" bug

I believe the "Come with me" option will disappear IF you enter Volkihar Undercroft from Exterior (Skyrim) during the quest Chasing Echoes. Though I am not sure this is the only cause of the bug. But it is certainly one of the cause. If you dismiss her after finishing the main quests and enter Volkihar Undercroft, she might also had the bug to suddenly appear and join you as a follower in there.

I had to revert to previous save to have her following me when I found out the option was gone during the main quests. But after finishing the main quests of Dawnguard, the option will be there if you ask her to wait. It somehow get fixed on its own. But In my case I forgot to access the Castle Volkihar Balcony to get the fast travel to Valerica's Study after finishing the main quests. So I had to re-enter Volkihar Undercroft from exterior (I wanted to get her mother Valerica back from Soul Cairn). The bug happened and I could no longer have her following me if I asked her to wait or if I dismissed her.

To fix my problem, I had to revert to previous saves. The ONLY way to work that I know of is to replay the game before meeting Vyrthur during the quest Touching the Sky i.e. before entering the chamber where he is located. Any save file before that should work. I reloaded a save file, re-entered Volkihar Undercroft to access the fast travel (balcony), then resumed the Touching the Sky quest. After finishing the main quests, "Come with me" bug is no longer there.

In my case, the bug was already there during Touching the Sky, I just avoided asking her to wait. If you don't enter Volkihar Undercroft during that period (from meeting Vyrthur to finishing all main quests), the bug can be avoided. Not sure how exactly the bug get to be fixed during that period.

After finishing the main quests, you can access Valerica's study from the balcony fast travel, you can access the courtyard from Volkihar ruins, you can even access Volkihar Undercroft from the courtyard, without the bug happens again. Just DON'T enter Volkihar Undercroft from exterior. Hope it helps. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 12:42 on 1 December 2012‎

[UPDATE]the console command: "Setpqv DLC1NPCMentalModel Lockedin_var False" will reactivate the "come with me" dialog and allow Serana to again follow you.
What helped me was I just reloaded to the last save and just didn't have her wait again! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:01 on 24 February 2013
The suggestion above from Rogue Torino using console commands works and has been confirmed. Thanks! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:21 on 10 April 2013‎
I'm an Xbox 360 user, so I can't use the console command fix. I could confirm what is mentioned here about the Volkihar Undercroft generating the bug when entering it from exterior. I also found that the only way to fix it is reloading a previous save. I just thought I'd comment on my findings when the bug IS active, in case it can help people that is just too far away already or does not have a previous save:
If the bug is already active and you have told Serana to wait or parted ways with her, you do not have the option to get her to join you again normally. What I found is a way to get her as a follower again without asking, by using the bug itself. To do this just do the following:
1- Tell Serana you want to part ways with her.
2- Go somewhere far away, like Whiterun, and wait for the Volkihar Undercroft to reset (for me 10 days worked).
3- Go back to the Volkihar Undercroft, entering it from exterior. In my case this made Serana reappear there as my follower, together with all other mobs being back there and she kept following me normally from there. It's important that the Undercroft has reset, if it hasn't yet she will not respawn there.
With this you can get Serana back, though the bug will still be active. This means if you tell her to wait or you part ways with her, you'll have to repeat steps 1 to 3 to get her back.
It's not a full fix but, as a "compensation", it has an interesting side effect, similar to what is mentioned in Serana's main page: If during Step 3 you already have a follower with you, you will still keep them and add Serana to the team as an additional follower. I tried this several times and it worked every time (in my case the Dawnguard quest line was already completed during these tests).
Hope it helps and also works for everybody else with this problem! 20:58, 31 May 2013 (GMT)

Serana's spell

I'm not sure if she really has Raise Zombie, Reanimate Corpse or Revenant. I mean, yes, she can raise dead, but removespell 7e8e1, 65bd7 or 96d94 will all say that particular spell not found in her. I even tried Dread Zombie 96d95 and Dead Thrall 7e8df. 23:31, 28 December 2012 (GMT)

She may using the Vampire's Servant power, which is either ed0a4, ed0a5, ed0a6, or ed0a7, depending on the stage of Vampirism. -- Jimbo talk 18:13, 26 June 2013 (GMT)
She is using the one-handed version of the said spells. These spells are normally unavailable to players. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:42 on 8 July 2013‎
Where can those spell IDs be found? when I click on the links for "Raise Zombie" etc. on the pages for Serana and ordinary vampires it goes to the normal list of reanimate spells, which only give the IDs for the spells the player uses. Bookwyrm1357 (talk) 20:46, 16 August 2013 (GMT)
Her spells include:
  • Ice Spike - EditorID: DLC1RaiseZombieRightHand - FormID: 000C969C
  • Drain Life - EditorID: DLC1SeranaDrain02 - FormID: xx011F32
  • Raise Zombie - EditorID: IceSpikeRightHand - FormID: xx011F35
The xx in the form ID depends on load order of mods, so it varies- coule be 02, 03, 04, etc. Hope that helps! — ABCface 22:29, 16 August 2013 (GMT)
You are awesome! This worked like a charm! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 06:43 on 22 March 2014 (GMT)

Serana won't change into any armor I give her?

I'm playing on an xbox 360 and have given her Royal Vampire armor. I know she can change armor, right? She puts on helmets I give her (light or heavy) but she just wont wear the armor. Does anyone know why?

Idk if this will help but I'll give any other information I know. She can change her weapons and what not. Just not into that damn armor. Or any armor for that matter (I've given her enchanted armor to hold it was steel armor with a destruction perk and yet she wouldn't put it on.)

She'll also put on enchanted jewelry I give her, but no armor. Is this a glitch? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 11:38 on 14 February 2013‎

no its not a glitch she only wears (as far as i know) light armor class
also... you know the default armor shes wearing anyway is the royal vampire armor
shes not going to change into something shes already wearing :P (simple mistake its all good)--RollingRhino (talk) 11:39, 14 February 2013 (GMT)
Her default armour is Vampire Royal Armor. If you temper the armor, then you can give her a new suit of Vampire Royal and she will equip it. It won't affect her appearance but it will improve her armor rating. She will also equip other armor types as long as they have a better armor rating than her Vampire Royal. --Morrolan (talk) 16:27, 2 March 2013 (GMT)
I got her to wear ebony armor, which I had enchanted with magic regen and destruction. I've had no problem with light armors, as long as they have good enough armor rating. She also seems to favor hooded thalmor robes for some reason. -- 17:51, 4 May 2013 (GMT)
I don't think that tempering registers with followers. I gave Serana Vampire Royal Armor (Legendary), but she didn't equip it. When I did a showinventory on here, her standard armor and the legendary armor both show up simply as Vampire Royal Armor with the same item code, so she can't see the difference to equip the better one. -- Jimbo talk 18:42, 26 June 2013 (GMT)

Encountered Bug

I've encountered the bug: "Unlike other followers, the option "I need you to do something." does not appear while conversing with her as a follower. You will need to press and hold E or A in order to issue commands to pick up, sleep, attack, etc." On PC with patch 1.9. Doing quest Touching the Sky. I'll check if the option comes up after this quest. Eldubya (talk) 16:42, 5 June 2013 (GMT)

I have used Serana as a follower all through the Dawnguard quests and for a while afterwards, and she has never had the "I need you to do something" dialog option. I just assumed that as part of her being an independent NPC they didn't put that in her dialog. It fits with her personality that she wouldn't let you tell her what to do. -- Jimbo talk 18:51, 26 June 2013 (GMT)

Serena fighting other follower (Mjoll in my case)

I have Mjoll as a follower and finished the Awakening quest. At this point Serena started following me and I must admit I do not bother having both following me.

Sometimes it happens that Mjoll and Serena end up fighting each other (Usually after a fight and I assume that one of them was hit by friendly fire during that fight). As both are essential, this cat fight could last forever causing me to have to revert to the last save point. My calm spell fails on both Mjoll and Serena.

Anybody else has experienced this? Is there another way stopping them bitching about than reverting back to an older save? Vanis (talk) 20:46, 23 June 2013 (GMT)

If you play on PC, there are a variety of console commands, such as setav aggression, or disable followed by enable that may work. --Xyzzy Talk 00:51, 30 June 2013 (GMT)
I play on PS3, and have experienced this often, I found that going through a door and/or fast traveling fixes this (though I was also experiencing the bug where Serana cannot be hit at the time, so it was just the Dark Brotherhood Initiate trying to fight Serana). more recently, after the "invincible" bug resolved itself, I was able to use a calm spell to stop a three-way fight between Serana, Dark Brotherhood Initiate, and Shadowmere. However I was using the "Pacify" spell with the Ilusion Dual Casting, Animage, Kindred Mage, and Master of the Mind perks, since at this time Serana was undead and level 50, Shadowmwere was level 50 and the Dark Brotherhood Initiate was the same level as mine (~54 or so). However, with the Master of the Mind perk needed for Ilusion spells to work on Serana, and dual casting and other perks needed to increase the level cap of the spell, this fix is probably only for master-level Ilusionists. Also, even after the calm spell wore off, none of my party started fighting again. I would also recommend using Voice of the Emperor if you are an Imperial(race) and your horse and/or animal followere are not involved in the fight.Bookwyrm1357 (talk) 20:34, 4 July 2013 (GMT)

Serana not wearing improved armor - moved from article

*Despite having a higher armor value, Serana will not equip improved Vampire Royal Armor.

I was going to remove this from the article since it is just another version of the odd way followers select which armor to wear. However, I know I've seen this discussed on various talk pages, but couldn't find anything under Followers or Armor. Does anybody know if this is detailed somewhere? --Xyzzy Talk 16:54, 29 June 2013 (GMT)

Did you find anything on this on the talk page? I've been experimenting with Serana's armor and she just doesn't make sense. She's different from any other follower. As a perfect example, improve any version of Vampire Armor you care to and then giving her the choice of that or the Savior's Hide. MOST of the time she will wear the Savior's hide which has a lower armor class. So she is also counting the enchantments, but in a very odd way. BTW, she's a class act fox wearing the SH. Sniffles (talk) 11:06, 30 September 2013 (GMT)
Savior's Hide has a base armor value of 26. Vampire Armor has a base armor value of 25. Most of the time followers will equip the item with the highest base armor value. However, what I find surprising is that she will equip tempered Savior's Hide in preference to her default Vampire Royal, which has a base armor value of 30. She'll also equip tempered Fur & Forsworn Armor, base 23 and 26 respectively. --Morrolan (talk) 13:43, 30 September 2013 (GMT)
Exactly. She's weird. Sniffles (talk) 05:20, 1 October 2013 (GMT)
Check out this discussion, where people had discovered a damage cap for equipped bows and arrows that followers won't exceed. Maybe there is a similar effect here, where some or all followers won't equip armor combinations that exceeds some value. --Xyzzy Talk 05:34, 1 October 2013 (GMT)

() I strongly believe you hit on it. I added a comment to that talk page. All tests I have done bear out what I posted. Sniffles (talk) 00:30, 2 October 2013 (GMT)

PS I think I just had a little revelation to add to this. Followers are going to do X damage and receive Y benefits from armor, regardless of what the weapon or armor is. With armor they choose what most closely represents what protections they have and with weapons, what is nearest to what damage they do. There may be a simple modifier allowed into the calculations but the game is obviously not taking into account all the variables the player can toss in. As a perfect example, yesterday, Mjoll level way up there armed with some monster 2 handed weapon takes 3 hits to kill a bear. Of course. She is at a fixed maximum.Sniffles (talk) 00:46, 2 October 2013 (GMT)
No, Serana will equip a full suit of Dragonscale no problem, i.e. the max armor value she can equip. What's surprising with her is that she seems to react to tempering, i.e. she will take into account the tempering of armor when deciding what to wear. Most followers don't. She won't equip untempered Savior's Hide etc. in preference to her Vampire Royal, it has to be tempered. --Morrolan (talk) 01:25, 2 October 2013 (GMT)
Agreed. What this appears to be is the add-ons cater to certain specific characters. Most likely the programmers needs additional flexibility in some aspects of the NPC AI to take advantage of the extras the add-on supplies. I think one pretty clear example of this would be Frea and her unlimited leveling. The programmers were trying to take something into account. That would also explain Frea being entirely removed from the game if she is forced to wait by a quest outside certain dungeons. The game makes a check, finds she doesn't fit certain parameters and removes her. With Serana they gave her a lot of little tweaks. Her AI is more active. She also has to part and rejoin the PC repeatedly and automatically which to my knowledge the game doesn't accommodate with other NPCs except Karliah and her and that entire sequence of quests can be very buggy. — Unsigned comment by ‎ Sniffles (talkcontribs) at 03:33 on 2 October 2013
I think the explanation is probably simpler than that in this case. Serana's Vampire Royal armor has a quite high base armor value compared to the default armor of most light armor NPCs; actually she's higher than all other followers in the base game or Dawnguard. Durak is second-highest out of light armor followers with a 29 Dawnguard cuirass, and Jenassa is the highest of the Skyrim light armor followers with 26 leather armor. (About half of the light armor followers are equipped with iron or steel armor, and thus will equip anything, even hide, so long as it's light armor. A few more don't get armor.) So they coded her to pay attention to tempering because otherwise a lot of armor types would be forbidden to her, including things a lot of people might give her like Shrouded. --Morrolan (talk) 04:48, 2 October 2013 (GMT)
Well, a simple solution came my way today. I found an Ebony and a Stalhrim War Axe which I gave to Serana. Both are same damage. She chose the Stalhrim to swing. I then gave the Ebony one a 25 damage enchantment. She switched to the Ebony. I then gave the Stalhrim a 25 damage enchantment. (All cold damage so far) She switched back to it. I reloaded and gave the Ebony a 25 damage enchantment plus a paralyze 5 seconds and the Stalhrim a 25 damage Cold and 25 damage fire. She chose the Stalhrim. She counts enchantments in her calculations. I then made the Ebony Legendary. She didn't switch back. The damage apparently was capped. I would assume the armor is the same way. Sniffles (talk) 11:56, 2 October 2013 (GMT)

() All followers count enchantments in their weapon selections. They do not count weapon tempering, and will prefer an untempered daedric weapon to a legendary steel weapon that does twice its damage. However, if you take the untempered weapon away from them, they will equip the legendary steel weapon without any problems. There's no cap. Anyway, armor isn't selected in the same way. An ebony war axe has a base damage of 15, with a critical damage of 7. A stalhrim war axe has the same base damage, but 8 critical damage. So a follower will prefer the stalhrim war axe normally. --Morrolan (talk) 13:38, 2 October 2013 (GMT)

Serana was invisible

That happened to me just now at Fort Frostmoth, around the locked wooden door leading to the quest target, she just became invisible, I could fully interact with her tough.
She did not have any invisibility potion on her, bringing her down to 1 health point (essential NPC cannot die) did not help either. Aura Whisper indicated her presence nearby properly.
What I believe helped was: I quick-saved a game, loaded a previous save where she appeared normally and then quick-loaded a game, it could be model/texture related bug.
I did not place that under Serana's Bugs as a single occurence cannot officially be classified as a bug. I wrote this info for anyone else who ever experiences similar thing, if you do, write a comment below this message. --HellRider (talk) 17:24, 3 July 2013 (GMT)

I just had Serana disappear as well. The only thing I think could have caused it was an AoE effect. I had just killed a skeleton with Dawnbreaker and turned around to see her invisible. I could find her easily due to dawnbreaker's effect on undead. I'll do further testing to be sure. Also, she is a quest follower since I haven't delved into Dawnguard and she is unable to be hit. CorruptAngel920 (talk) 03:37, 8 July 2013 (GMT)
Dawnbreaker's explosion makes undead and vampires flee if they survive it. Vampires normally cast invisibility on themselves when they flee and this includes Serana. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:14 on 27 October 2013‎
That's actually a very likely reason for this. I will add a note to the article with a vn tag pointing to this discussion. --Xyzzy Talk 14:25, 27 October 2013 (GMT)
I seem to have recreated her invisibility by accident. Serana disappeared when accidentally struck with the dawnbreaker's effect. It was during one of the quests where Serana NEEDS to be with you. It's like she reverts to default vampire scripting. The invisibility shows she wants to run as if she was a low health vampire but stays a follower because of the active quest. When she isn't a follower, the invisibility isn't recreatable since she turns hostile and fights until she is in the bleed-out phase. The invisibility however, appears randomly and is probably due to vampire scripting as stated above.CorruptAngel920 (talk) 17:32, 30 January 2014 (GMT)

I can confirm this. In my current play through I dual-wield dawn breaker (displacement glitch) but whenever I cause the effect she does one of two things. She either gets the regular effect and becomes translucent, or she becomes fully transparent. Oddly enough she doesn't really "run" though. Which considering her follower status and my build is a good thing (Anon)

Sound glitch with stahlrim dagger - moved from Glitches article

On Xbox With Serana, Dawnguard, as a follower give her a Stalhrim Dagger , from Dragonborn. Whenever she unsheathes it the sound will loop for about 5 seconds.

I moved this here from the Glitches article, as it is more appropriate on Serana's page. People playing Skyrim will often experience loading/lag issues due to system performance, among other factors. If someone can verify that this is a unique, recurring bug for Serana, we can add it to her article. --Xyzzy Talk 15:47, 4 July 2013 (GMT)

Serana prefers lower-class helmet (bug?)

Serana is my follower and like most of us, I presume, I use her to carry heavy or otherwise valuable items, including all kinds of apparel.
Despite her having the primary skill Light Armor and the perk Custom Fit she chooses heavy Ebony Helmet (44 armor rating) over light Dragonscale Helmet (Legendary) (159 armor rating).
As you can see on the photo (click) she keeps other parts of Dragonscale armor on but refuses to keep the matching set helmet on, lowering her overall armor rating and losing the benefits of the Custom Fit perk. Do you think it's a bug? -- HellRider (talk) 20:34, 4 July 2013 (GMT)

Probably another of the nearly infinite iterations of the glitched way that followers select which weapon or armor to equip. If the unimproved rating of the dragonscale helmet is lower than the unimproved rating of the ebony helmet, independent of perks, skills, etc, followers will stupidly wear the ebony helmet. So, yes, it's a bug, but not a new one. --Xyzzy Talk 22:29, 4 July 2013 (GMT)
Oh so the followers don't pay attention to the item improvements, I get it, thanks Xyzzy.
Well I just used player.additem to create a clean Dragonscale Helmet and I made Serana pick it up, while it was in her own inventory it showed armor rating 91 (basic item), still more than Ebony Helmet, possible another glitch? -- HellRider (talk) 22:41, 4 July 2013 (GMT)
I wouldn't call it a new glitch, since the reasons appear to be more complex than I'm willing or able to state here. I saw a detailed discussion somewhere once, but can't remember where it was. Let's just suffice to say that followers are really bad at selecting equipment to use until we can find some more exact reasons. If someone wants to explore this more thoroughly, the Followers talk page would probably be the best place, since I'm 99% sure that this can occur with any follower, not just Serana. --Xyzzy Talk 23:09, 4 July 2013 (GMT)
Okay I get it, thanks for your input :) -- HellRider (talk) 23:11, 4 July 2013 (GMT)

What is her rank of Hack and Slash?

I mean, I would guess it's probably rank 1, but Hack and Slash is a ranked perk and it should be given in her infobox. --Morrolan (talk) 20:34, 15 July 2013 (GMT)

It's rank 1, as the ID used for her is 3fffa, which corresponds to rank 1. --Xyzzy Talk 06:14, 16 July 2013 (GMT)

Invisibility spell

I gave lydia a sword with fear effect, she hit serana and she became invisible! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 01:53 on 18 July 2013

See "Serana was Invisible" above. Bookwyrm1357 (talk) 07:06, 13 December 2013 (GMT)

Serana's Elder Scroll On Her Back

Is it a clothing item? Dragon Guard (talk) 16:36, 19 July 2013 (GMT)

Just looked, it is in fact an arrow (ammo) by the ID: "DLC1ElderScrollBack", and is just called "Elder Scroll" and the BaseID is "201A958". — Unsigned comment by Fahlberg (talkcontribs) at 00:27 on 8 August 2013

Serana travelling after completing Dawnguard storyline

At the end of "Kindred Judgement" I traveled to Fort Dawnguard and dismissed her from following me. She was there later every time I visited. However, one time I've met her near Whiterun, at Talos' shrine that is south from Shimmermist cave. She was going west by the river, passed the bridge and turned south, where the roadsign said "Riften, Windhelm, Ivarstead, Winterhold". Judging by that, she was probably going to Fort Dawnguard, but where from?

Her mother was informed of Harkon's death and moved back into castle. Could she possibly be visiting her? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:33 on 12 August 2013

Yes, it's possible. She seems to appear randomly around Skyrim after you dismiss her. I came across her near Riverside Shack. I don't think she actually "travels" purposefully around the map, but rather randomly spawns near you. The odds of encountering her by accident as the two of you roam Skyrim seems pretty remote. --Xyzzy Talk 05:42, 17 August 2013 (GMT)
How exactly is this done? Been sifting through (seemingly) relevant scripts, quests, AI packages and other things but haven't found anything. Any leads? -- 17:42, 16 October 2013 (GMT)
My skills with the CK are pretty weak, so if you really want to know for the purpose of improving this article, I would ask on the Creation Kit Information Requests page. --Xyzzy Talk 03:56, 17 October 2013 (GMT)

Serana's Leveled Spells

Serana does not use Ice Storm as a leveled spell as indicated on her UESP page, she uses Icy Spear. I gave Eola a Staff of Icy Spears, and it does the same damage as Serana's Icy Spear. Also she seems to keep her lightning bolt spell but uses Chain Lightning as well. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:23 on 17 August 2013

I have never seen her use Ice Storm, which is a very noticeable area effect spell. --Morrolan (talk) 17:49, 20 August 2013 (GMT)
She does learn the spell Ice Storm(DG014cc6), confirmed by console, however she will never use this spell at all. Console her with "addspell bb96a" is a temporary fix to this issue.Penuser (talk) 15:00, 4 September 2013 (GMT)
Unfortunately, there are a number of instances like this with NPCs who have the ability to use spells, but don't necessarily actually use them in-game. It's not unique to Serana or this spell. — ABCface 14:10, 5 September 2013 (GMT)

Serana's human eyes

They don't look green to me. They look yellow. Am I colourblind or something? Anyway. It would be good also if someone took a screenshot of human Serana for the info page. --Morrolan (talk) 00:55, 20 August 2013 (GMT)

I've never cured her in my playthroughs, so I'm not sure of the color, but I added a {{Needsimage}} tag to the page, so hopefully someone will come along and add the requested image in the near future. — ABCface 01:20, 20 August 2013 (GMT)
Done. Had to zoom the picture for clarity. She does have green irises, but her sclera looks yellowish to me. —<({Quill-Tail>> 13:58, 24 August 2013 (GMT)
Looking through the Creation Kit, her human eyes are actually blue. What makes them seem green, is the same thing that makes her sclera look yellowish, and really, affects her entire face See comparison. There seems to be some hard coded yellow shader at work for the skin of any character that has vampire eyes. Believe it or not, the only thing changed between the left & right is the eye type, found in the character's Base Head Part section. Digital Utopia (talk) 09:47, 22 January 2014 (GMT)

Serana not leaving Falion's House?

I talked Serana into curing herself while we were in Morthal, just as Falion was walking out to the Summoning Circle in the marsh. She followed him for a bit, but did not enter the circle (Falion had stepped behind a pillar, and was out of her LOS - not sure if that's the/an issue).

When Falion walked back to Morthal, she began following him again, but stopped at Lami's house (on the porch) till dawn, then walked down to Falion's house and entered.

I followed her in (to see if there was any dialog) but all she has done is wander around the house, sitting here and there, stirring the pot, eating and drinking, working the enchanting altar, and sweeping the floor. She's still a Vampire (confirmed with Detect Dead), and when Falion left at about 2AM, she stayed in the house.

Does she not actually do the "cure ritual"? How long will she stay there before being "cured" and heading back to Ft DG? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:47 on 5 October 2013

There are no reports of her actually doing the ritual. Usually she shows up at Fort Dawnguard about 2-3 days after saying she's gone to Morthal. However I've never followed her during that time so I don't know what she actually does. If you want to follow her and report back as to what she does precisely, that would be interesting. --Morrolan (talk) 17:56, 5 October 2013 (GMT)
Same for me. I followed her once when she went to go get cured and all she did was go to Falion's house (where Falion was at the time) and stood there until I left. I don't think they actually went to the bother of having her partake in the ritual. --Jimeee (talk) 19:39, 5 October 2013 (GMT)

Serana is trying to kill me!

My sister told me before that if you hit Serana more than 3 times she will attack. I was mining for stone and she joined me. Then I hit her accidently. 3 times. Now she won't leave me alone. I have put away my weapon. I keep equipping it and putting it away and she still won't stop fighting me. Help! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:28 on 7 October 2013‎

The easiest thing to do would be to load a save from before you hit her, but I'm assuming you already tried that. You'll have to get away from her for her to calm down and stop attacking you. Because she is essential, you can attack her until she goes into bleedout, then run away from her until she loses sight of you. After that, you should be able to head back to her and she will no longer be hostile. She may not even leave your service as a follower. I just tested it and it worked fine. --Xyzzy Talk 02:08, 7 October 2013 (GMT)
This is a common problem with followers in general; Serana, because she is essential, is actually slightly easier to deal with because you can beat her up without fear of killing her. There are a few followers who will leave your service permanently if you hit them three times. --Morrolan (talk) 02:25, 7 October 2013 (GMT)
console command "sifh 1" (set ignore friendly hits) when targetting Serana will fix this. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:08 on 30 January 2014‎

Serana missing dialogue trees

Playing on 360. I've just finished the Blackreach portion of the questline and whenever i start dialogue with serana, all i get are the wait here, trade, and seperation dialogue options. The option to ask her about her family, the elder scrolls, and how she became a vampire have disappeared. She is also suffering from the missing come with me dialogue option, could this be a symptom of the glitch? 22:07, 20 November 2013 (GMT)

Idle chatter

Do we know all of her idle chatter? Just went into Proudspire Manor, and she said something about how Solitude was just like she imagined. This was not the first visit, so I wondered if she has a set of idle chatter? Or are there deliberate lines for certain locations? I remember she said something when we first stopped at Lakeview, but not sure what it was. FMPhoenixHawk (talk) 07:23, 17 January 2014 (GMT)

Serana disappeared in solstheim? PS3 version

So Im questing in Solstheim, but fast traveled to lakeview manor and i noticed she was missing. Ive tried every possible bug fix I could find on google and yet shes not reappearing anywhere. Has anybody run into this problem and figured out how to fix it? Or any suggestions on how to find her? Unfortunately the only game save I have where shes still with me contains a bugged filial bonds. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!!! 01:14, 12 February 2014 (GMT)

Edit:: I found her bugged in tel mithryn. She began following me again. Weird, but.i suppose disregard my question. Thanks!!! — Unsigned comment by ‎ (talk) at 01:27 on 12 February 2014

Won't carry new stuff anymore

I play on PS3. She doesn't seem to be willing to carry/trade any new items for me anymore, even when I take other items from her to lighten her load. Any suggestions? Kellynne (talk) 18:40, 13 February 2014 (GMT)

If this is because of the bug "Sometimes when Serana wears her hood outdoors, the game creates a new copy of the hood for her to wear, which will eventually fill up her inventory with a number of identical hoods." Can this be fixed on PS3? Kellynne (talk) 15:32, 17 February 2014 (GMT)

Drain life spell glitch

I play on Xbox360 and occasionally Serana will bug out after killing someone with her life drain, she will not talk to me and she just fires the drain life spell, I've no idea how to fix this, has this happened to anyone else? If so please help me — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:47 on 17 March 2014‎

This is documented under bugs at "Serana may get stuck in combat ...". But despite what that says, in my experience the issue gets cured with the next fight you get in. Anyway, the shout is anotther thing to try. --Alfwyn (talk) 10:27, 17 March 2014 (GMT)

Serana reduces power of vampire lord drain life

When serana is a follower she reduces the power of the vampire lords drain life to like 10% Any way to fix it? On 360 — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:33 on 16 April 2014

It looks like the power reduction is scripted, so there's probably no way to fix it on consoles. See here, from the bugs section:
"While Serana is your follower if you use Vampiric Drain as a Vampire Lord the spell's damage decreases dramatically. This is the result of a condition on the Damage Health effect of the spell; if Serana is following you, the Damage Health effect will be reduced to zero points for all levels of the spell and only the Drain Health, Magicka, and Stamina will take effect." —<({Quill-Tail>> 14:52, 16 April 2014 (GMT)

Serana won't cure her vampirism fixed

I had read in other forum posts that using "Setpqv DLC1NPCMentalModel ToldPlayerSheDidntWantCure_var False" would reset the conversation but this did not work for me.

After digging into the MentalModel of Serana I found some other commands that fixed her.

I used the commands:

Setpqv DLC1NPCMentalModel ToldPlayerSheDidntWantCure_var False ( was false because I had set it. Put it here because it's needed )

Setpqv DLC1NPCMentalModel CutOffCureDiscussion_var False ( was set to true and probably why she wouldn't speak to me about it )

Setpqv DLC1NPCMentalModel LikesPlayerPostQuest_var True ( was false.I wanted her to like my character so she would accept my advice )

Setpqv DLC1NPCMentalModel TalkedPosQuest_var False ( this was true, because we spoke after killing Harkon. I reset it so that her mental model would be exactly how it should be after he died, but with the variables above set to the correct values for her to want to be cured )

Last, I noticed that she was set so that IsDismissed_var = True and IsFollow = False but she was following me because of Amazing Follower Tweaks. I don't know if this was a problem or not but I set them correctly.

Setpqv DLC1NPCMentalModel IsDismissed False

Setpqv DLC1NPCMentalModel IsFollowing True

After I finished with this and I spoke to her she immediately went in to her post Harkon death speech. I accepted her as a follower again and then initiated dialogue and sure enough I was able to speak to her again about curing her disease. She was receptive and I followed through with asking her to remove her vampirism. She was willing and left to go take care of it.

Hope this helps anyone else playing.

Cheers! 20:28, 24 April 2014 (GMT) TITAN

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